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Invité §Fre310wz

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  • rodo 2


  • denreg5253


  • dRic C


  • minimini3


Participants fréquents à ce sujet

Invité §le 816mY

Tiens salut toi :coucou:


Un sandwich stp! dsl

[mode rabat-joie]

Par internet ?? :D


M&ms :miam:

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Invité §le 816mY

En parlant de biere cela m'etonnais aussi de ne pas te voir trainer dans le coin :D

:D J'avoue que ça m'a donné envie j'ai été obligé d'aller en chercher une dans un frigo :D

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Invité §pob474iW

Tu chauffes :D

As i went down to the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way!


O sisters let's go down

Lets go down, Come on down

O sisters lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol way

And who shall wear the robe & crown

Good Lord show me the way


O brothers lets go down

Let's go down, Come on down

O brothers lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good lord show me the way


O fathers lets go down

Let's go down, Come on down

O fathers lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray studying about that good ol way

And who shall wear th robe and crown

Good Lord show me the way


O mothers lets go down

Come on down, don't you wanna go down?

O Mothers lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studin about that good ol' way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way


O sinners lets go down

Lets go down, come on down

O sinners lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol way

And who shall wear the Robe and crown?

Good Lord show me the way


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Invité §le 816mY

As i went down to the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way!


O sisters let's go down

Lets go down, Come on down

O sisters lets go down

Down in the river to pray

J'ai sur kazaa ça :W

Toute la BO en fait :D

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As i went down to the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way!


O sisters let's go down

Lets go down, Come on down

O sisters lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol way

And who shall wear the robe & crown

Good Lord show me the way


O brothers lets go down

Let's go down, Come on down

O brothers lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good lord show me the way


O fathers lets go down

Let's go down, Come on down

O fathers lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray studying about that good ol way

And who shall wear th robe and crown

Good Lord show me the way


O mothers lets go down

Come on down, don't you wanna go down?

O Mothers lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studin about that good ol' way

And who shall wear the starry crown?

Good Lord show me the way


O sinners lets go down

Lets go down, come on down

O sinners lets go down

Down in the river to pray


As I went down in the river to pray

Studyin about that good ol way

And who shall wear the Robe and crown?

Good Lord show me the way


Oh non toi ta gueule !

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Invité §pob474iW

am a man of constant sorrow

I've seen trouble all my days

I bid farewell to ol' Kentucky

The place where I was born and raised.


The place where he was born and raised


For six long years I've been in trouble,

no pleasure here on earth I've found

For in this world, I'm bound to ramble,

I have no friends to help me now.


He has no friends to help him now


It's fair thee well, my old true lover,

I never expected to see you again.

For I'm bound to ride that Northern Railroad,

perhaps I'll die upon this train


Perhaps he'll die upon this train


You can bury me in Sunny Valley,

For many years there I may lay.

And you will learn to love another

while I am sleeping in my grave.


While he is sleeping in his grave


Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger

My face you never will see no more

But there is one promise that is given,

I'll meet you on Gods golden shore


He'll meet you on God's golden shore





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Invité §pob474iW

Tiens je croyais que t'etais parti :D

Je suis ni toujours la, ni jamais...


j'ere, je rode, je dompte le TSF :D

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