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Ventes automobiles en Chine / évolution du marché / news des marques

Invité §geg572mh

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Invité §geg572mh

[h1]J.D. Power table sur une hausse de 11% des ventes de V.P. en Chine en 2012[/h1]

Publié le 20/02/2012

Selon des estimations de J.D. Power, les ventes de voitures particulières en Chine devraient augmenter de 11% cette année. Le marché chinois représenterait alors 40% des ventes mondiales de voitures particulières en 2012 (contre 24 du marché total en 2011).

Par ailleurs, J.D. Power estime que les véhicules dotés de moteurs turbocompressés (diesel) représenteront 25% des ventes totales de voitures particulières neuves en Chine d’ici à 2018. (GASGOO.COM 2

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Invité §geg572mh

INDUSTRIE- 21/02/2012 | 09:49 - 308 mots via LA TRIBUNE

L'industrie auto chinoise cerne l'Europe




Par Alain-Gabriel Verdevoye

Geely assemblera dès cette année des véhicules en Egypte, pour les vendre en Afrique du nord. Et Great Wall ouvre ce mardi une usine en Bulgarie.



Petit à petit, l'industrie automobile chinoise pousse ses pions à l'export.GB Auto, un assembleur indépendant du Moyen-Orient, a ainsi annoncé ce mardi un accord pour assembler des voitures chinoises Geely en Egypte et les distribuer dans toute l'Afrique du nord. Le montage devrait commencer au troisième trimestre. Il s'agit d'un simple "SKD", c'est-à-dire d'un assemblage léger à partir d'ensembles importés directement de Chine. GB Auto assemble des Hyundai Accent coréennes depuis 1995. Mais l'accord avec le groupe coréen prend fin en 2013. GBAuto détient 32%du marché auto égyptien (hors utilitaires), tout petit au demeurant.



Ouverture d'une usine en Bulgarie



Certes, il s'agit encore de petites opérations.Il n'empêche.Le constructeur chinois Great Wall Motors ouvre ainsi ce mardi en Bulgarie, avec son partenaire local Litex Motors, une usine à Bahovitsa, dans le nord du pays, qui emploie 150 salariés, et pourra produire 4.000 unités par an,en assemblant des pièces chinoises. Les capacités peuvent atteindre 50.000 véhicules par an avec 2.000 personnes travaillant en deux équipes voire 72.000 en trois équipes.



Croissance forte de l'export





Selon les estimations de la branche automobile de la Chambre chinoise de commerce pour l'import-export des produits mécaniques et électroniques (CCCME), les exportations de véhicules de l'ex-Empire du milieu devraient bondir de 50% en 2012, après avoir enregistré une progression similaire l'an dernier et atteint près de 850.000 unités (pour une valeur de plus de 10 milliards de dollars). Les constructeurs chinois, Chery en tête, visent une implantation en Asie, en Afrique, en Amérique du sud. Ils sont conscients de la médiocre qualité de leurs véhicules à ce jour et préfèrent encore se cantonner aux pays émergents, moins exigeants et sur lesquels le facteur prix est déterminant. Mais ils comptent réellement s'attaquer à l'Europe et à l'Amérique du nord vers le milieu de la décennie. Au fond, ils suivent la stratégie qui avait si bien réussi, naguère, aux coréens.

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[h2]China LCV January 2012: A newcomer in the Top 5[/h2]

February 23rd, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments NangLing (aka Starlight) with ChangAn Minibus in background

* See the Top 5 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Thanks to Rutger & Austin *

For once the LCV market behaves worse than the overall Chinese market, very shy in this start of year, at -28% on January 2011 to 363,041 registrations. The Wuling Sunshine is unsurprisingly #1 again with 47,152 sales, albeit down 36% year-on-year. As usual let’s compare this figure to the amount of Ford F-Series sold in the same period in the US (38,493) and the number of VW Golfs sold in the whole of Europe that same month (36,799) to understand the scale of the Sunshine’s performance even in freefall compared to January last year…

The Wuling Rongguang/Xingwang ranks #2 for the 6th consecutive month at 31,708 units (-17%), followed by the ChangAn Mini Bus with 28,358 sales, down 21%. Very rare event, there is a newcomer in the LCV Top 5 in China this month! It is the ChangAn Nangling ranking 5th at 19,367 units, down 17%. Now I am not 100% that this is the right picture above so if you personally know the ChangAn please either confirm or infirm and post the correct picture by commenting on this article!

Previous post: China LCV Full Year 2011: Wuling Sunshine sovereign again

One year ago: China LCV January 2011: Wuling Sunshine close to 75,000 sales

Full January 2012 Top 5 Ranking Table below.

China LCV January 2012:

1Wuling Sunshine47,152-36%1731,7491
2Wuling Rongguang/Xingwang31,708-17%2382,7622
3ChangAn Mini Bus28,358-21%3339,2024
4DongFeng Mini Bus21,687-17%4237,9455
5Changan Nangling19,367-17%n/an/an/a


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Invité §geg572mh

[h1]Chine : Quand l’ombre du grand timonier met une bonne claque au bavarois…[/h1] 28 FÉVRIER 2012 À 11:00 8 VUES 1 COMMENTAIRE PAR FRÉDÉRIC E.

… Ou plus simplement quand FAW-Hongqi évince Audi des futurs marchés automobiles chinois. C’est rapidement dit ce qui va arriver le 9 mars prochain dans une nouvelle loi édictée par l’état (et le PC) chinois.

Plus de grandes berlines occidentales dans les flottes automobiles qui servent au parti, à l’état, aux collectivités locales et autres services liés à l’état chinois.


A compter du 10 mars prochains, les gestionnaires de parcs automobiles publics devront piocher dans une liste de 412 véhicules et non dans le grand catalogue du marché auto chinois.

Cette liste concerne les voitures mais aussi les VUL, les camions, les autocars, les cycles et quelques autres engins mobiles. Et les deux premiers constructeursautomobiles à être touchés sont Audi et Mercedes qui voient ainsi leur échapper un marché de plusieurs centaines de milliers de voiture chaque année.

Dans un premier temps, ce sont les Audi A6 L et Classe E LWB qui vont être touchées car elles dominaient ce marché depuis le début des années 90 et avaient fait leur preuve tant en terme de fiabilité que de performances ou d’image mais le PCC vient d’en décider autrement avec cette mesure autoritaire qui s’applique à tous les fonctionnaires de l’immense pays. Jusqu’à maintenant les ministres, vice-ministres pouvaient circuler dans des autos étrangères jusqu’à 2.5 L de cylindrée, il n’en sera plus ainsi.

Il semble que l’état chinois reprenne la main sur ses dépenses mais aussi son patrimoine et ses entreprises comme c’est le cas pour FAW (né First Automotives Works en 1953 avec l’aide des camarades russes) qui appartient à la Chine et qui produit depuis 1958 via sa marque Hongqi (Drapeau rouge) toutes les limousines d’apparat des dirigeants chinois.

Aussi l’état chinois veut remettre au centre du jeu automobile cette marque et il frappe fort d’entrée en mettant en avant le nouvelle Hongqi H7 pour succéder aux A6 et Classe E qui font le bonheur des apparatchiks chinois.

La H7 attendue depuis des années sera dévoilée dans sa livrée de série au prochain salon de Pékin en avril et elle va avoir la tache de succéder à l’A6. Environ 1.8 milliards de yuans ( environ 212 millions d’euros) ont été investis dans le développement de la H7 (code projet C131) et l’état chinois veut notamment rentabiliser son investissement Hongqi qui ne vend guère de voitures puisque depuis fin juillet 2011 aucune Hongqi n’a été livrée et immatriculée.

Aussi cette berline développée sur la base de la Toyota Crown sera la prochaine voiture officielle chinoise haut de gamme (en dehors des voitures d’apparat).

Un peu moins de 5.0 mètres de long, trois moteurs (L4 2.0 L turbo, V6 2.5 L, V6 3.0 L), BVA7, une apparence cossue mais des standards de qualité à la chinoise bien loin de ce que peuvent proposer les allemands. Reste que Hongqi est à la traine en matière de qualité, de performances, de consommation même avec cette H7 que va imposer l’état chinois.

Une voiture à priori très moyenne selon les journalistes et experts chinois qui ont pu découvrir l’auto et qui ont surtout pu en parler ! Reste que cette H7 est vitale pour Hongqi puisque le constructeur espère une production de 30.000 autos/ans qui seront quasiment toutes vendues à l’état.

Reste que l’arrivée de cette berline Hongqi H7 qui va détrôner la reine A6 (mais aussi les Classe E, Serie5 et quelques Buick) est symbolique puisque c’est Hongqi qui construisit dans les années 50 la limousine de Mao et c’est toujours Hongqi qui construit les limousines HQE et HQ3 des hauts dirigeants chinois qui préfèrent en privé, rouler en allemande ou en américaine.

Reste que cette nouvelle situation est un peu comme un coup de poignard dans le dos d’Audi puisque le groupe VW est le partenaire du groupe chinois FAW depuis 1990.

Audi a déjà réagi et se dit capable de surmonter cette éviction et cette perte de chiffre d’affaire lié au marché de l’état. Le constructeur bavarois explique qu’à ce jour les ventes Audi en Chine sont le fait, pour plus de 90%, d’acheteurs privés. Toujours dans la directive de l’état chinois, on apprend qu’à l’avenir il faudra choisir dans cette fameuse liste de 412 modèles, que pour les fonctionnaires « normaux » la cylindrée maxi sera 1.8 L (une norme très chinoise !), que le prix moyen maximum ne devra pas excéder 21.500€ et comme aujourd’hui le renouvellement se fera par période de 8 années.

Reste qu’une fois encore cette décision prise presque discrètement surprend le monde automobile, bouscule les choses que certains croyaient acquises un peu à l’image des différentes taxes imposées aux voitures importées, à la fiscalité des grosses cylindrée ou de la limitation du nombre d’immatriculations dans les grandes villes chinoises imposée fin 2010.

Il semble aussi que la Chine veuille désormais s’imposer comme le géant mondial notamment dans le secteur automobile face à l’occident mais surtout face aux USA.

L’annonce faite ce matin de vouloir rendre convertible dans toutes les monnaies le yuan et d’en faire une monnaie aussi puissante que le dollar ( [...] xtor=RSS-7 ) dépasse largement le cadre de l’automobile.

On n’oubliera pas les délocalisations des usines chinoises vers l’Europe, leur implication de plus en plus grande dans le fonctionnement du monde. Les financiers, chef d’entreprises sont partis il y a 25 ans vers la Chine avec le secret espoir de faire du profit et de la fortune, c’est en partie réussi mais c’est désormais au plus grand atelier du monde de prendre le pouvoir et les décisions tant en matière économique qu’automobile car le tout puissant état chinois pourrait vite s’il le décidait mettre à mal les milliards investis en Chine notamment dans le cadre des fameuses joint ventures.

Pour revenir aux constructeurs occidentaux, même s’ils font bonne figure devant la presse, les caméras ou le web, le coup doit être rude car l’état c’est entre 5 et 9% du marché automobile chinois selon les sources ce qui représente 20% des ventes d’Audi en Chine, 10% pour VW, Toyota, Nissan ou GM. PSA est un peu moins concerné par l’affaire, ouf !

Ces marchés publics tenus à 80% par des constructeurs étrangers est estimé à 10 milliards d’euros, ce qui n’est pas rien et devrait avoir un impact réel sur la situation financière chinoise des constructeurs concernés par la mesure. FAW, Dongfeng, GreatWall, Geely et quelques autres seront donc à la manoeuvre dès la semaine prochaine pour remplacer les constructeurs non chinois qui trustaient les marchés de l’état.

Via LaTribune, CCT,Auto.Sohu. LeMonde, AP. [...] z1nfdWdWlQ

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[h2]Chine Février 2012: Buick Excelle leads, Chevrolet Malibu arrives[/h2]

March 11th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments Excelle

* See the Top 250 best-selling models by clicking on the title! *

After leading the Chinese market over the Full Year 2011 but spending 3 months away from the pole position, the Buick Excelle confirms it is China’s favourite car and tops the models ranking in February with 23,564 sales. It is the fourth time in the last 7 months that the Excelle is #1 and the first time since October. The VW Lavida is also back to its 2011 level at #2 and 21,996 units. Over the last 12 months, the Lavida ranked #1 or #2 no less than 9 times! Tiguan

Like in January, the Chevrolet Cruze is #3 with 20,662 sales and is followed by 3 Volkswagen, making it 4 VW in the Top 6! The Bora is up 8 spots on January to #4 at 18,377 units, the Jetta is up 9 ranks to #5 and the Passat is down 5 spots to #6. Yet another VW shines in the Top 10: the Tiguan delivers 15,487 units at #9, China being by far its strongest market in the world. L3

Further down, great performers include the Great Wall Voleex C30 up 9 ranks to #12 and #2 Chinese model behind the FAW Xiali N3/N5, the Skoda Octavia up to #19, the ChangAn Benben Mini up 15 spots to #28 with 10,053 sales and the BYD L3 up 17 ranks to #46, its best ranking since September 2010 and its second best ranking ever. Malibu

The Baojun 630 takes its first breather since its launch last August, down 13 spots to #44 with 8,017 units, while the Chevrolet Malibu is the best performing (and only) newcomer this month, landing directly within the Top 100 at #96 and 3,333 sales. Among recent launches, the Gleagle EC7 is up 18 spots and 36% on January to #125 and 2,148 units, the Great Wall Voleex C50 is up 13 spots and 96% to #173 and 833 units and the Toyota Prius is up 25 ranks and 319% to #202 and 302 sales.

Previous month: China January 2012: Huge month for the VW Passat

One year ago: China February 2011: VW Lavida #1, VW Tiguan in Top 10, Sunny up

Full February 2012 Top 250 Ranking Table below.

China February 2012:

1Buick Excelle23,564252,24411
2VW Lavida21,996937,71452
3Chevrolet Cruze20,662343,37333
4VW Bora18,3771232,17195
5VW Jetta18,3651431,037114
6VW Passat17,906147,907212
7Chevrolet Sail17,718439,15746
8FAW Xiali N3/N516,566734,95677
9VW Tiguan15,487535,895623
10Hyundai Elantra Yuedong15,3151129,357128
11Nissan Tiida15,3111328,6091335
12Great Wall Voleex C3015,0972125,7051720
13Toyota Corolla14,7772824,0861911
14Hyundai Verna14,518832,333821
15Great Wall Haval H3/H5/H614,4171726,1371618
16BYD F313,7501526,3381510
17Nissan Sunny13,1701027,9361415
18Toyota Camry13,0721824,4451819
19Skoda Octavia13,0522023,6682026
20Ford Focus12,5922422,340219
21Toyota Corolla EX12,3754419,5732530
22Buick Excelle XT/GT11,890631,6771022
23Chery QQ11,2344118,8472617
24Kia K210,5472520,0882378
25Nissan Bluebird Sylphy10,4065416,6014027
26Toyota RAV410,2644617,3473440
27Nissan Teana10,2003318,6402816
28ChangAn Benben Mini10,0584317,3173548
29BYD S69,8345815,6554575
30Honda Accord9,7574217,1323713
31VW Polo9,6096415,0094729
32Honda Civic9,5981621,6512257
33Nissan Qashqai9,3992219,9982434
34Emgrand EC79,2212618,7492743
35Honda CR-V9,0565115,5334614
36VW Santana Vista9,0133217,5133336
37Audi A4L8,7973616,9553949
38Audi A6L8,7933417,2013633
39Nissan Livina8,7213017,9093139
40Honda City8,7004515,8294428
41Kia Forte Furuidi8,6012318,4322924
42Hyundai Sonata8,5563816,5624160
43Citroen C-Quatre8,4482917,7303231
44Baojun 6308,0173117,02338145
45VW Sagitar7,9293516,3284225
46BYD L37,8136313,33753110
47Toyota Highlander7,5766812,6135545
48Hyundai Elantra7,5611918,3793032
49VW Magotan7,3175213,7555047
50Suzuki Beidouxing7,0683914,9524880
51Hyundai ix357,0246712,2025638
52Audi Q56,7164913,2425477
53Buick LaCrosse6,7132716,1154337
54JAC Heyue/Heyue RS6,7114713,4665254
55Dongfeng Joyear6,5188010,8216558
56VW Golf6,2176011,8775741
57Haima Family6,0321297,8728955
58Chery Tiggo5,9843714,0544942
59Buick Regal5,9054013,6655156
60Gleagle King Kong5,9056211,5425863
61Zotye 50085,8587210,6506759
62ChangAn CX205,7985911,52059105
63Soueast V3 Lingyue5,6926910,7246662
64Chevrolet Aveo5,690859,75574128
65VW Santana5,6307110,6116844
66Chery E55,578879,54375112
67Toyota Reiz5,524949,2437766
69Dongfeng Future5,3955511,40360131
70BYD G35,204988,5278474
71Peugeot 3085,1185311,33762185
72Roewe 3505,030739,7767371
73Shanghai Englon SC74,9056510,2097090
74Mazda3 Xingcheng4,897839,08778140
75BMW 5-Series L4,7754811,3806168
76Citroen C-Elysée4,765828,9717967
77Suzuki Alto4,661938,4628582
78Buick GL84,567669,8347265
79FAW Xenia S80/M804,5661047,51690109
80Dongfeng Fengshan H30/S304,5385011,03564122
81Suzuki SX44,485709,5147664
82Kia Sportage R4,459748,9558070
83FAW Besturn B504,3915610,3116950
84JAC Refine4,363818,6548179
85Ford Fiesta4,293788,6118273
86Gleagle Freedom Ship4,2575710,1607152
87Suzuki Swift4,253957,89288103
88Chevrolet Spark4,207768,5768361
89Ford Mondeo4,063868,0938769
90Peugeot 4083,839778,1868687
91BYD G63,7941345,544108191
92Suzuki Lingyang3,628917,4809189
93Kia Cerato3,4711026,5899776
94Lifan 6203,427887,3519284
95Peugeot 3073,3751056,25610193
96Chevrolet Malibu3,333-3,333143-
97Roewe 5503,3241175,753105106
98Hyundai Tucson3,245996,5439891
99Kia K53,002966,60395114
100Skoda Fabia2,983926,7989495
101Chery Cowin 22,8561165,31710985
102VW CC2,8421035,905103111
103Kia Sportage2,8351065,68910699
104Skoda Superb2,815846,8849398
105Gleagle Panda/GX22,8121075,655107101
106Dongfeng Shuai2,7931334,585119139
107Lifan 520/520i2,753976,285100102
108VW Touran2,701896,60196119
109Emgrand EC82,6641264,597118157
110FAW Weizhi V22,6631135,211110133
111Peugeot 2072,6371155,17111197
112Nissan X-Trail2,6031015,768104130
113Lianhua L32,6011125,166112120
114Toyota Crown2,5801354,314123126
115Gleagle Vision2,483906,3579988
116Luxgen 7 SUV2,4621384,158125195
117Chery A12,4601493,811134147
118Haima Freema2,4271404,056126142
119JAC Tongyue2,3341144,87611586
120Haima 7 Knight2,3251393,980129134
121Citroen C52,2941194,697116115
123MG 32,2011254,162124143
124Chevrolet Epica2,1751094,956114118
125Gleagle GC72,1481433,727136240
126Lifan 3202,1321184,537120152
127Linian S12,0831413,706137136
128Chery Cowin 12,0551543,342142124
129Honda Spirior2,0341243,999127155
130Hyundai Sonata MoInca2,0301273,958130129
131VW Polo Jinqu/Jinqing2,0101114,61011796
132ChangAn Zhixiang/CX301,9751323,800135162
133Hawtai Santa Fe1,9541443,45814194
134Brilliance Junjie FSV1,9141005,120113108
135Chery Cowin 3/A51,9071213,986128104
136Lifan X601,8861233,873132198
137Chery A31,8611373,569138113
138Toyota Prado1,8601553,141145144
139ChangAn Yuexiang1,8441762,50215683
140Brilliance V51,809796,119102n/a
141Mitsubishi Lancer EX1,8081223,840133137
142Great Wall C20R/Phenom1,6961313,533139203
143Huanghai Aurora1,6921572,844152156
144Peugeot 5081,6811503,019147164
145Honda Odyssey1,6631652,636154125
146MG 61,6021532,902150138
147Shanghai Englon SC5/Golden Eagle1,5831283,459140154
148Great Wall Florid1,5541682,414160117
149Haima 2 Cupid1,5491832,054170148
150Mazda6 Ruiwing1,5441453,047146121
151Jiangnan Alto1,5251482,888151116
152Nissan NV2001,5081712,274162163
153Riich G31,4691472,906149235
154FAW Besturn B701,4671363,189144132
155Brilliance H5301,3371422,952148158
156GAC Trumpchi1,3331732,058169161
157Lianhua L51,2991522,600155200
158Zotye Z2001,2911582,442159175
159JMC Yusheng/Baowei1,2911662,213163178
160Citroen C21,2391592,346161179
161Landwind X8/X6/X91,1821632,173165171
162Toyota E’Z Yizhi1,1641642,153167159
163Brilliance Junjie FRV1,1401103,89813172
164Toyota Vios1,1291512,451158169
165Kia Soul1,1271612,156166180
166Great Wall Haval M21,1241741,849172141
167Kia Rio1,0531562,212164127
168Changfeng Black King DUV1,0261462,463157166
169Jinbei Granse/S501,0021602,067168153
170Honda Fit9771701,761173146
171Haima Prince9161781,508175168
172JAC Rein9091891,304177177
173Great Wall Voleex C508331861,257178-
174Mercedes E-Klasse L8172061,003186100
175Toyota Yaris7041691,501176150
176Volvo S80L6361801,223179183
177Kia Optima608190985187215
178Suzuki Liana6051621,632174151
179Zotye Multiplan5631841,067183167
180Karry Youya541195852192184
181Citroen C-Triomphe501241524204n/a
182Suzuki Splash500187913188251
183Hawtai B35500201749195248
184Shanghai Englon TX4500-500205238
185Hyundai Accent4971791,085182149
186Cadillac SLS4901811,049184194
187Mercedes C-Klasse479188877190123
189Gonow Saboo G3/Aoosed G5426215531203250
190Volvo S40424210574202199
191JAC Yueyue406194718196218
192Nissan Paladin4051771,049185188
193Foton MP-X400197700197214
194Zhongxing Landmark387199678198170
195BJC Warrior380229444206217
196Nissan March3451721,102181160
197Great Wall Voleex V80344200613201201
198Roewe W5334192651199206
199Hyundai i30334193649200182
200BYD F03091671,17818053
201Changhe Ideal307182866191208
202Toyota Prius302227374213-
203Hafei Lobo295247300219209
204BAW Jeep288214408210190
205Toyota Land Cruiser 200264185760193192
207Riich M1249212379212187
208Riich X12121302,052171165
209ChangAn Eado204213333217-
210Foton MP-X Midi200209350215207
211Brilliance Splendor/Junjie (BS4)199175913189174
212Hafei Saima192222279221221
213Riich G5189211334216225
214Mitsubishi Lancer181202419208205
215Ford S-Max144203372214213
216BYD M6130238156231219
217Changfeng CS7 Feiteng126204327218210
218Mitsubishi Zinger118231174227233
219Dongfeng Oting114216216222223
220Dongfeng Yumsun111219208223241
221BYD F3DM108220204224244
222Gonow Jetstar101242123233232
223BYD e693218191225n/a
224FAW Vela90196398211220
225Mercedes Vito89224170228216
226Roewe 75088205285220202
227Honda Crosstour81191418209229
228Chery Eastar80225159230234
229Haima 37124875243228
230Mitsubishi Galant7024095238239
231Landwind Fashion6624677241246
232JAC Binyue65221156232242
233Rely V564217165229197
234Mercedes Viano58232112234193
235Buick Park Avenue51233102235224
236FAW Weizhi4924370244135
237Rely X540230101236226
238BAW (Beijing) Luba3925140247237
239Mitsubishi Pajero37-37248181
240Hawtai Terracan2824543246222
241MG 72523476242212
242Brilliance Zunchi (BS6)23208177226227
243Nissan Murano2222698237243
244Hawtai B111823944245211
245Changfeng CS61722888239230
246Riich G61724435250n/a
247Gonow GS5010-10253n/a
248Karry Youyi724910254n/a
249BYD F6423730252172
250FAW Vizi2-2255n/a

Source: DC at,

Note: This ranking doesn’t include imports. [...] u-arrives/

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[h2]Les ventes en Février 2012: la Chine[/h2]

por Enrique García de 19 de Mar del 2012


Lors de la dernière Février immatriculations de véhicules neufs en Chine ont augmenté de 26,5% par rapport au même mois l'an dernier, atteignant un volume total de 1,21 millions d'unités.


Comme pour toute l'année, dans les deux premiers mois de cette année ont vendu 2,6 millions d'unités, soit une baisse de 4,4% en raison d'un mois particulièrement mauvais Janvier dans lequel les ventes ont chuté 26%.


[*n]Nissan 72.090

[*n]Toyota 71.591

[*n]Hyundai 59.080

[*n]Chevrolet 53.785

[*n]Buick 52.639

[*n]Honda 41.866

[*n]BYD 41.039

[*n]Chery 38.819

[*n]Kia 35.703

[*n]Great Wall 35.065

[*n]FAW 29.794

[*n]Suzuki 25.200

[*n]Audi 24.306

[*n]Ford 21.092

[*n]Chang'an 19.879

[*n]Dongfeng 19.469

[*n]Skoda 18.850

[*n]Geagle 17.605

[*n]Citroën 17.247

[*n]Peugeot 16.650

[*n]Mazda 14.890

[*n]JAC 14.788

[*n]Haima 13.320

[*n]Emgrand 11.885

[*n]Lifan 10.198

[*n]BMW 9.656

[*n]Roeww 8.776

[*n]Baojun 8.017

[*n]Zotye 7.712

[*n]Englon 6.988

[*n]Brilliance 6.422

[*n]Soueast 5.692

[*n]Linhua 3.900

[*n]MG 3.828

[*n]Hawtai 2.500

[*n]Mitsubishi 2.214

[*n]Riich 2.136

[*n]Linian 2.083

[*n]Huanghai 1.692

[*n]Jiangnan 1.525

[*n]Mercedes 1.443

[*n]GAC 1.333

[*n]JMC 1.291

[*n]LandWind 1.248

[*n]Changfeng 1.169

[*n]Volvo 1.060

[*n]Jinbei 1.002

[*n]BAW 707

[*n]Foton 600

[*n]Karry 548

[*n]Gonow 537

[*n]Cadillac 490

[*n]Hafei 487

[*n]Zhonxing 387

[*n]Changhe 307

[*n]Rely 104

[*n]Renault N/A

[*n]Ferrari N/A

[*n]Bentley N/A

TOP 20 MODELOS[*n]Buick Excelle 23.564

[*n]VW Lavida 21.996

[*n]Chevrolet Cruze 20.662

[*n]VW Bora 18.377

[*n]VW Jetta 18.365

[*n]VW Passat NMS 17.906

[*n]Chevrolet Sail 17.718

[*n]FAW Xiali 16.566

[*n]VW Tiguan 15.487

[*n]Hyundai Elantra Yuedong 15.315

[*n]Nissan Tiida 15.311

[*n]Great Wall Voleex C30 15.097

[*n]Toyota Corolla 14.777

[*n]VW Santana Vista 14.643

[*n]Hyundai Verna 14.518

[*n]Great Wall Hover 14.417

[*n]BYD F3 13.750

[*n]Nissan Sunny 13.170

[*n]Toyota Camry 13.072

[*n]Skoda Octavia 13.052 [...] 012-china/

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Le gros succès en Chine c'est Nissan, un des plus récents entrés et déjà N°2. Hyundai/Kia cartonne aussi, ainsi que Chevrolet/Buick, Buick vendant plus qu'aux USA, la Chine est le seul marché du monde qui accepte d'acheter des voitures typiquement US ...

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Invité §X1A148zx

Code :



Feb pct change y-t-d pct




Cars 1,213,100 26.5 2,373,700 -4.4

Vehicles 1,567,100 24.5 2,954,300 -6.0



The following table shows passenger car and vehicle sales in

February and year-to-date by manufacturers (units; percent

changes are from a year earlier).



Feb pct change y-t-d pct


General Motors 240,554 30.4 487,208 7.7

Shanghai GM 103,097 31.8 NA NA

SAIC-GM-Wuling 130,193 28.7 NA NA


SAIC 367,325 29.7 747,630 7.0

Shanghai VW 103,202 29.0 213,210 10.5

Shanghai GM 106,631 34.5 234,074 10.4

Own brand cars 12,604 12.6 23,605 -24.6

SAIC-GM-Wuling 130,787 28.4 251,583 7.0

Mazda Motor 13,853 53.0 36,593 26.0

Dongfeng 187,770 39.7 356,413 3.7


PV 146,136 48.0 287,645 9.8

CV 41,634 16.9 68,768 -15.8

DF Nissan JV 127,971 47.2 235,139 6.1

DF PSA JV 33,897 26.4 68,237 -0.7

DF Honda 20,688 13.8 41,184 -12.4

DF Own brand car 4,532 144.8 11,029 121.7

Ford Motor 40,978 28.0 NA NA

CFM (Ford brands) 19,075 11.0 NA NA

Jiangling 18,642 48.0 NA NA

Mercedes-Benz 20.250 61.0 35,640 NA

S-Class 7,030 213.0 NA NA

Smart 1,450 103.0 NA NA

Geely 39,096 22.9 77,196 flat

BYD 41,039 NA NA NA

S6 9,834 NA NA NA

F3 13,750 NA NA NA

Honda Motor 43,947 6.3 82,663 -22.8

Guangqi Honda 23,259 0.4 41,480 -30.9

Dongfeng Honda 20,688 13.8 41,183 -12.4




Voila le bordel anthx95.gif.10b14a457f7eb0d754a9b7bdcd1ecdee.gif

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[h2]Chine Mars 2012: Buick Excelle #1, Honda CR-V breaks record[/h2]

April 14th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments Excelle

* See the Top 253 best-selling models by clicking on the title! *

The Chinese car market is up a modest 4% year-on-year in March to 1.4 million registrations, bringing the year-to-date total to 3.77 million, down 2% on 2011. Now that the Buick Excelle has found its mojo and finished 2011 in pole position, it’s not letting it go: like in February, it ranks #1 this month with 24,134 sales. It’s the 5th time in the last 8 months the Excelle leads the Chinese models ranking. CR-V

The Chevrolet Sail is up 5 spots on February to a best-ever 2nd place at 23,094 units, while the VW Jetta reaches its best spot since March 2011 and its highest volume since January 2011 at #3 with 22,138 sales. After a couple of weak months in the wake of the new generation launch, the Honda CR-V hits its highest ranking and volume ever at #4 and 21,124 units, two records it also broke on the same month in the US. 3 Volkswagens follow: the Passat, still #2 year-to-date, the Bora and Lavida. Wall Haval H6

At #10 the Great Wall Haval H-Series is the best-selling Chinese model this month and ranks within the Top 10 for the third time ever after November and December 2011. Further down the ranking, the VW Magotan is up 36 spots on last month to #13, the Chery Tiggo is up 30 to #28 and the Chery E5 is up 11 to a best-ever 55th place. After a high at #31 in January, the Baojun 630 is down to #83 this month, not far above the Linian S1, the other new low-cost brand/model, up 28 spots to #99. G3 M11

As far as recent launches are concerned, great performers include the Riich G3 (endorsed by Lionel Messi) up 24 spots to #129, the Great Wall Voleex C50 up 43 to #130 and the ChangAn Eado up 390% and 34 ranks to #175. There are 3 newcomers in the ranking this month: the Haima M11 is performing best at #177 with 975 sales, followed by the MG 5 at #182 and 748 units and the BMW X1 at #188 with 575 sales.

Previous post: China February 2012: When will Chinese cars rule at home?

Previous month: China February 2012: Buick Excelle leads, Chevrolet Malibu arrives

One year ago: China March 2011: FAW Xiali N-Series grabs the pole position

Full March 2012 Top 253 Ranking Table below.

China March 2012:

1Buick Excelle24,134176,37811
2Chevrolet Sail23,094762,25136
3VW Jetta22,138553,17564
4Honda CR-V21,1243536,6572114
5VW Passat20,843668,750212
6VW Bora20,411452,58275
7VW Lavida20,263257,97752
8Chevrolet Cruze18,678362,05143
9Toyota Corolla18,4501342,5361611
10Great Wall Haval H3/H5/H617,1381543,2751418
11Nissan Teana16,7312735,3712316
12Hyundai Verna16,1561448,4891021
13VW Magotan15,9944929,7492947
14Nissan Tiida15,6271144,2361335
15Hyundai Elantra Yuedong15,3861044,743128
16FAW Xiali N3/N515,371850,32787
17Ford Focus15,2672037,607209
18Nissan Sunny14,8081742,7441515
19Toyota Camry14,5731839,0181919
20Great Wall Voleex C3014,4031240,1081720
21Nissan Qashqai14,1093334,1072434
22Buick Excelle XT/GT14,0642245,7411122
23VW Tiguan13,500949,395923
24Toyota Corolla EX13,4112132,9842530
25BYD F313,1591639,4971810
26Honda Accord12,9813030,1132813
27Chery QQ12,9732331,8202617
28Chery Tiggo12,8955826,9493642
29Skoda Octavia12,1821935,8502226
30Audi A6L12,0433829,2443133
31VW Golf12,0125623,8894741
32Nissan Bluebird Sylphy11,8532528,4543427
33Toyota RAV411,6312628,9783340
34Kia K211,0122431,1002778
35Honda City10,5194026,3483928
36BYD S610,3382925,9934375
37Emgrand EC710,3353429,0843243
38ChangAn Benben Mini10,1462827,4633548
39VW Polo9,6613124,6704629
40VW Santana Vista9,4003626,9133736
41Audi A4L9,2623726,2174249
42Hyundai Sonata9,2224225,7844560
43Citroen C-Quatre8,5054326,2354131
45Kia Forte Furuidi8,0014126,4333824
46VW Santana8,0006518,6115944
47Audi Q57,9605221,2025277
48Hyundai Elantra7,9474826,3264032
49Nissan Livina7,8983925,8074439
50Hyundai ix357,8375120,0395438
51Honda Civic7,6413229,2923057
52Buick LaCrosse7,5105323,6254937
53JAC Heyue/Heyue RS7,4435420,9095354
54VW Sagitar7,3454523,6734825
55Chery E57,1566616,69967112
56BMW 5-Series L7,0807518,4606068
57Haima Family6,9785714,8507955
58Toyota Highlander6,7644719,3775845
59Toyota Reiz6,6356715,8787066
60Soueast V3 Lingyue6,5656317,2896462
61Suzuki Beidouxing6,5155021,4675180
62Citroen C-Elysée6,5147615,4857367
63BMW 3-Series6,463n/a9,277103107
64BYD L36,4434619,78056110
65Chery Fulwin 26,411n/a10,8839651
66Dongfeng Future6,4006917,80361131
67Dongfeng Joyear6,4005517,2216558
68Roewe 3506,1937215,9696971
69Gleagle King Kong6,1916017,7336263
70Buick Regal6,1455919,8105556
71ChangAn CX206,1236217,64363105
72Ford Fiesta6,0898514,7008073
73Kia Sportage R5,9048214,8597870
74Kia Sportage5,90410311,5939099
75Chevrolet Aveo5,8656415,62072128
76Peugeot 3085,8367117,17366185
77Ford Mondeo5,8238913,9168269
78FAW Besturn B505,7858316,0966850
79Shanghai Englon SC75,5437315,7527190
80Gleagle Freedom Ship5,1288615,2887452
81Mazda3 Xingcheng5,1137414,20081140
82Buick GL85,1017814,9357765
83Baojun 6305,0124422,03550145
84Peugeot 4084,8789013,0648787
85JAC Refine4,8288413,4828479
86BYD G64,8049110,34898191
87Skoda Fabia4,68810011,4869295
88Suzuki Alto4,6387713,1008582
89Zotye 50084,6116115,2617559
90Honda Fit4,5981706,359130146
91Chevrolet Spark4,5058813,0818661
92Kia K54,5059911,10893114
93BYD F04,5002005,67814253
94Hyundai Tucson4,3709810,9139591
95Chevrolet Malibu4,289967,622118-
96Suzuki SX44,2168113,7308364
97ChangAn Yuexiang4,1231396,62512683
98Dongfeng Fengshan H30/S304,1048015,13976122
99Linian S14,0601277,766115136
100Suzuki Lingyang4,0189211,4989189
101Peugeot 3073,9879510,2439993
102Suzuki Swift3,8798711,77189103
103Roewe 5503,732979,485102106
104Peugeot 2073,5601118,73110997
105Lifan 6203,5099410,8609784
106BYD G33,5027012,0298874
107Gleagle Vision3,5001159,85710088
108Luxgen 7 SUV3,4921167,650117195
109FAW Xenia S80/M803,4877911,00394109
110Mercedes E-Klasse L3,3631744,366157100
111Honda Odyssey3,3241455,960135125
112Chery Cowin 23,2651018,58211085
113Gleagle Panda/GX23,2121058,867107101
114VW Polo Jinqu/Jinqing3,2011317,81111496
115Dongfeng Shuai3,0891067,674116139
116Toyota Crown3,0291147,343120126
117Brilliance V52,9741409,093104n/a
118MG 32,9601237,122123143
119Hawtai Santa Fe2,9161336,37412894
120Changfeng Black King DUV2,7971685,260149166
121Brilliance H5302,7811555,733141158
122Citroen C52,7651217,462119115
123Brilliance Junjie FSV2,7281347,848113108
124Lifan 520/520i2,7121078,997106102
125Skoda Superb2,7001049,58410198
126VW CC2,6151028,520111111
128Lifan X602,5611366,434127198
129Riich G32,5521535,458146235
130Great Wall Voleex C502,4961733,753161-
131Kia Cerato2,480939,06910576
132JAC Tongyue2,4551197,33112186
133Nissan X-Trail2,4481128,216112130
134Peugeot 5082,3571445,376148164
135Hyundai Sonata MoInca2,3331306,291131129
136Mitsubishi Lancer EX2,3161416,156134137
137Chery Cowin 12,3121285,654144124
138VW Touran2,2401088,841108119
139Gleagle GC72,2031255,930137240
140Haima Freema2,1541186,210133142
141Nissan NV2002,1361524,410156163
142Shanghai Englon SC5/Golden Eagle2,1131475,572145154
143Lianhua L32,0671137,233122120
144ChangAn Zhixiang/CX302,0541325,854139162
145Brilliance Junjie FRV1,9791635,87713872
146MG 61,9581464,860154138
147Toyota Prado1,9071385,048151144
148Lifan 3201,8351266,372129152
149Chery Cowin 3/A51,8301355,816140104
150Mazda6 Ruiwing1,8291504,876153121
151FAW Weizhi V21,7511106,962124133
152Mercedes C-Klasse1,7431872,620178123
153Chery A31,6841375,253150113
154Haima 7 Knight1,6821205,662143134
155Great Wall Haval M21,6441663,493169141
156Emgrand EC81,6421096,239132157
157Chery A11,6391175,450147147
158FAW Besturn B701,5991544,788155132
159Citroen C21,4971603,843160179
160GAC Trumpchi1,4781563,536167161
161Jinbei Granse/S501,4491693,516168153
162JMC Yusheng/Baowei1,4401593,653164178
163Riich X11,3462083,398172165
164Jiangnan Alto1,3041514,192158116
165Great Wall Florid1,3001483,714163117
166Kia Rio1,2491673,461171127
167Huanghai Aurora1,1911434,035159156
168Landwind X8/X6/X91,1811613,354173171
169Toyota Yaris1,1641752,665176150
170Zotye Z2001,1541583,596165175
171Kia Soul1,0941653,250174180
172Toyota Vios1,0331643,484170169
173Toyota E’Z Yizhi1,0231623,176175159
174Honda Spirior1,0141295,013152155
175ChangAn Eado1,0002091,333193-
176Chevrolet Epica9951245,951136118
177Haima M11975-975202-
178BAW Jeep9702041,378191190
179JAC Rein9671722,271180177
180Lianhua L59571573,557166200
181Citroen C-Triomphe7851811,309194n/a
182MG 5748-748210-
183Changhe Ideal7302011,596183208
184Suzuki Liana6851782,317179151
185Hyundai Accent6131851,698182149
186Karry Youya6021801,454190184
187Brilliance Splendor/Junjie (BS4)6002111,513188174
188BMW X1575-575216-
189Haima 2 Cupid5701492,624177148
190JAC Yueyue5511911,269196218
191Nissan Paladin5461921,595184188
192Haima Prince5301712,038181168
193Toyota Land Cruiser 2005302051,290195192
194Zotye Multiplan5241791,591185167
195Cadillac SLS5141861,563187194
196Foton MP-X5001931,200199214
197Hafei Lobo465203765208209
199JAC Binyue439232595214242
200Zhongxing Landmark3941941,072200170
201Dongfeng Oting369219585215223
202Kia Optima3621771,347192215
203Nissan March3551961,457189160
204Volvo S40352190926204199
205BJC Warrior349195793207217
206Toyota Prius349202723212-
207Suzuki Splash3481821,261197251
208Volvo S80L3471761,570186183
210Gonow Saboo G3/Aoosed G5330189861206250
211Hyundai i30325199974203182
212Mitsubishi Lancer318214737211205
213Hawtai B352931831,042201248
214Rely V5279233444225197
215Mitsubishi Pajero275239312232181
216Roewe W5264198915205206
217Brilliance Zunchi (BS6)225242402228227
218Hafei Saima223212502221221
219Great Wall Voleex C20R/Phenom2201423,753162203
220Changfeng CS7 Feiteng209217536220210
221Foton MP-X Midi200210550219207
222Ford S-Max195215567218213
223Mercedes Vito170225340229216
224Changfeng CS6164245252236230
225Honda Crosstour155227573217229
226Mitsubishi Zinger150218324231233
227Roewe 750130226415227202
228BYD M6130216286235219
229Dongfeng Yumsun119220327230241
230BYD e6113223304234n/a
231Hafei Saibao112

232BAW (Beijing) Luba109238149244237
233Riich G5107213441226225
234BYD F3DM106221310233244
235Mitsubishi Galant104230199238239
236FAW Vela90224488223220
237Rely X583237184241226
238Riich M179207458224187
239Landwind Fashion75231152243246
240Mercedes Viano71234183242193
241Tianqi Meiya Haishi66-102248249
242Gonow Jetstar63222186240232
243Chery Eastar59228218237234
244Buick Park Avenue47235149245224
245MG 745241121246212
246Great Wall Voleex V8044197657213201
247Riich G64324678250n/a
248Hawtai Terracan3724080249222
249Hawtai B112524469253211
250Tianqi Meiya SUV19-21257247
251Nissan Murano13243111247243
252Karry Youyi1324823256n/a
253Gonow GS50324713258n/a

Source: DC from,

Note: This ranking doesn’t include imports [...] ks-record/

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[h2]Chine LCV Mars 2012: Wuling Hongguang confirms Top 5 spot[/h2]

April 25th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments Hongguang

* See the Top 5 best-selling models by clicking on the title! *

This month the Light Commercial Vehicle market in China is absolutely stable year-on-year at 549,304 registrations, bringing the year-to-date total to 1,357,253 units, down 6% on 2011. The Wuling Sunshine is the best-selling model in the category by far again with 54,546 sales, albeit down 25% on March 2011. Its year-to-date total is also down 25% year-on-year at a still monumental 152,681 units in 3 months. And for the usual comparison: Ford sold 143,827 F-Series in the US and VW sold 122,569 Golfs in the whole of Europe in the same period…

Below, the entire Top 5 stays unchanged vs. last month, with the Foton Forland selling 44,761 units (-8%), followed by the Wuling Rongguang/Xingwang at 38,324 sales (+1%) and the ChangAn Mini Bus at 37.920 units (-10%). In 5th position, the Wuling Hongguang confirms it is now a force to be reckoned with as far as Chinese Light Commercial Vehicles are concerned…

Previous month: China LCV February 2012: Wuling Hongguang’s entrance

Full March 2012 Top 5 Ranking Table below.

China LCV March 2012:

1Wuling Sunshine54,546-25%1152,681-25%11
2Foton Forland44,761-8%2100,332-5%33
3Wuling Rongguang/Xingwang38,3241%3104,183-2%22
4ChangAn Mini Bus37,920-10%493,856-30%44
5Wuling Hongguang26,298n/a569,445n/a5n/a


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[h2]Chine Avril 2012: Two more low-cost brands make their debut[/h2]

May 12th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments D50

* See the Top 265 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Many thanks to DC *

New car sales in China are up 12.5% year-on-year in April to 1.4 million. The Buick Excelle is still not letting go of its pole position, holding it for the third time in a row and the 6th time in the last 9 months with 23,179 sales, bringing its year-to-date total to an outstanding 99,557 units. Below the antediluvian VW Jetta (based on the 1984 model) still valiant in 2nd place, the Ford Focus, boosted by the arrival of the new generation, is up a massive 14 spots on March to round up the podium at #3 and 21,793 units. Focus

Volkswagen manages to place 3 models in the Top 5 with the Passat at #4 and the Lavida at #5 and 4 models in the Top 7 with the Bora at #7… Like in January, the Hyundai Verna hits its best-ever ranking at #8 thanks to a record 18,786 sales, making it two Hyundais in the Top 10 with the Elantra Yuedong at #9. Highest position ever also for the VW Magotan up to #11 with 16,188 units. Trumpchi GS5

The best-selling Chinese model is once again the Great Wall Haval H3/H5/H6 this month at #13 with 15,747 sales followed by the FAW Xiali N3/N5 at #15 with 15,476 units and the Chery QQ at #20 with 12,423 sales. In transition between the old and new generations, the BYD F3, best-selling model in China overall in 2009 and 2010, is down to #45 at 8,216 units. Notice also the excellent performance of the Audi A6 L up to #30 with 13,675 sales, double the amount it sold in Germany over the same period! Wall Voleex C50

As far as recent launches are concerned, the best-performing model is without doubt the Great Wall Voleex C50, up 35 spots on March to break into the Top 100 for the first time at #90 with 3,913 units. The ChangAn Eado also gets noticed, climbing up 32 ranks to #143 with 2,003 sales while the BMW X1 is up 43 spots to #144 at 2,000 units and the MG 5 is up 14 ranks to #168.

Gleagle GX7

But the big story this month in China is the arrival of two new low-cost brands in the market, making it a total of 4. In April 2011, Guangzhou-Honda launched the new brand Linian with the S1 based on the previous generation City to mixed results with a peak of #89 last August. That same month, General Motors launched the Baojun 630 which received a much warmer welcome: it peaked at #31 last February, and after falling to #83 last month it is now back up to #53. Si Ming

In April we welcome Ciimo, Dongfeng-Honda’s low-cost brand with the Ciimo Si Ming based on the previous generation Honda Civic selling 3,022 units for a respectable 118th position. Dongfeng-Nissan released the Venucia D50 based on the previous generation Nissan Tiida sedan, landing at #122 with 2,845 sales at #122. These two monthly figures are so far the strongest starts for Chinese low-cost models: the Linian S1 debuted at 2,084 units and the Baojun 630 at 869. Wall Haval M4

But these two are not the only newcomers in the ranking this month. We also welcome the Gleagle GX7 at #135 with 2,307 sales, the now locally produced Mercedes GLK at #169 with 1,344 units, the Beijing E-Series at #183 with 949 sales, the Dongfeng Fengshan A60 at #191 with 700 units, the Chery Cowin 5 at #194 with 589 sales, the Great Wall Haval M4 at #197 with 532 units, the GAC Trumpchi GS5 at #200 with 484 sales and the Gonow Aoosed GX5 at #245 with 85 units. That’s no less than 10 all-new models in China this month!

Previous month: China March 2012: Buick Excelle #1, Honda CR-V breaks record

One year ago: China April 2011: VW Lavida takes off, new brand Linian arrives

Full April 2012 Top 265 Ranking Table below.

China April 2012:

1Buick Excelle23,179199,55711
2VW Jetta21,909375,08464
3Ford Focus21,7931759,400129
4VW Passat21,357590,107212
5VW Lavida20,000777,97742
6Chevrolet Sail19,860282,11136
7VW Bora19,836672,41875
8Hyundai Verna18,7861267,275821
9Hyundai Elantra Yuedong17,5231562,266118
10Honda CR-V17,417454,0741814
11VW Magotan16,1881345,9372347
12Chevrolet Cruze15,914877,96553
13Great Wall Haval H3/H5/H615,7471059,0221318
14Toyota Corolla15,603958,1391511
15FAW Xiali N3/N515,4761665,80397
16Nissan Sunny14,7061857,4501715
17Nissan Tiida14,1281458,3641435
18VW Tiguan14,0002363,3951023
19Audi A6L13,6753042,9192833
20Chery QQ12,4232744,2432617
21VW Golf11,9863135,8753641
22Buick Excelle XT/GT11,9812257,7221622
23Kia K211,7393442,8392978
24Nissan Qashqai11,6022145,7092434
25Nissan Bluebird Sylphy11,5173239,9713127
26Toyota Corolla EX11,4052444,3892530
27Skoda Octavia11,1192946,9692226
28Toyota Camry10,8601949,8782019
29Great Wall Voleex C3010,7812050,8891920
30VW Santana Vista10,5004037,4133436
31Honda Accord10,1382640,2513013
32Toyota RAV410,0433339,0213240
33VW Santana10,0004628,6115044
34VW Polo9,9503934,6204129
35VW Sagitar9,9505433,6234525
36Honda City9,5403535,8883528
37Emgrand EC79,5263738,6103343
38Hyundai Sonata9,1604234,9444060
39Audi A4L8,8684135,0853949
40Chery Tiggo8,4682835,4173742
41BYD F08,4449314,1229753
42BMW 5-Series L8,3975626,8575568
43Citroen C-Quatre8,3714334,6064231
44Nissan Livina8,3704934,1774339
45BYD F38,2162547,7132110
47Nissan Teana7,8181143,1892716
48Hyundai Elantra7,5104833,8364432
49Audi Q57,1084728,3105177
50Buick LaCrosse6,9525230,5774837
51Kia Forte Furuidi6,8524533,2854624
52JAC Heyue/Heyue RS6,6795327,5885354
53Gleagle Freedom Ship6,5798021,8676852
54Dongfeng Joyear6,5116723,7326158
55Toyota Reiz6,5075922,3856666
56Ford Mondeo6,3247720,2407869
57Hyundai ix356,2935026,3325638
58Honda Civic6,0355135,3273857
59Baojun 6306,0188328,05352145
60Buick GL86,0118220,9467165
61Roewe 3505,9456821,9146771
62Kia Sportage R5,8447320,7037270
63Soueast V3 Lingyue5,7976023,0866362
64Ford Fiesta5,7777220,4777473
65BYD S65,7723631,7654775
66Buick Regal5,7557025,5655856
67Chery Fulwin 25,7536516,6368751
68Haima Family5,7115720,5617355
69Dongfeng Future5,7076623,51062131
70FAW Besturn B505,6247821,7206950
71Gleagle King Kong5,2916923,0246463
72Peugeot 3085,2197622,39265185
73Zotye 50085,0328920,2937759
74Hyundai Tucson4,9719415,8848991
75Toyota Highlander4,9335824,3105945
76Mazda3 Xingcheng4,9238119,12381140
77Suzuki Beidouxing4,8646126,3315780
78Citroen C-Elysée4,8346220,3197667
79JAC Refine4,7118518,1938479
80BMW 3-Series4,6676313,94499107
81Peugeot 4084,6578417,7218587
82Honda Crosstour4,6372255,210165229
83Suzuki SX44,5159618,2458364
84Kia K54,5069215,61490114
85Suzuki Alto4,4468817,5468682
86Dongfeng Fengshan H30/S304,4049819,54380122
87BYD L34,3666424,14660110
88Honda Fit4,3669010,725118146
89Shanghai Englon SC74,1797919,9317990
90Lianhua L34,10014311,333110120
91Brilliance V54,05711713,150102n/a
92Skoda Fabia4,0218715,5079195
93Skoda Superb4,00812513,59210098
94ChangAn CX204,0057121,64870105
95Great Wall Voleex C503,9131307,666140-
96Mercedes E-Klasse L3,7281108,094138100
97Suzuki Swift3,70610215,47792103
98Chery E53,6675520,36675112
99Roewe 5503,64910313,134103106
100JAC Tongyue3,63613210,96711386
101MG 33,62111810,743117143
102Linian S13,6009911,366109136
103Brilliance H5303,5461219,279127158
104Mercedes C-Klasse3,5431526,163156123
105Chevrolet Spark3,5159116,5968861
106Lifan 6203,51510514,3759684
107FAW Xenia S80/M803,50810914,51195109
108Kia Sportage3,4687415,0619399
109Suzuki Lingyang3,36010014,8589489
110VW Polo Jinqu/Jinqing3,30011411,11111196
111Kia Cerato3,27813112,34710676
112Chevrolet Aveo3,1967518,81682128
113ChangAn Yuexiang3,139979,76412483
114Toyota Crown3,09211610,435121126
115Gleagle Panda/GX23,07111311,938107101
116Brilliance Junjie FSV3,06412310,912114108
117Chery A13,0591578,509132147
118Ciimo Si Ming3,022-3,022183-
119Gleagle Vision2,95310712,81010488
120BYD G62,9028613,250101191
121Lianhua L52,8981806,455155200
122Venucia D502,845-2,845184-
123Dongfeng Shuai2,82411510,498120139
124Lifan 520/520i2,71312411,710108102
125ChangAn Benben Mini2,7083830,1714948
126Nissan X-Trail2,57313310,789116130
127Lifan X602,5661289,000128198
128Peugeot 3072,53410112,77710593
129Citroen C52,5231229,985122115
130Brilliance Junjie FRV2,5121458,38913472
131Hawtai Santa Fe2,4741198,84813094
132Chery Cowin 22,46711211,04911285
134Great Wall Voleex C20R2,3662196,119158203
135Gleagle GX72,307-2,307188-
136Honda Odyssey2,3001118,260135125
137Luxgen 7 SUV2,2561089,906123195
138Lifan 3202,1321488,504133152
139Mitsubishi Lancer EX2,1021368,258136137
140BYD G32,06510614,0949874
141Peugeot 5082,0261347,402144164
142MG 62,0111466,871150138
143ChangAn Eado2,0031753,336180-
144VW Touran2,00013810,841115119
145BMW X12,0001882,575185-
146Mazda6 Ruiwing1,9621506,838151121
147Peugeot 2071,95710410,68811997
148Shanghai Englon SC5/Golden Eagle1,9471427,519142154
149Hyundai Sonata MoInca1,9341358,225137129
150FAW Weizhi V21,8991518,861129133
151Jinbei Granse/S501,8061615,322162153
152Changfeng Black King DUV1,7741207,034146166
153Haima Freema1,7471407,957139142
154Gleagle GC71,7271397,657141240
155Toyota Prado1,6741476,722152144
156Chevrolet Malibu1,659959,281126-
157Chery Cowin 3/A51,6571497,473143104
158Chery A31,6491536,902149113
159FAW Weizhi1,573-1,643203135
160Chery Cowin 11,5031377,157145124
161Riich G31,4891296,947148235
162Riich X11,4851634,883168165
163GAC Trumpchi1,4531604,989166161
164Nissan NV2001,4091415,819161163
165Great Wall Haval M21,3691554,862170141
166Zotye Z2001,3531704,949167175
167Haima 2 Cupid1,3501893,974178148
168MG 51,3441822,092191-
169Mercedes GLK1,344-1,344209-
170Toyota E’Z Yizhi1,2981734,474174159
171Toyota Yaris1,2661693,931179150
172JMC Yusheng/Baowei1,2081624,861171178
173Huanghai Aurora1,1761675,211164156
174Jiangnan Alto1,0861645,278163116
175FAW Besturn B701,0791585,867160132
176Great Wall Florid1,0591654,773172117
177Kia Rio1,0521664,513173127
178Hafei Lobo1,0421971,807199209
179Kia Soul1,0381714,288176180
180Citroen C21,0351594,878169179
181Honda Spirior1,0341746,047159155
182Haima 7 Knight1,0061546,668153134
183Beijing E-Series949-949218-
184Landwind X8/X6/X99051684,259177171
185Toyota Vios8801724,364175169
186JAC Yueyue8661902,135190218
187Suzuki Liana8651843,182181151
188Brilliance Splendor/Junjie (BS4)8431872,356187174
189JAC Rein7871793,058182177
190Emgrand EC87801567,019147157
191Dongfeng Fengshan A60700-700228-
192Chevrolet Epica6631766,614154118
194Chery Cowin 5589-589232-
195Hyundai Accent5781852,276189149
196Mitsubishi Pajero564215876221181
197Great Wall Haval M4532-532237-
198Haima M115131771,488207-
199Nissan March4962031,953196160
200GAC Trumpchi GS5484-484239-
201Haima Prince4691922,507186168
202Zhongxing Landmark4692001,541206170
203Volvo S80L4672082,037192183
204BAW Jeep4411781,819198190
205Nissan Paladin4321912,027193188
206Cadillac SLS4151951,978194194
207Gonow Saboo G3/Aoosed G53842101,245211250
208Zotye Multiplan3641941,955195167
209BYD F6360-390247172
210Toyota Land Cruiser 2003561931,646202192
211Foton MP-X3501961,550205214
212Brilliance Zunchi (BS6)335217737227227
213Volvo S402842041,210213199
214ChangAn Zhixiang/CX302791446,133157162
215Roewe W52652161,180214206
216Toyota Prius261206984217-
217BJC Warrior2582051,051216217
218Mercedes Vito249223589233216
219Hyundai i302472111,221212182
220Karry Youya2311861,685201184
221Kia Optima2312021,578204215
222Mercedes Viano231240414243193
223Ford S-Max217222784223213
224Rely V5216214660230197
225Suzuki Splash2082071,469208251
226Foton MP-X Midi200221750224207
227Great Wall Voleex V80199246856222201
228Mitsubishi Lancer174212911219205
229FAW Vizi169-171256n/a
230Dongfeng Oting156201741226223
231JAC Binyue153199748225242
233Changhe Ideal1421831,738200208
234Changfeng CS7 Feiteng137220673229210
235Hafei Saima133218635231221
236Roewe 750132227547235202
237BYD e6129230433241n/a
238Changfeng CS6121224373248230
239Great Wall Phenom113n/a113261n/a
240Mitsubishi Zinger108226432242233
241BYD M6106228392246219
242BYD F3DM101234411244244
243Landwind Fashion97239249252246
244Riich G595233536236225
245Gonow Aoosed GX585-85266-
246Rely X577237261249226
247Hawtai B35722131,114215248
248Dongfeng Yumsun69229396245241
249FAW Vela66236554234220
250Gonow Jetstar66242252250232
251Karry Youyi6625289265n/a
252Buick Park Avenue57244206254224
253Mitsubishi Galant51235250251239
254Hawtai Terracan35248115260222
255MG 734245155258212
256Riich G632247110262n/a
257Haima 324-99264228
258BAW (Beijing) Luba17232166257237
259Great Wall Coolbear17n/a17270n/a
260Nissan Murano12251123259243
261Hawtai B111124980267211
262Riich M19238467240187
263Tianqi Meiya SUV925030269247
264Shanghai Englon TX46-506238238
265Chery Eastar6243224253234

Source:, many thank to DC from for sharing the data!

Note: This ranking excludes imports. [...] in-market/

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[h2]Chine Mai 2012: Chevrolet Sail leads the way, Ford Focus #2[/h2]

June 16th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments Sail

* See the Top 264 best-selling models by clicking on the title! *

Reshuffle atop the Chinese models ranking in May: for the first time ever, the Chevrolet Sail is the best-selling model in the country with 30,163 sales, 27,579 of which are the sedan version. This pole position is the culmination of consistent growth over the last 12 months since the new model was released, with its previous best ranking being #2 last March. The Sail is only the third model in Chinese history to sell over 30,000 monthly units after the BYD F3 which last passed this milestone in March 2010 and the VW Passat last January. Focus

The other great performer this month in China is the new generation Ford Focus up to 2nd place with 23,140 sales, ahead of the Buick Excelle down to #3 after 3 consecutive months on top at 23,085 units. The Excelle is still #1 year-to-date by far with 122,642 sales vs. 112,274 for the Sail. This means that potentially for the first time ever the Chinese podium is composed of 100% American models. D50

The VW Magotan breaks into the Chinese Top 10 for the first time at #9 with a best-ever 17,612 units, the Audi A6L is up 5 spots on April to #14 with an outstanding 15,208 sales (vs. 4,840 in Germany!), the VW Sagitar is up 20 to #15, the VW Golf up 2 to #19, the BMW 5 Series L up 14 to #28 and the Chery Fulwin 2 up 23 to #44. Oley

With sales of the Great Wall Haval H3/H5 and H6 now counted separately, there is no Chinese model in the Top 20! The local best-seller is the Chery QQ at a weak #22, followed by the FAW Xiali N3/N5 at #24, the Great Wall Haval H6 at #29, the BYD F3 at #35, the Chery Tiggo at #36 and the Great Wall Voleex C30 at #38. Wall Haval M4

Launched last month, the Venucia D50, Nissan’s first attempt at a low-cost brand/model is already up 69% and 45 spots to land at #77 with 4,816 sales, only 197 units below the Baojun 630, GM’s low-cost brand/model, and well above the Ciimo Si Ming also launched in April but down 17 ranks to #135. Z300

The FAW Weizhi V5 is up 49 spots to #110, the Great Wall Hover M4 is up 486% and 85 ranks to #112 with 3.118 units, the GAC Trumpchi GS5 is up 75% to #188 and the Gonow Aoosed GX5 up 371% to #207. There are three new entrants in the Chinese ranking this month: the FAW Oley lands directly at #100 with 3,425 units, the Zotye Z300 is #198 with 583 sales and the Roewe 950 is #218 with 315 units.

Previous month: China April 2012: Two more low-cost brands make their debut

One year ago: China May 2011: VW Lavida on top, Nissan Sunny in Top 10

Full May 2012 Top 264 Ranking Table below.

China May 2012:

1Chevrolet Sail30,1636112,27426
2Ford Focus23,140382,54099
3Buick Excelle23,0851122,64211
4VW Jetta22,328297,41254
5VW Lavida19,705597,68242
6Chevrolet Cruze18,9771296,94263
7VW Bora18,568790,98675
8Hyundai Elantra Yuedong18,525980,791108
9VW Magotan17,6121163,5492047
10Toyota Corolla16,9751475,1141311
11Nissan Tiida16,3341774,6981435
12Hyundai Verna16,107883,382821
13Honda CR-V16,0341070,1081514
14Audi A6L15,2081958,1272333
15VW Sagitar14,5753548,1983225
16Toyota Camry14,2412864,1191919
17VW Tiguan14,1021877,4971123
18Nissan Sunny12,5031669,9531615
19VW Golf12,2142148,0893341
20Buick Excelle XT/GT11,9852269,7071722
21Skoda Octavia11,8512758,8202226
22Chery QQ11,8472056,0902517
23VW Passat11,7034101,810312
24FAW Xiali N3/N511,6541577,457127
25VW Santana11,6013340,2124744
26Kia K211,5362354,3752878
27Nissan Bluebird Sylphy11,1772551,1482927
28BMW 5-Series L11,0424237,8994968
29Great Wall Haval H610,950n/a10,950134-
30VW Polo10,9073445,5273629
31Toyota Corolla EX10,9062655,2952630
32Toyota RAV410,7583249,7793140
33Nissan Livina10,4504444,6273839
34Audi A4L10,2903945,3753749
35BYD F310,0814557,7942410
36Chery Tiggo9,1334044,5503942
37Nissan Qashqai9,0292454,7382734
38Great Wall Voleex C308,8172959,7062120
39Citroen C-Quatre8,7364343,3424331
40Hyundai Sonata8,5223843,4664260
41Emgrand EC78,2893746,8993543
42Honda City7,8673643,7554128
43Hyundai ix357,8495734,1815338
44Chery Fulwin 27,3566723,9928051
45Honda Accord7,2133147,4643413
46VW Santana Vista7,1033044,5164036
47Kia Forte Furuidi7,0595140,3444524
48Hyundai Elantra6,9384840,7744432
49Audi Q56,9284935,2385277
50Nissan Teana6,8974750,0863016
51Toyota Reiz6,6425529,0276266
52Great Wall Haval H3/H56,576n/a65,5981818
53BYD S66,5186538,2834875
54Haima Family6,3316826,8926855
55Kia Sportage R6,1896226,8926970
56Ford Mondeo6,1045626,3447069
57ChangAn Benben Mini5,98112536,1525048
58Roewe 3505,7736127,6876571
59Toyota Highlander5,7327530,0425945
60JAC Heyue/Heyue RS5,6705233,2585454
61Buick Regal5,6216631,1865756
62Dongfeng Joyear5,6005429,3326158
63BYD L35,5298729,67560110
64Soueast V3 Lingyue5,5156328,6016462
65Dongfeng Future5,5116929,02163131
66Suzuki Alto5,4458522,9918482
67Chery E55,3369825,70272112
68Ford Fiesta5,1646425,6417473
69Citroen C-Elysée5,1577825,4767567
70Buick LaCrosse5,0485035,6255137
71Baojun 6305,0135933,06655145
72Honda Civic5,0095840,3364657
73Peugeot 3084,9787227,37067185
74Buick GL84,9176025,8637165
75Mazda3 Xingcheng4,8827624,00579140
76Suzuki SX44,8618323,1068364
77Venucia D504,8161227,661161-
78JAC Refine4,7517922,9448579
79Suzuki Beidouxing4,6647730,9955880
81Gleagle King Kong4,6617127,6856663
82Kia K54,5328420,14688114
83Honda Crosstour4,513829,723142229
84Peugeot 4084,3848122,1058687
85Zotye 50084,1567324,4497859
86VW Polo Jinqu/Jinqing4,09811015,20910596
87ChangAn CX204,0419425,68973105
88Mercedes E-Klasse L3,9999612,093125100
89Great Wall Voleex C503,9839511,649131-
90Honda Fit3,8808814,605107146
91MG 33,82610114,569108143
92Shanghai Englon SC73,8028923,7338190
93Suzuki Swift3,7999719,27690103
94Dongfeng Fengshan H30/S303,6988623,24182122
95Brilliance Junjie FSV3,69711614,609106108
96Lifan 6203,59310617,9689584
97Brilliance V53,5259116,67599n/a
98Kia Sportage3,43610818,4979399
99Brilliance Junjie FRV3,42813011,81712872
100FAW Oley3,425-3,425190-
101Suzuki Lingyang3,39810918,2569489
102BYD G63,34012016,590100191
103Chery Cowin 3/A53,32115710,794136104
104Skoda Fabia3,3019218,8089295
105Gleagle Freedom Ship3,2995325,1667652
106Mercedes C-Klasse3,2521049,415144123
107FAW Besturn B503,2437024,9637750
108ChangAn Yuexiang3,21511312,97912283
109Chery A13,15611711,665130147
110FAW Weizhi V53,1351594,778184135
111Hyundai Tucson3,1197419,0039191
112Great Wall Haval M43,1181973,650188-
113Skoda Superb3,1069316,6989898
114Kia Cerato3,10011115,44710476
115Citroen C53,01712913,002121115
116Chevrolet Spark3,01510519,6118961
117Roewe 5503,0059916,139101106
118Brilliance H5303,00210312,281124158
119Chevrolet Aveo2,95811221,77487128
120Peugeot 3072,95812815,73510293
121Lifan X602,90812711,908127198
122Toyota Crown2,90111413,336116126
123FAW Xenia S80/M802,88410717,39596109
124Lifan 520/520i2,83912414,549109102
125VW CC2,792n/a11,312133111
126VW Touran2,78314413,624113119
127BYD F02,7604116,8829753
128Hawtai Santa Fe2,70013111,54813294
129Dongfeng Shuai2,61712313,115120139
130Peugeot 2072,48514713,17311997
131Peugeot 5082,4341419,836141164
132ChangAn Eado2,3221435,658173-
134JAC Tongyue2,26810013,23511886
135Ciimo Si Ming2,2601185,282182-
136Jiangnan Alto2,2471747,525163116
137Chery Cowin 22,20813213,25711785
138Chevrolet Epica2,1801928,794150118
139Luxgen 7 SUV2,14513712,051126195
140Linian S12,13510213,501114136
141Nissan NV2002,1341647,953158163
142Great Wall Voleex C20R2,1291348,248153203
143Mitsubishi Lancer EX2,12113910,379138137
144Mazda6 Ruiwing2,1131468,951147121
145Gleagle GX72,1121354,419186-
146Toyota Prado2,0851558,807148144
147Mercedes GLK2,0601693,404191-
148Lifan 3202,05613810,560137152
149Lianhua L32,0499013,382115120
150BMW X12,0331454,608185-
151Shanghai Englon SC5/Golden Eagle2,0201489,539143154
152Gleagle Panda/GX21,89111513,829112101
153Nissan X-Trail1,86912612,658123130
154Toyota E’Z Yizhi1,7301706,204170159
155Jinbei Granse/S501,6871517,009165153
156Chevrolet Malibu1,66015610,941135-
157Honda Odyssey1,6351369,895139125
158Honda Spirior1,6001817,647162155
159Toyota Yaris1,5821715,513178150
160FAW Besturn B701,5591757,426164132
161Great Wall Haval M21,5541656,416168141
162Lianhua L51,4531217,908159200
163Gleagle Vision1,44911914,25911088
164BYD G31,42214015,51610374
165Riich G31,4221618,369151235
166MG 61,4071428,278152138
167GAC Trumpchi1,3781636,367169161
168Haima 2 Cupid1,3711675,345181148
169Haima 7 Knight1,2961827,964157134
170Chery A31,2731588,175155113
171JAC Yueyue1,2671863,402192218
172Huanghai Aurora1,2501736,461167156
173Riich X11,2121626,095171165
174Toyota Vios1,2111855,575175169
175MG 51,2001683,292194-
176Gleagle GC71,1481548,805149240
177Citroen C21,1051805,983172179
178Landwind X8/X6/X91,0871845,346180171
179Haima Freema1,0711539,028145142
180Chery Cowin 11,0611608,218154124
181FAW Weizhi V21,0241509,885140133
182Changfeng Black King DUV1,0001528,034156166
183Brilliance Splendor/Junjie (BS4)9701883,326193174
184Kia Soul9461795,234183180
185Hafei Lobo9281782,735195209
186Kia Rio9141775,427179127
187Emgrand EC88721907,891160157
188GAC Trumpchi GS58482001,332218-
189Hyundai Sonata MoInca7921499,017146129
190JMC Yusheng/Baowei7911725,652174178
191Great Wall Florid7831765,556176117
192JAC Rein7721893,830187177
193Mitsubishi Pajero7011961,577213181
194BAW Jeep7002042,519199190
195Nissan March6831992,636197160
196Dongfeng Fengshan A606121911,312219-
197Zotye Z2005831665,532177175
198Zotye Z300583-583242-
199ChangAn CX305592146,692166162
200Changhe Ideal5132332,251204208
201Toyota Land Cruiser 2004622102,108205192
202Zhongxing Landmark4502021,991206170
203Suzuki Liana4411873,623189151
204Hafei Saima4272351,062226221
205Brilliance Zunchi (BS6)4172121,154224227
206Haima M114141981,902209-
207Gonow Aoosed GX5400245485248-
208Great Wall Voleex V803992271,255222201
209Cadillac SLS3852062,363201194
210Foton MP-X3552111,905208214
211Roewe W53522151,532214206
212Nissan Paladin3442052,371200188
213Great Wall Phenom340239453251n/a
214Toyota Prius3242161,308221-
215Hyundai Accent3201952,596198149
216Mercedes Viano319222733238193
217Zotye Multiplan3172082,272203167
218Roewe 950315-315255-
219Kia Optima3062211,884210215
220Changfeng CS7 Feiteng299234972228210
221Volvo S80L2892032,326202183
223Mercedes Vito232218821235216
224Hyundai i302132191,434215182
225Foton MP-X Midi200226950229207
226Rely V5199224859234197
227Roewe 750190236737237202
228Volvo S401732131,383216199
229Suzuki Splash1632251,632212251
230Haima Prince1462012,653196168
231Ford S-Max139223923231213
232Chery Cowin 5136194725239-
233Tianqi Meiya Haishi130n/a232261249
234Dongfeng Oting127230868233223
236BYD M6104241496247219
237Mitsubishi Zinger100240532243233
238Riich G598244634240225
239Karry Youya942201,779211184
240BYD F3DM92242503246244
241Gonow Saboo G3/Aoosed G5902071,335217250
242BYD e690237523244n/a
243Rely X589246350254226
244Nissan Murano87260210263243
245Dongfeng Yumsun73248469250241
246JAC Binyue69231817236242
247Haima 366257165267228
248Gonow Jetstar58250310256232
249FAW Vela55249609241220
250Hafei Saibao40n/a237260n/a
251Buick Park Avenue38252244259224
252Riich G637256147268n/a
253Mitsubishi Galant31253281257239
254MG 730255185264212
255BYD F625209415252172
256Hawtai B35162471,130225248
257Karry Youyi15251104270n/a
258Landwind Fashion13243262258246
259Hawtai Terracan11254126269222
260Riich M17262474249187
261BMW 3-Series58013,949111107
262Tianqi Meiya SUV526335272247
263Chery Eastar3265227262234
264Hawtai B11326183271211


Note: This ranking doesn’t include imports. [...] d-focus-2/

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[h2]Hong Kong (Chine) Mai 2012: Merc E-Class & BMW 5 Series excel[/h2]

June 26th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments E-Class

* See the Top 30 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Many thanks to Austin *

A few days ago I called for help on a few countries/territories that haven’t received much love as far as official sales data was concerned and thanks to Austin I can now share with you some very up-to-date figures for Hong Kong (China)! Only particularity: sales taken into account are only for the ‘environmentally friendly’ versions on sale in the country. Still gives a good idea of is popular with Hong Kong consumers: luxury models…

The Mercedes E-Class is very impressive and leads the way in the year-to-date ranking with 808 sales and a huge 15.4% market share, followed by the Nissan Serena at 499 and 9.5%. The BMW 5 Series takes the third spot year-to-date with 487 sales and 9.3% but takes off in May: 277 units and 19.9% share! The VW Golf is the third German model in the Top 4 at #4 with 364 sales ahead of the Toyota Ractis and Noah. Notice also the BMW 1 Series at #7 and the Alfa Romeo Giulietta at #14.

Previous post: Hong Kong (China) 2010: Toyota and Mercedes dominate

Full 5 months and May 2012 Top 30 Ranking Tables below.

Hong Kong (China) 5 months 2012 – Environmentally friendly models:

1Mercedes E-Class80815.4%15911.4%2
2Nissan Serena4999.5%705.0%7
3BMW 5 Series4879.3%27719.9%1
4VW Golf3646.9%1309.3%3
5Toyota Ractis3636.9%997.1%4
6Toyota Noah3166.0%946.7%5
7BMW 1 Series2955.6%443.2%12
8Honda Stepwagon2795.3%543.9%11
9Toyota Previa2705.1%705.0%8
10Honda Freed2645.0%755.4%6
11Toyota Wish1583.0%322.3%14
12Mercedes B-Class1422.7%574.1%10
13VW Jetta1272.4%151.1%21
14Alfa Romeo Giulietta1112.1%584.2%9
15Lexus CT1062.0%201.4%19
16Audi Q71011.9%382.7%13
17Nissan Tiida981.9%151.1%22
18Audi A3891.7%211.5%18
19Mercedes CLS841.6%171.2%20
20Audi A5641.2%261.9%15
21Lexus RX501.0%221.6%16
22Toyota Prius490.9%80.6%24
23Audi A7490.9%10.1%n/a
24Nissan March420.8%0.0%-
25Smart Fortwo400.8%70.5%25
26VW Touareg310.6%30.2%n/a
27Nissan Murano270.5%20.1%n/a
29Mercedes ML-Class220.4%221.6%17
30Toyota Alphard200.4%100.7%23


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[h2]China: Volkswagen Who’s who[/h2]

September 24th, 2012 matgasnier Leave a comment Go to comments Polo Jinqu

* See the entire article by clicking on the title! *

In 2012 Volkswagen has gone on a new model frenzy in China, replacing a few designs that were up to 30 years old in one single swoop. Problem is, the entire range is starting to look very similar and it gets relatively confusing, partly because Volkswagen operates through two separate joint-ventures there, one with SAIC Motor (Shanghai Volkswagen) and one with First Automobile Works (FAW Volkswagen). So I thought I’d give you a quick update/cheat sheet as these changes will impact both Chinese and worldwide models rankings in the near future… you guess all models above? Answers are at the very end of the article.

VW Polo

At the bottom of the range size-wise we have the Polo, manufactured by Shanghai Volkswagen, with the last two generations sold jointly in China. The current one under the name ‘Polo’, however the sedan version has just been discontinued – you’ll find out why below, and the previous one as the Polo Jinqu/Jinqing whom we know as the Polo Vivo in South Africa.

VW Jetta

The 1984 second generation VW Jetta was launched in China by FAW VW in 1991. It has survived until now with a couple of minor facelifts and will stay in production as a taxi. The Chinese 2013 VW Jetta was launched on September 1 at the Chengdu Auto Show. It uses the PQ25 platform of the current generation Polo and is very close to it design-wise, hence the recent discontinuation of the current gen VW Polo sedan in China… And that’s when everything starts to get confusing, so bear with me and hold on tight…

VW Santana

In 1985, the Shanghai Volkswagen Santana was the first passenger car manufactured in China. It was met with tremendous success and produced at over 3 million units in 25 years, staying mostly unchanged until now (more details here). The more modern VW Santana Vista was added to the range in 2008. Both models will continue to be produced as taxis but will be replaced for consumers in late 2012 by an all-new design, also based on the current generation Polo’s PQ25 platform and looking relatively similar to the 2013 FAW VW Jetta with which it now competes…

VW Bora

Until 2008, the VW Bora sold in China by FAW Volkswagen was a facelifted version of the European 1998 VW Bora, a model still sold in Mexico as the VW Clasico. Since 2008, a China-specific design is on sale in the country. The new generation Bora has just started production on September 10 but its design has somewhat lost its distinctiveness in the VW range…

See the rest of the article featuring the Golf, Lavida, Sagitar, Passat & Magotan below.

VW Golf

At last a simple one to describe! The FAW VW Golf sold in China is the same current generation sold in the rest of the world. No tricks here.

VW Lavida

Shanghai Volkswagen launched this China-specific nameplate in 2008 with a design that wasn’t inspired by any other model in the Volkswagen range. The all-new 2012 model launched in July is based on the European VW Jetta platform and looks a little like a mix of new gen Jetta and Passat.

VW Sagitar

This is the current, 6th generation Jetta as we know it in Europe and North America, built by FAW Volkswagen. The nameplate was launched in 2006 as the 5th gen Jetta, but given the Jetta nameplate was unavailable it is called Sagitar in China.

VW Passat

This is the current generation US Passat, manufactured by Shanghai Volkswagen. It is produced alongside the 5th gen 2000 Passat (two generations ago) called Passat Lingyu in China and facelifted in 2009.

VW Magotan

To compete with the Shanghai VW Passat, FAW Volkswagen manufactures the current generation European Passat in China, called Magotan.

This is it for now! I will personally need to come back quite often to this article as the Chinese Volkswagen range is getting more confusing by the minute, so I hope it will help you clarify a few things… Any questions or comments please let me know!

Answers to the top picture:

(From top to bottom) 2013 VW Jetta, VW Polo, 2012 VW Lavida, VW Sagitar, VW Passat, VW Magotan, 2013 VW Bora. [...] -whos-who/

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La fin d'un eldorado?



En cette fin des années 2010, oui, le marché chinois, vu comme nouvel eldorado il y a quelques temps, commence à devenir un piège. D'abord, il commence par se retourner:


Il y a des atermoiements sur la voiture propre: des règles ont été mises en place (voiture électrique, limitations des immatriculations d'auto neuves dans les grandes villes...), ça coute cher, et le gouvernement chinois est obligé de revenir sur certaines. Reste un plan pour la voiture à hydrogène, ce qui va partitionner le marché mondial: autos thermiques aux USA, hydrogènes aidées en Chine et électriques aidées en Europe. Voila qui va faire office de barrière protectionniste déguisées et accélérer la nouvelle tendance d'une certaine spécialisation de marques sur des marchés (on voit peu à peu des marques se retirer de marchés qu'elles ne pénètrent pas).


Et si certaines marques non chinoises semblent quand même plutôt solides sur le marché chinois (luxe, groupe VW...), quid d'autres, et quel avenir pour certaines... PSA a du mal sur ce marché, et ça chauffe avec son associé Dongfeng. L'obligation d'association avec un local commence à être vu comme un piège, les chinois en profitant pour "prendre des notes" avant de nous envahir plus tard, et en tout cas déjà, d'êtres plus compétitif sur leur marché. Du coup, quid de l'avenir de DS, marqué créée quasiment surtout pour le marché chinois? Cette fin de l'eldorado chinois ne risque t-il pas d'y mettre un coup fatal, alors qu'elle a beaucoup de mal à exister ailleurs, déjà en Europe? Et quid de constructeurs comme Buick, qui a survécu grâce au marché chinois?


Mais les marques chinoises, qui ont été massivement incité à investir dans l'électrique, vont peut-être vouloir quand même rentabiliser cette technologie... en Europe? L'image encore liée aux crash tests désastreux et le manque d'image de ces marques va obliger à trouver une astuce marketing pour entrer d'une bonne manière, genre "garantie 7 ans" des coréens.

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PSA a du mal sur ce marché, et ça chauffe avec son associé Dongfeng. L'obligation d'association avec un local commence à être vu comme un piège, les chinois en profitant pour "prendre des notes" avant de nous envahir plus tard, et en tout cas déjà, d'êtres plus compétitif sur leur marché. Du coup, quid de l'avenir de DS, marqué créée quasiment surtout pour le marché chinois? Cette fin de l'eldorado chinois ne risque t-il pas d'y mettre un coup fatal, alors qu'elle a beaucoup de mal à exister ailleurs, déjà en Europe?



Qui sait si le changement de dogme du marché chinois ne va pas pousser PSA à forcer beaucoup plus son plan de reconquête des USA... Car le seul marché européen risque d'être insuffisant.


Après, voila qui va peut-être aussi pousser PSA à rationnaliser ses gammes... tant il existe une multitude de modèles différents en Chine auxquels on n'a pas droit chez nous, et vice-versa. Je me pose la question de savoir pourquoi le groupe n'a pas "citroënisé" la DS4 S pour notre marché européen, plutôt que de "berliniser" le C4 Cactus, en attendant le nouveau modèle de la C4...

citroen c4 ds4s.jpg


Comme quoi, il suffit de changer juste une calandre et une auto peut changer de marque no vu ni connu...

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Qui sait si le changement de dogme du marché chinois ne va pas pousser PSA à forcer beaucoup plus son plan de reconquête des USA... Car le seul marché européen risque d'être insuffisant.




On est déja passé d'une date prévue pour 2026 à 2023

https://www.passionnement-citr [...] ra-en-2023




Initialement fixée à 2026, la date du retour de Peugeot aux États Unis se fera d'ici 2023 avec la nouvelle génération des Peugeot 3008 et 5008 qui auront la charge de conquérir ce nouveau marché pour la marque.

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