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206 XS and RD3 + JBL opt. ...

Invité §adr762fe

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Invité §adr762fe

bonsoir, je suis italien et je ne connais pas les Français. Excusé. Je voudrais savoir si l'achat du paquet AUDIO JBL est valide.

Avis sur la radio RD3?



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Invité §Oui275mo

Bonsoir, je n'ai pas encore pu écouter l'option JBL sur 206 mais il parait qu'elle est plutot réussie et que la qualité est bonne.

En ce qui concerne le RD3 JBL, c'est le même que le RD3 basique avec des niveaux de sorties adaptés.


Si Yoda Nico passe dans le coin, il pourra traduire en Italien, ça sera plus facile :)

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Invité §adr762fe

Merci pour l'information. Ce qui signifie "RD3 basique avec des niveaux de sorties adaptés" ? Le lecteur RD3 est équipé de preamplified des sorties (pour reliez à l'amplificateur de puissance)? Il lit les disques enregistrables (CD-R/ CD-RW)?


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Invité §Oui275mo

oui, les sorties sont adaptées pour être branchées sur l'amplificateur JBL.

Il lit les CD-R et CD-RW.

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Invité §adr762fe

Excusez l'insistance mais êtes vrai preamplified des sorties ou est-ce les marques capturées elles des sorties pour les haut-parleurs?

Un votre opionion sur le subwoofer de JBL option.

Désolé pour le Français ;-(

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Invité §adr762fe

Ok. However they are output preamplified (similar to those RCA). Only the connector is differents.

Approves of me the purchase of KIT JBL?

I have read that sintoCD RD3 does not work well. it is true?


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Invité §Oui275mo

It is a little bit different from aftersale radio preamplified outputs because output level is not standard (generally it is 4V but it is specific for JBL amplfier). Actually, this is not important as long as you don't want to replace RD3 by aftersale radio.


About RD3 single CD, it is a quite good product for an OEM radio. Of course, it is not as good as products from Alpine or other and with a JBL option, you will not get as good sound as you would get with a top-level installation but considering price (something like 400€, isn't it ?) I think it is interisting.

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Invité §adr762fe

Thank you for dettails.

I don't want to open the new car to mount an audio system. Perhaps it is better to acquire the pack.

It will not be economic but the quality will be enough good. It agrees?

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Invité §Oui275mo

I don't know what are your requirements but I'm almost sure that I will not mount any audio system in my next car, too much work and too many cons (heavy, takes room, fear of robbers, ...), I think that I will buy something like this kit but this choice is mine, you have to make your own decision ;)

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Invité §adr762fe

I would have to obtain a clearly better acoustic result regarding the normal system (RD3 with OEM speakers without sub). Do you confirm?

I listen a classic music and jazz.


I attend an answer and then I go to sleep. Thanks of all



Wednesday I will go to order the car:

206 XS 1.4 16V with:

Automatic clima

RD3 + JBL Audio (???????? perhaps)

Color Blue Recife




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Invité §Yot251AI

I would have to obtain a clearly better acoustic result regarding the normal system (RD3 with OEM speakers without sub). Do you confirm?

I listen a classic music and jazz.


I attend an answer and then I go to sleep. Thanks of all



Wednesday I will go to order the car:

206 XS 1.4 16V with:

Automatic clima

RD3 + JBL Audio (???????? perhaps)

Color Blue Recife


Good choice for the car :bien:

But I would drop the JBL system, overall if you are found of classic music. Remove the basic installation & high speakers, prefer better brands according to your wallet of course.

As ouioui said higher, Alpine is a very good brand, & for my part *i use only Focal for speakers...think about it ;)

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Invité §Fri304nW

I would have to obtain a clearly better acoustic result regarding the normal system (RD3 with OEM speakers without sub). Do you confirm?

I listen a classic music and jazz.


I attend an answer and then I go to sleep. Thanks of all



Wednesday I will go to order the car:

206 XS 1.4 16V with:

Automatic clima

RD3 + JBL Audio (???????? perhaps)

Color Blue Recife



I recommand you to take the JBL audio system for your 206... I have it in my own 206 and I think the sound qualitiy is quiet good.


Moreover, think that if you want to improve the quality of the standard RD3 you will have to : remove all basic installation, buy an install a new autoradio with all speakers, subwoofer and ampli, and you will lose some peugeot functionality (specific screen, control near the steering wheel, warranty...). It will also be difficult to find such a small subwoofer, specifically integrated for the 206.


Cheers !

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Invité §adr762fe

I agree how much you have written

Some questions:

1) Works well the subwoofer? It is not too much small respect others systems? It is enough powerful?

2)The low frequency response are correct/good ?

3)You have listened to classic or jazz music on your system? Impressions?

4)With high sounds there are distortions (speakers…) or vibrations ( the doors of car)?

4)You know some data on the amplifier?

5)The amplifier where has put it?

6)Then the audio quality is better regarding the system base (RD3 & OEM Speakers). Impressions...

Excuse for all these questions.

Thank you in advance for your collaborations.


This forum is fantastic. Thanks to all





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Invité §Fri304nW

1) Works well the subwoofer? It is not too much small respect others systems? It is enough powerful? It's not so big in comparaison with a big subwoofer but really sufficient for a 206, and it doesn't use a lot of space.

2)The low frequency response are correct/good ? Good

3)You have listened to classic or jazz music on your system? Impressions? Some jazz music and it's quiet good. I don't know for classic. JBL tweeters are very accurate.

4)With high sounds there are distortions (speakers…) or vibrations ( the doors of car)? I was really surprised the first time I listen music : no distorsions and no vibrations at all. JBL speakers are very good.

4)You know some data on the amplifier? 260W of output power for everything (including subwoofer). It's a slim amplifier from JBL.

5)The amplifier where has put it? Behind the subwoofer.

6)Then the audio quality is better regarding the system base (RD3 & OEM Speakers). Impressions... It's really better, you can not compare. Speakers are better, without any distorsion, and the subwoofer is really good : undirectionnal bass.

Excuse for all these questions.

Thank you in advance for your collaborations.


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Invité §Fri304nW

Guten Tag, :coucou:

kit JBL ist neu, und wenig Personen in Frankreich haben es in ihrem Kraftfahrzeug.

Jedoch erscheint es, daß das sehr gut funktioniert :oui::bien:



Et en Croate, ça donne quoi :??::p

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Invité §adr762fe

Ok, my friends, now I have decided thanks also to your answers.

Tomorrow I will order this:


Peugeot 206 XS 1.4 16V 90CV with:

Automatic clima

RD3 + JBL Audio (CONFIRMED !!!)

Color Blue Recife (I have seen and is very beautiful)

Spoiler (it would not serve, but is very very...)


And sign the check (bye bye €€€€€€€)

You are strongest, thanks of all !!!


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Invité §adr762fe

Only problem

If change the car not recovery nothing.



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Invité §Del088Uu

"Guten Tag,

kit JBL ist neu, und wenig Personen in Frankreich haben es in ihrem Kraftfahrzeug.

Jedoch erscheint es, daß das sehr gut funktioniert



le kit jbl est nouveau, et peu de personnes en france l'ont dans leur voiture.

???? ???? ??, que ça fonctionne très bien.


(pas pu tout traduire, faute de compréhension de la 2ème langue nationale (ch))

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Invité §ala806aH

allez maintenant tout pareil en espagnol !!









persone ?

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Invité §Esp424Vz


le kit jbl est nouveau, et peu de personnes en france l'ont dans leur voiture.

???? ???? ??, que ça fonctionne très bien.



Buenos dias,

el kit jbl es nuevo, y pocas personas en francia lo tienen en sus coches.

???? ???? ??, que funciona muy bien.

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