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Gulf-London Rally 1967 et 1968

Invité §Tom802ml

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Invité §Tom802ml

Lars Nyström/Lennart Svensk Sweden Porsche 911L 1968 4 place.

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Invité §Tom802ml




yes it is Åke Andersson and Svedberg but the modell is 911L, Waldegård, Andersson and Nyström was all driving 911L.

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Invité §Car351ib



yes it is Åke Andersson and Svedberg but the modell is 911L, Waldegård, Andersson and Nyström was all driving 911L.




As far as I know, Andersson and Waldegård drove both 911T (entered in Group 3, Class 8), while Nyström finished 1st of Class 5 (Group 2) 'cause he was driving a 911L... I can be wrong, anyway...




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Invité §200801zL

In the official programme (printed well before the rally), all 3 are entered in Class 5 but in the entry list published in "Motoring News" the week of the rally, Waldegard and Andersson are shown as Class 8 and Nystrom Class 5.

Class 5 seems to be Group 2 1601-2000cc, making it a 911L. I assume Class 8 was Group3/4 or Group5/6, making them 911S or T (or 911L modified to that standard).

Could it be that they arrived with in a higher state of tune than originally intended? (either to spread the chances of a class win or to stand a better chance against the Group5/6 Escorts?).

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Invité §200801zL

Merci pour tous les photos du "Gulf". Qelqu'un a des autres avec immatriculations?

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Invité §Tom802ml


Ove Andersson/John Davenport Ford Escort Twin-Cam Gulf Rally 1968.

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Invité §Car351ib

In the official programme (printed well before the rally), all 3 are entered in Class 5 but in the entry list published in "Motoring News" the week of the rally, Waldegard and Andersson are shown as Class 8 and Nystrom Class 5.

Class 5 seems to be Group 2 1601-2000cc, making it a 911L. I assume Class 8 was Group3/4 or Group5/6, making them 911S or T (or 911L modified to that standard).

Could it be that they arrived with in a higher state of tune than originally intended? (either to spread the chances of a class win or to stand a better chance against the Group5/6 Escorts?).




Thankyou for your precissions on the swedish Porsches... :jap::jap::jap:




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Invité §Car351ib

Merci pour tous les photos du "Gulf". Qelqu'un a des autres avec immatriculations?




For 1967 I've only a pair of pictures of the Austin-Healey 3000 of Terry Harrison & Ted Worswick: #77, 67 ARX...




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Invité §Tom802ml


Åke Andersson Porsche 911 1967 on way to gulf-London Rally 1967.

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