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[ 1/87 ] HO FERRARI


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Thank you Philippe.

Today I got the new Jollyni Ferrari. No new forms but sometimes new with photoeched windowframes and a gearstick. And the first blue street versions.

I hope they make new forms too like 340 Fontana Spider, 857 S and 375 MM Kimberly.



225 Export Blue Street

225 Export no. 24 1000km Buenos Aires 1955

225 Export no. 50 1000km Buenos Aires 1954

225 Export no. 20 1000km Buenos Aires 1953




:love: , :love:


" no new forms " alex883.gif.e72897aa99a17b7337aac753e7a5bdd1.gif , Except mistake of my part , the 225 Export is a new model .


Sasha , your Ferrari Jollyni collection is fantastic , and like you , I wait next models , annonced there is about fifteen years .

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Hi Phillippe,

I have found the old Version it is in Real a 225 S Sport Vignale Spider RHD with the Ferrariproductionnumber: 0176ED/0176ET from 15.04.1952 delivered to Antonio Stagnoli Italia (so I think the name export is wrong from Jollyni)

you can see it here: [...] D.225S.htm


No. 90 GP Monaco is right

No. 68 Bari is right

No. 16 is right too with this car


the new one is in Real a 225 S Sport Vignale Spider RHD with Ferrariproductionnumber: 0216ED/0216ET delivered to Miaocchi in 1952, but I do not find a photo of this car and I miss the 2 foglights on the modelcar. [...] D.225S.htm


No. 24 Buenos Aires 1955 Driver Miaocchi Lostalo result total 16

No. 50 Buenos Aires 1954 Driver Miaocchi Bollaert result total 8


so both cars are 225 S Vignale Spider with different bodies.

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Hi Phillippe,

I have found the old Version it is in Real a 225 S Sport Vignale Spider RHD with the Ferrariproductionnumber: 0176ED/0176ET from 15.04.1952 delivered to Antonio Stagnoli Italia (so I think the name export is wrong from Jollyni)

you can see it here: [...] D.225S.htm


No. 90 GP Monaco is right

No. 68 Bari is right

No. 16 is right too with this car


the new one is in Real a 225 S Sport Vignale Spider RHD with Ferrariproductionnumber: 0216ED/0216ET delivered to Miaocchi in 1952, but I do not find a photo of this car and I miss the 2 foglights on the modelcar. [...] D.225S.htm


No. 24 Buenos Aires 1955 Driver Miaocchi Lostalo result total 16

No. 50 Buenos Aires 1954 Driver Miaocchi Bollaert result total 8


so both cars are 225 S Vignale Spider with different bodies.



Ha , Ok Sasha , thank you very much for these informations .

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Now the differents between the Littmann 288 GTO and the Miber 308 GTB.

You can see it on the picture the Littmann is a little bit smaler and you can open the hood.

The back is like the original a little bigger. You can see the bigger fender in the rear side and the spoiler lip on the backside. The fuel intake on both sides and the backlights.

In the front you see the diffrent lights like the original.




Miber GTB Littmann GTO 1.jpg



Miber GTB Littmann GTO 2.jpg



Miber GTB Littmann GTO 3.jpg



Miber GTB Littmann GTO 4.jpg



Miber GTB Littmann GTO 5.jpg

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Merci Sasha for informations .


You are a very lucky boy to find these Littmann models , there are very rare !


It's the first time , that I See them ,I knew they had producted but never see before .

Thanks for pictures for show the differents between Miber model and this 288 GTO .

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Hi Philippe,

I haven´t seen it bevore this 288 GTO, I only saw a black and white picture in a German HO model magazine (there was writen that the Littmann 288 GTO exist as ready built and as a kit version).

The parts of the motor I have here is nearly the same like the F40 motor from Herpa. If I have all parts for one complete car together we can try to make a copy of each part to make a smal serie of 5-10 cars for the people who wants to have one.

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Invité §nic566Oq

I'm sorry but for the moment I have no picture of this model (it is in Paris in my parent's home).I remember in this kit only two parts(body and motor grill.)



Sorry for my very bad English! :non:

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salut à tous

concernant la 288 gto de mémoire il existe les porte clé bburago :

et les savonnettes US Models :



Oui , c' est exact et la savonnette de US Models n'est qu'un surmoulage du porte clés Bburago assez difficile à trouver .




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Very very nice Phillippe, where do you found the new 225 S Stradale from Jollyni (Modelcarworld or directly from Jolly)?



I found them from Modelcarworld , not on their web shop but on their Ebay shop !

I had written directly to Jolly Model but he answered that its models were only sent by MCW now .

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Invité §JkM304JB

Petite question, le garage ferrari au 1/87 de marque Vollmer est il rare et avez vous une idée de tarif ?

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Petite question, le garage ferrari au 1/87 de marque Vollmer est il rare et avez vous une idée de tarif ?



On le trouve parfois sur Ebay , le dernier que j' ai vu sur Ebay USA était affiché à 180 € .

C' est trop cher à mon avis pour une maquette en plastique pas terrible , une Testa Rossa ( modèle exclusif de Herpa

pour Vollmer ) est fournie avec le kit !


Ebay est sans doute le bon endroit pour le trouver ou bien , il faut parcourir les web boutiques Allemandes et être patient .


Bonne recherche .

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Invité §JkM304JB

Merci pour la réponse rapide, enfaite je le possède déjà mais je ne m'en suis jamais occupé, je l'ai acheté déjà monté. C'est pour cela que je voulais avoir une idée de sa valeur. ;)

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Some new Ferrari i have found on Ebay


From Uwe Imse a Sc 166 build by himself




Nice models , Sasha .


About Imse , there is a mistake , it's not a 166 SC but a 166 Inter coupé .

It is very approximative and very ugly .


On his list , there is 4 Ferrari Models :


166 MM Barchetta 1949




166 SC 1948




166 Inter coupé 1948 ( your model )


And a Dino 246 GT 1969 , but I never seen this model and I don't know if it was made ?

Do you have informations on that ?

Thanks .

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Hallo Phillippe you are absolut right my mistake because it was the wrong box.


About Imse , there is a mistake , it's not a 166 SC but a 166 Inter coupé .

It is very approximative and very ugly .


Uwe Imse built new kits in maybe one or two months.

Following kits he produced first:

N 2014 01 BMW 502 Autenrieth Cabrio, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder,

N 2014 02 BMW 502 Autenrieth Coupe, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder,

N 2014 03 Opel Record C Deutsch Cabrio, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder,

N 2014 04 Opel Record C Deutsch Coupe, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder,

N 2014 05 Opel Record C Caravan, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder,

N 2014 06 Opel Record C Racing, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder, eventuell Überrollbügel, (Kotflügelverbreiterungen)

N 2014 07 Mercedes Benz 500 Autobahnkurier, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte, Räder und Scheinwerfer,

N 2014 08 Ferrari 166 F2, besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte und Räder,

N 2014 09 Auto Union Typ 1938, besteht aus Vollguss-Karosserie und Räder,

N 2014 10 BMW 320 Gr.5 , besteht aus Karosserie, Bodenplatte, Flügel und Räder.


after that he will also produced his 166 mm again.

the 166 F2 is the old 166 sc.

very interesting is the Mercedes Benz 500 Autobahnkurier


nice weekend

from sascha

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Some new and old Ferrari.

125 sport from Bronco

225 S Stradale from Jollyni

250 TR handmade resine

308 GTB in Gold from Matel

348 TB Police

625 from Morem

F40 with painting and decals from Herpa

F40 in 1/87 from Matchbox

F40 From Monogram

Ferrari Daytona From Playkit in 1/82 (I think it is a Porsche and it is near to 1/100)

Ferrari Testarossa from NewRay

6 new Formula 1 and Challenge Trucks


Ferrari New all.jpg

Ferrari 125 Sport Nr. 2 Bronco.jpg

Ferrari 225 S Stradale Jollyni.jpg

Ferrari 250 TR Resine.jpg

Ferrari 308 GTB Gold Matel.jpg

Ferrari 348 Police Herpa.jpg

Ferrari 625 Morem.jpg

Ferrari F40 Herpa.jpg

Ferrari F40 Matchbox 2.jpg

Ferrari F40 Matchbox.jpg

Ferrari F40 Monogram.jpg

Ferrari Playkit.jpg

Ferrari Testarossa NewRay.jpg

Ferrari Truck 1.jpg

Ferrari Truck 2.jpg

Ferrari Truck 3.jpg

Ferrari Truck 4.jpg

Ferrari Truck 5.jpg

Ferrari Truck 6.jpg

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Very nice models .


About Playkit , I seen this kit on ebay , but it seems smaller and you are right , it looks like a Porsche !


About Imse , I seen on Forum MO87 , that Uwe will make new models in actual standard , it's a very good new . Wait and see !

About the Dino 246 GT 1969 , it was never made , it was only a project .

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Invité §nic566Oq

bel arrivage,je ne connaissais pas ces décos sur les IVECO New ray.

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to Philippe I have talk to Uwe Imse and I have order a lot of his cars. He told me that he thinks in 6-8 weeks he is ready to send me the cars.


to nico: the NewRay Iveco are made by man from France he make the decals and push it on the trailer and sometimes he toke some painture on the truck. They are no original from NewRay

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After a long time a lot of new Ferrari from my collection


first a picture from all new Ferrari


Ferrari all.jpg


From Bronco Ferrari 166 S Allemano Berlinetta in black from 1948



Ferrari 166 S Alemano Berlinetta 1.jpg


Ferrari 166 S Alemano Berlinetta 2.jpg

From Herpa modified by Uwe Imse a 348 Challenge with Shell decals



Ferrari 348 Herpa nr 21 1.jpg


Ferrari 348 Herpa nr 21 2.jpg


Ferrari 348 Herpa nr 21 3.jpg

From Herpa modified by Uwe Imse a 348 Challenge with ToTip decals



Ferrari 348 Herpa nr 23 1.jpg

Ferrari 348 Herpa nr 23 2.jpg

Ferrari 348 Herpa nr 23 3.jpg

From Evrat a build Kit from a Ferrari 412 T1



Ferrari 412T1 1.jpg

Ferrari 412T1 2.jpg


From Evrat a build kit from a Ferrari 641/2



Ferrari 641 2 Prost 1991 1.jpg

Ferrari 641 2 Prost 1991 2.jpg


From Carocar a build kit from Uwe Imse a Ferrari 500 F2 with no. 5



Ferrari 500 F2 Carocar 1.jpg

Ferrari 500 F2 Carocar 2.jpg

Ferrari 500 F2 Carocar 3.jpg

From Herpa a Police version of a Ferrari 512 TR



Ferrari 512 TR Police 1.jpg

Ferrari 512 TR Police 2.jpg

A copie in resine from the artapo Ferrari 750 Monza with driver


Ferrari 750 Monza Resine 1.jpg

Ferrari 750 Monza Resine 2.jpg


From matchbox a Ferrari F40 without pull back drive



Ferrari F40 Matchbox 1.jpg

Ferrari F40 Matchbox 2.jpg

Ferrari F40 Matchbox 3.jpg


From Monogram a Ferrari F40 in white yellow prepaired for a Shell version



Ferrari F40 Monogram 1.jpg

Ferrari F40 Monogram 2.jpg


From Euromodel a Ferrari F50 with no. 27 and Nike print on front and side ( I have never seen this before)



Ferrari F50 Nike 1.jpg

Ferrari F50 Nike 2.jpg

Now from Herpa the matt black/orange edition



Ferrari Matt black orange 1.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 2.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 3.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 4.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 6.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 7.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 8.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 90.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 91.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 92.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 93.jpg

Ferrari Matt black orange 94.jpg


From New Ray another racing version of a Ferrari Testarossa



Ferrari Testarossa New Ray 1.jpg

Ferrari Testarossa New Ray 2.jpg


next time some new Ferrari from Jollyni

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Invité §pie053jM

Some new and old Ferrari.

125 sport from Bronco

225 S Stradale from Jollyni

250 TR handmade resine

308 GTB in Gold from Matel

348 TB Police

625 from Morem

F40 with painting and decals from Herpa

F40 in 1/87 from Matchbox

F40 From Monogram

Ferrari Daytona From Playkit in 1/82 (I think it is a Porsche and it is near to 1/100)

Ferrari Testarossa from NewRay

6 new Formula 1 and Challenge Trucks


Ferrari New all.jpg

Ferrari 125 Sport Nr. 2 Bronco.jpg

Ferrari 225 S Stradale Jollyni.jpg

Ferrari 250 TR Resine.jpg

Ferrari 308 GTB Gold Matel.jpg

Ferrari 348 Police Herpa.jpg

Ferrari 625 Morem.jpg

Ferrari F40 Herpa.jpg

Ferrari F40 Matchbox 2.jpg

Ferrari F40 Matchbox.jpg

Ferrari F40 Monogram.jpg

Ferrari Playkit.jpg

Ferrari Testarossa NewRay.jpg

Ferrari Truck 1.jpg

Ferrari Truck 2.jpg

Ferrari Truck 3.jpg

Ferrari Truck 4.jpg

Ferrari Truck 5.jpg

Ferrari Truck 6.jpg



I didn't pay attention to this message in his time.


The Playkit is obsiously a Porsche 936. It ssems to be a 1976 version (the winning machine of Ickx/Van Lennep in le Mans). Strange is that teh car on the box is a Ferrari 312 PB, 1973 version, differrent of the le Mans version from LMM/Sparks. Anyway the real version of this 312 PB is not important, given that teh real model is a Porsche :lol:

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