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[Scam 419] L'incroyable fortune d'Andreas Schranner [en anglais]

Invité §Z_d175Xt

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Invité §Pel601Hx

Bigre ! Je pense que ce que vous faites ici est du pur altruisme. Mr. de suisse, vous gagnez moins que moi. Voici ce que j'ai reçu aujourd'hui à 17h de Belinay Serkan, celle là doit être sérieuse car elle m'interdit de la flatter, de lui manquer de respect car dame de céans ! Voici son courriel :


Dear friend,

Thank you very much for your response and interest, Please note that i have no intention of asking you to send me money. As we communicate bear in mind that you are dealing with a responsible family woman. If you read my terms below and you are not convinced then feel free to back out.


Let me start by introducing myself. I am Mrs. Belinay Serkan i work with the Bank of Turkish here in Turkey.I got your contact through my personal search. Now listen on the 31st of July, 2008 our client Mr. Andreas Schranner a German property magnate and also a businessman, made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of Eleven million Five Hundred Thousand United state Dollars Only (USD$11.5M) in my branch. Upon maturity several notices was sent to him, with no response. Recently another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later found out that Mr. Schranner along with his wife and only daughter along side their in-law and grand kids had been killed in a terrible plane crash.


After further investigation it was also discovered that Mr. Andreas Schranner did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. So, Eleven million five hundred thousand United State Dollars (USD$11.5M) is still lying in my bank and no one will come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that according to the Turkish financial law, at the expiration of 9 years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Turkish Government if nobody applies for claim. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner so that you will be able to receive his funds.


I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successful. My attorney will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner, all that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names, Address and copy of identification so that the attorney can start his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and of probate in your favor for the movement of the funds to an offshore account that will be provided by you.


There is no risk involved at all in this, as we are going to adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall then share in the ratio of 60% for me and 40% for you.




I need your total devotion and trust to see this through. I know we have not met before, but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we desire to execute this project. I am now in contact with a foreign bank that shares the same telex type with my bank. This will enable me transfer the funds from my bank to the offshore bank without stress. I now intend that you open an offshore domiciliary account on your name in this foreign bank. The money would be transferred to that account which you will open in the bank. This is the best way to move the funds. I want us to have peace of mind when we conclude this transaction. Kindly follow my instructions religiously. Also you have to know that I cannot transfer this money on my name as my bank will be aware of my involvement. This is where I need you most.


As a result of this, you will have to open an account in the corresponding bank and that is your only financial obligation. After this, the money will be transferred from my bank to the account which will be set up on your name. No other person will be involved in this transaction, You can then instruct the bank to transfer our various shares into our respective home bank accounts. I will perfect the documentations with the assistance of my attorney to give the transaction the legal right, In other to grant the attorney the legal power to prepare the required legal documents making you the sole beneficiary to the funds and also process your claims.


Before I commence, I need you to send me any form of your identification (I.D, Driver's license or passport) I will process the necessary paper works. I hope you understand why I need all these. The money in question is huge and I want to ensure that we reach a proper agreement, before I proceed to give you all the details to commence. I will send you a copy of my work I.D upon receipt of your identification. You will also receive the names and contact details of the bank i intend you to open the account with so that you can open communication with them. Do ensure to keep this transaction confidential.

Should you be interested please send me all that is required;


1, Full names

2, Private phone and fax number

3, Current residential address

4, Copy of your identification, this could be your driver license,international passport or any of your Government issued identity card.


Upon receipt i shall provide you with more details of the operation. Your earliest response will be highly appreciated.


Take care,

Mrs. Belinay Serkan.


Je n'ai pas encore répondu. Les quarante pour cent me sont peu et j'ai honte de lui demander d'augmenter.

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