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Exporting from France to UK

Invité §U16237zG

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Invité §U16237zG

Good evening,


Apologies for writing this question in English. I will try and translate it into French.


I am looking at buying an old bus in France and bringing it back to England where it was originally from. The bus is now registered in France. It was built in 1979, and is registered as a collection vehicle. However, the bus is out of test.


I have a couple of questions as the laws in France are very different to the laws in the UK.


1) If the seller is selling the vehicle to me for immediate export, do I need to register the vehicle under my name in France? .


2) Will the bus need a test control technique so that it can be sold to me?


3) If the answer is no for question 2, can I drive the bus to the ferry port without a control technique test? (we can do this in the UK for certain vehicles if they are going for permanent export)


4) If the bus requires a technique de contrôle test and has some major defects and receives a "S" stamp, can I drive the bus within the two month period and take it abroad where it would then be re-registered?


Many thanks!


David Bonsoir, My apologies for writing this question in English. I will try to translate it into French.





I am looking to buy an old bus in France and bring it back to England where it came from. The bus is now registered in France. It was built in 1979 and is registered as a collection vehicle. However, the bus is out of test.


I have a few questions because the laws in France are very different from those in the United Kingdom.


1) If the seller sells the vehicle to me for immediate export, should I register the vehicle under my name in France? .


2) Will the bus need a test control technique to sell it to me?


3) If the answer is no to question 2, can I drive the bus to the ferry port without going through a test of technical control? (we can do this in the United Kingdom for certain vehicles if they are intended for permanent export)


4) If the bus requires a test of control technique and presents major faults and receives an "S" buffer, then- I drive the bus within two months and take it abroad where it would then be re-registered?


Thank you so much!




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Invité §nco170aG



I have a few questions because the laws in France are very different from those in the United Kingdom.


1) If the seller sells the vehicle to me for immediate export, should I register the vehicle under my name in France? .


2) Will the bus need a test control technique to sell it to me?


3) If the answer is no to question 2, can I drive the bus to the ferry port without going through a test of technical control? (we can do this in the United Kingdom for certain vehicles if they are intended for permanent export)


4) If the bus requires a test of control technique and presents major faults and receives an "S" buffer, then- I drive the bus within two months and take it abroad where it would then be re-registered?


Thank you so much!








1) If the seller sells the vehicle to me for immediate export, should I register the vehicle under my name in France? .

-> No, you have to complete a "Certificat de cession" (certificat of sale) form with the seller and he will give you one copie of the form and the "Certificat d'immatriculation" (registration certificate) completed and signed with the mention "Vendu le XX/XX/XXXX à XXhXX" (Sold on XX/XX/XXXX at XXhXX) and that's it. Since this is an export, the process in France end at this point for you :-)



2) Will the bus need a test control technique to sell it to me?

-> It's better, and usually a technical inspection of less than 6 month is required to sell and register a vehicle in France, but since it's an export... at least not expired should be Ok, because i think you will have to pass it in England anyway.

3) If the answer is no to question 2, can I drive the bus to the ferry port without going through a test of technical control? (we can do this in the United Kingdom for certain vehicles if they are intended for permanent export)

-> If you have all the paper required in point 1 and the technical inspection is valid (or not valid but less than 2 months) you can drive the bus in France to come back in UK, that's not a problem. If the bus is insured by you of course :)


4) If the bus requires a test of control technique and presents major faults and receives an "S" buffer, then- I drive the bus within two months and take it abroad where it would then be re-registered?

-> Yes, whatever the result of the technical inspection, you can buy it and drive it to the UK.

Best regards,

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