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[Topic officiel] Renault Alliance

alliance impossible

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Alors ?


Le coupé est monté à 45,51 EUR (plus 7 de port)...

J'ai laché l'affaire. :(




Ben non, j'ai un compte-tours, moi mossieu :o

Tu recherches un compteur, le tiens est HS ?

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Ben non, j'ai un compte-tours, moi mossieu :o

Tu recherches un compteur, le tiens est HS ?


Je croyais que le tachymètre était au moins identique.

Oui pour le compteur, moi jai un tachymètre de R9 camouflé avec le fond de compteur de l'Alliance. Les graduations ne correspondent pas vraiment :cyp:

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Tu peux récupérer le tachy, tout dépend du prix que tu es prêt à y mettre, il fait 35 $, sans les frais de port.


Mon tableau de bord est comme celui là, sauf que j'ai pas de volant cuir :(

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Invité §vas065Zn

New to the family....


Hello Friends,


I'm pleased to announce that The Convertible family got new member and my Red 85' new friend to his garage.

The One is Renault Alliance Convertible 1.7L with original white body paint and beige interior. It has been produced on late 1986

as model 87'. The condition of the car is not overall good but there is almost no rust and it's 98% complete. As a short overview I can

following words:

- never got to be involved in accident but there is unprofessional paint update in the front of car (front fenders, hood) God knows why??

- unknown mileage, my guess is about 170k miles

- 1992 import to Czech from Canada

- there was transmission replacement (original automatic MB3 has been swapped due to it's failure with 5speed manual JB3)

- unprofessional rewired engine due to trany swapping

- model "L" - semi-cloth interior, no power windows, no power locks, power top (roof), power steering

- partially dismantled A/C (missing hoses, radiator)

- replaced tail lights with Euro version R9

- unprofessional modified front turn indicators. God knows why??

- missing interior carpet

- completely destroyed soft top(roof) but mechanically fully functional (one hydraulic piston slightly leaking)


I'm planing "frame" restoration to the original condition included re-installation of automatic trany. Very rare to find (I just got non-functional MB1)

I'm posting some picture for Your imagination.

PS: the Red 85' will get original front bumper during this winter. So there will no more space to laugh....:)


Regards Vasek.

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Hello Vasekplzen.


First of all, congratulations for your new Alliance, it is a car that will give you a lot of satisfaction.


Your car have a lot of work, but is a very good base for restauration, because is very complet.


The things you asked about tail lights and turn lights is very possible where changed for the european homologation, when the car arrived from Canada.


First of all, if I were you I will disarm the seats, and the floor carpet, to check for corrosion, I will also wash the engine, note you keep all the pieces (plastic pipes) which are in the engine compartiment, for example, the one which are near coolant bottle is the pipe that goes to the air filter case.


I have a 87 Alliance L (auto gearbox), like yours, which is originally in a 99%, so if you need any pictures of any part, please let me know, and I will take a lot of pictures and send you by mail, so with these help you can restore yor car to an original state more easily.


I also have a 2 door 86 Alliance, recently buyed, I will go for it to France in a couple of weeks, but it doesnt 100% original, because have some pieces changed, as the original grille, both side mirrors, the tail lights and the front safety belts.


Wellcome from Spain, and good luck!!

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Invité §vas065Zn

So, thank You for all Your comments and support and don't worry... I'll keep You posted:)


Regards Vasek.


PS: two weeks ago The White has been moved to workshop to start restoration process.

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Invité §mar234YB

Ma belle en top-less dans la rue le week-end dernier ! Comme quoi, il faisait bon ! A moins que je ne sois totalement fou !

Je vous interdis de répondre !



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Selon l'interview de Ghosn sur CNN le 30 novembre, le retour de Renault aus US, oui mais pas desuite !

The U.S. market is tough," Ghosn explains, "which means you're going to have to invest for a good period of time and accept that you're not going to have a return."


One reason he has thought through all these tradeoffs: Renault, which retreated from the U.S. market 20 years ago. Ghosn is clearly itching to bring back the brand in the States. But without having stabilized its position in the European market, Renault is hardly robust enough to meet the U.S. market challenge, he admits. He keeps pushing back the likely date of Renault's return.

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