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How to upgrade the media system to the latest version by yourself?


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Greetings from Beijing, I'm an Espace V TCE 225 user from China.


I would like to know if anyone has succesfully upgraded the media system to the latest version by yourself to realize the full screen Car-play.


Since Renault had quit the Chinese market, the service provider can not do the upgrade for me.


Your help would be highly apperciated.

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Le 2022/7/24 à AM1点03分, Neiito a dit :



您是否尝试使用您的 VIN 使用 Renault Connect Toolbox 进行升级(它应该在您的“我的雷诺”帐户中,但我认为只能从计算机上获得)?

Merci Neiito,


I tried several Renault offical websites (different Countries) and entered my VIN, but it shows VIN invaild or no need to upgrade, it seems my VIN is not in the database.


anyway, thank you for your advise all the same.


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You're welcome, but I'm sorry to hear that it doesn't work. 

Would you like me to try your VIN in my MyRenault account to see if it would work (since I'm in France, maybe it would work, I don't know haha). Or ask to someone in french?

Modifié par Neiito
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Le 28/07/2022 à 12:32, Neiito a dit :

You're welcome, but I'm sorry to hear that it doesn't work. 

Would you like me to try your VIN in my MyRenault account to see if it would work (since I'm in France, maybe it would work, I don't know haha). Or ask to someone in french?

Thanks a lot for your kind help.


my VIN is VF1RFC021HD556183, let's try if it could work on your side. I hope it will not disturb you too much.


Many thanks in advance and wish you a nice weekend in France.

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You're welcome, it doesn't bother me to try helping someone :)

Unfortunately, even from France, it seems that there is no upgrade available. There is no information about your R-link. I can't do anything, I'm sorry 😒

Do you want me to try asking in french to other members?

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I have maybe found something for the upgrade, but I'm not sure at all! First, is your system media is a R-Link1 or R-Link2?

I have found something for a R-Link2, but I'm not sure it is the last update (it's quite hard to difference all the updates Renault shares haha)

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Merci pour la précision :) .

Je profite du fait que vous ayez répondu pour savoir si vous auriez une idée de comment cette personne pourrait installer la dernière mise à jour? J'ai voulu regarder sur le site Renault pour voir les dernières mises à jour, mais le VIN du véhicule n'est pas reconnu...

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il y a 2 minutes, Neiito a dit :



Merci pour la précision :) .

Je profite du fait que vous ayez répondu pour savoir si vous auriez une idée de comment cette personne pourrait installer la dernière mise à jour? J'ai voulu regarder sur le site Renault pour voir les dernières mises à jour, mais le VIN du véhicule n'est pas reconnu...



Il y a peut-être dans le VIN quelque chose qui indique que la voiture est chinoise donc un VIN non reconnu dans nos contrées européennes.

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il y a 24 minutes, Neiito a dit :

Ah donc nos mises à jour ne sont peut-être pas compatibles avec son système/vehicule?

Probable, peut-être fabriqué en Chine à l'usine de Whuan, il est spécifique en tout cas.

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Il y a 19 heures, Neiito a dit :



I have maybe found something for the upgrade, but I'm not sure at all! First, is your system media is a R-Link1 or R-Link2?

I have found something for a R-Link2, but I'm not sure it is the last update (it's quite hard to difference all the updates Renault shares haha)




it's R-Link2, Software release, Boot release 5371, I've heard that the Boot release 5585 could realize the full screen.


but no worries, i will try to find some members in China or send a email to Renualt China to see if any solution.


Thank you again for your warm help and effort.


Have a nice day~


Espace boot release version.jpg

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Il y a 17 heures, p_tit seb 51 a dit :

Hi, thanks for the information.


The Espace is manufactured in France, stated in the VIN label. as you said, it's a special version dedicated to Chinese market, we don't have 4-controls🙁...


Yes, there was a Renault factory in Wuhan, manufacture the Koleos, Kadjar and Captur.

  • Merci 1
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Il y a 6 heures, Guo a dit :




it's R-Link2, Software release, Boot release 5371, I've heard that the Boot release 5585 could realize the full screen.


but no worries, i will try to find some members in China or send a email to Renualt China to see if any solution.


Thank you again for your warm help and effort.


Have a nice day~


Espace boot release version.jpg



Bizarre, vous êtes dans la branche 3 du R-Link mais en 3.2 alors que chez nous c'est 3.3 !


Un site pour vous aider :

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il y a une heure, p_tit seb 51 a dit :



Bizarre, vous êtes dans la branche 3 du R-Link mais en 3.2 alors que chez nous c'est 3.3 !


Un site pour vous aider :



Thanks for the link, it's useful!


I've no idea about the software version, 3.2 or 3.3, the only thing I know is that 5585 works and also for the Koleos.


I checked with some ESPACE users in China they said it is impossible to download the upgrade file and install via a USB memory by yourself. Because Renualt close the portal for China, probable I have to replace the multimedia device by a new one from Koleos... It's the most easy way but not ecomonical.😂 

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il y a 7 minutes, Guo a dit :



Thanks for the link, it's useful!


I've no idea about the software version, 3.2 or 3.3, the only thing I know is that 5585 works and also for the Koleos.


I checked with some ESPACE users in China they said it is impossible to download the upgrade file and install via a USB memory by yourself. Because Renualt close the portal for China, probable I have to replace the multimedia device by a new one from Koleos... It's the most easy way but not ecomonical.😂 

Une dernière idée avec un forum français (ils sont pointilleux sur l'usage du français) qui a beaucoup d'alternatives non officielles par contre :


Ce sont des spécialistes, ils auront peut-être une idée, une piste pour vous !


Bon courage !

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