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European Ford GT Owners Club

FORD GT DAYS 2014 au MANS CLASSIC. Registration/Report/Pictures.

Saint Ho

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The group of our Ford GT create a sensation by going together to the track.


Le groupe des Ford GT fait sensation en se rendant ensemble vers la piste.






















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Ford GT on the legendary track.


Les Ford GT sur la piste mythique.














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Saturday dinner.


We were about 50, at the evening gourmet dinner along the circuit. The meal was prepared by Chef Olivier BOUSSARD (one star in the Michelin guide).


Diner du Samedi.

Le soir, dîner gastronomique le long du circuit. Le repas avait été préparé par le chef Olivier BOUSSARD, une étoile au guide Michelin.






















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Saturday night.


After dinner, very exceptionally, Ford GT owners were privately received by the organizers of the Le Mans Classic, at the « Heritage Club », with Champagne, sweets and terrace to look at the night races. Unfortunately, it was late, and very few of us waited to use this privilege.


Samedi après le dîner.

Après le dîner, très exceptionnellement, les propriétaires de Ford GT sont reçus par les organisateurs du Mans Classic, au Club Héritage, avec Champagne, douceurs et terrasse pour voir les courses de nuit. Malheureusement, il était tard, et très peu d’entre nous ont souhaité bénéficier de ce privilège.

















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Some others photos of the weekend.


Quelques autres photos du weekend.




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Image 6 - Version 2.jpg



















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The sweetness of some ladies in this world of men.

Femininity is essential to us, but they were too few. There is a lot of progress to make for our future meetings.

Gentlemen, next time, do not deprive us of your ladies.


La féminité.

La douceur de quelques dames dans ce monde de d’hommes.

Leur féminité nous est indispensable, mais elles étaient beaucoup trop peu nombreuses. Il y a beaucoup de progrès à faire pour nos prochaines réunions.

Messieurs, la prochaine fois, ne nous privez pas de vos dames.

FORD GT 041.jpg











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It is said that in France, everything ends with a song.

So here is the 101 th picture to show the end of this report.


On dit qu’en France, tout finit par une chanson.

Donc, voici la 101 ème image pour marquer la fin de ce reportage.




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One of the 74 pictures published by "Top Gear" in its report on Le Mans Classic ... and one of the only non devoted to racing on the track.

Ford GT does not go unnoticed.


Une des 74 photos publiées par « Top Gear », dans son reportage su Le Mans Classic…. et une des seules non consacrées au courses sur la piste.

Les Ford GT ne passent pas inaperçues.


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Thanks to Jean-Bernard, who founded this video of the Ford GT just before entering the circuit, during the FORD GT DAYS 2014.

------------------------------Merci à Jean-Bernard d'avoir trouvé cette vidéo sur les GT en "pré-grille" lors des FORDGT DAYS 2014.



Enjoy / Profitez.



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Je rêve !

J'ai vu TA voiture entrer sur le circuit !!! :ddr:

Toi, Saint Ho, sur un circuit de vitesse ! :ouch:

On aura tout vu... :whistle:






In english : a private joke with my friend Saint Ho. Sawing him on a circuit is very astonishing... incredible ! :pooooo:






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Je rêve !

J'ai vu TA voiture entrer sur le circuit !!! :ddr:

Toi, Saint Ho, sur un circuit de vitesse ! :ouch:

On aura tout vu... :whistle:






In english : a private joke with my friend Saint Ho. Sawing him on a circuit is very astonishing... incredible ! :pooooo:








And ... even worse, a friend sent me this photo to capture a moment where ... I overtake !!!! lol.gif.3a1b27e7db33353891f888348718ed17.gif

Amazing is not it ?


… Et pire encore, un ami m’a envoyé cette photo pour immortaliser un moment où … je double !!! lol.gif.3a1b27e7db33353891f888348718ed17.gif

Incroyable non ?



Best regards / Amités.


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Beaucoup de travail pour organiser un week-end comme celui-là. Bravo Francis pour le résultat et à tous les partcipants, un beau succès. Très impressionnant de voir toutes ces FGT alignées. J’ai été content de pouvoir parler et faire un peu connaissance avec quelques propriétaires que j’ai trouvé très sympa.

Encore bravo pour ce premier coup d’essai ou plutôt "coup de maître" et bonne chance pour l’avenir.


Lot of work to organize a weekend like this. Congratulations Francis and to all others participants, a great success. Very impressive to see all these FGT aligned. I was happy to talk with some very friendly owners.

Again congratulations for this first test or ''coup de maître'' and good luck for the future.

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And ... even worse, a friend sent me this photo to capture a moment where ... I overtake !!!! http://staticclub.caradisiac.c [...] om/lol.gif

Amazing is not it ?


… Et pire encore, un ami m’a envoyé cette photo pour immortaliser un moment où … je double !!! http://staticclub.caradisiac.c [...] om/lol.gif

Incroyable non ?



Best regards / Amités.


Incroyable / Incredible / Amazing and so on :o


Il n'y a pas de mots pour traduire ma surprise / no word to say how I'am surprised !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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The unanimous opinion, on our FORD GT DAYS 2014 is that they were a great success.

We are happy and proud, because many efforts have been made to obtain that result.

We decided to publish some of the messages that we have received concerning that weekend.

Those who would see a wish to make our personal advertising would make a error of judgment. It would be useless for us.

However, the development of the Club require that his future partners know its achievements and successes. This is the reason of this publication in three chapters : The participants, the spectators, those who have not come.




De l’avis unanime, nos FORD GT DAYS 2014 ont été un grand succès.

Beaucoup d’efforts ayant été faits pour qu’il en soit ainsi, nous en sommes heureux et fiers.

Nous avons décidé de publier quelques uns des messages qui nous sont parvenus.

Ceux qui y verraient un soucis de notre publicité personnelle, se tromperaient lourdement. Elle nous serait parfaitement inutile.

En revanche, les développement du Club nécessitent que ses réalisations et ses réussites soient connues de ses futurs partenaires et interlocuteurs. C’est la raison de de cette publication en trois parties : Les participants, les spectateurs, ceux qui n’étaient pas là.




  • Encore Félicitations pour avoir su organiser ces GT Days avec tant de « professionnalisme » et qualité. Étant moi-même ancien organisateur d’évènements… je sais à quel point c’est une mission difficile.



  • Just a short note to say Merci Beaucoup for all your hard work for the Classic last weekend. It was very enjoyable and great to meet the other GT owners.



  • Can I just extend the massive thanks from Ian, our group and myself for your incredibly gracious hospitality at the weekend. It was extremely kind of you to allow Ian and the group to take part in the event with the rest of the Ford GT owners and we all really enjoyed it.


I know Ian will never forget his laps of the track in the Healey and we all really had a

great time at the Dinner.

You really went out of your way to ensure all the GT owners felt very special and your

gift pack is really memorable and will provide a fitting momento to a fantastic event.


Thank you again and I hope to meet up with you again at the next event.


  • Many thanks for your successful efforts in putting on a great event at Le Mans.



  • Thanks for everything



  • It was a pleasure to meet you also and a wonderful get together.



  • Tout d'abord, nous tenions à vous remercier de nous avoir accueillis sur votre stand. Nous sommes ravis d'avoir pu participer à cet événement d’exception.


Nous avons été bluffés par le nombre très impressionnant de voitures d'exception

présentes au Mans Classic, et plus particulièrement, bien sûr, par les 22 sublimes Ford



  • Francis, It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you very much for organising the GT associated events @ LMC 2014.


I look forward to 2016!


  • Many thanks for your excellent hospitality, the event was very well organised and most enjoyable.



It is obvious a lot of hard work and planning had been carried out to make it a great



My other UK owners and guests were very impressed with the event.


  • Merci encore de votre hospitalité et de ce très bon Week-end.



  • I just wanted to say it was really great meeting you all and I had a great trip.


David & Francis and team I wanted to say a very big thank you for organising the event

so well, you must have spent many hours on the detail and that very much came


I look forward to meeting you all again at the next event.


  • I am so happy to be so lucky to know you. YOU MADE THE FORD GT DAYS 10000000000% FANTASTIC AND INCREDIBLE. It was a real pleasure to meet you and your wife.


I kind of miss your happy smile and the energy from Alain.

Can not really find any words for how much I enjoyed that weekend, it was the most

sensational and passionate car event I have experienced.

I just want to thank you so much for everything.


and arrange something as big as possible.


  • Encore un grand merci à vous et Dave Jones pour cette excellente prestation.


Pour une première c’etait une réussite malgré le mauvais temps, jamais

j’ai vu autant de Ford GT réunies.

J’ai la tête encore toute pleines d’images et c’est certain je me

souviendrais toute ma vie de ce week end. Merci également pour la plaque qui

aura sa place dans un cadre à cote du polo shirt de Matech que Camilo Pardo

m’a dédicacé aux 24 du Mans 2010.


  • Well this was a fantastic event superbly organised by Francis. He made everyone really welcome and produced at his own expense some fantastic souvenirs for us all to take home. The highlight for me were the track laps on Saturday morning - there is no more iconic place to drive your GT.....



  • Francis, You did a fantastic job in 2014 and your kindness, hospitality and organisation were both exemplary and above and beyond the norm. I will certainly look to take part in 2016 and will hopefully be able to join Dave on his full trip.

Thank you again.


  • I need to start by thanking all my Ford GT Brothers who showed up to LMC.


Experiencing a meeting like this you realize that you are really not the only one with a great taste and passion for these cars.

BTW I am the owner with the GT40 Tattoo.

My trip started really good, after 5 minutes from home heading towards Le Mans and the GPS showing 2000kms left my fuel gauge showed me the F finger and got stuck, well I had the longest trip of them all with the most thirsty GT (Whippled and flame spitting) and not knowing how much fuel I really had in the car, came to Germany and went 221mph and sometime during that WOT my license plate flew. so I was going FAST, LOUD without plates in Germany for a whole 485kms. Came to Cologne and printed out a fake plate and realized I did forgot the papers to the car home in Sweden. Mr SmartGuy!!! But we made it all the way to the magical LeMans.

I need to thank Francis, Alain x2 both of them and the artist because he was just to funny and happy all the time, David at GT101 and his father.

I have had the luck to experience allot of epic moments when it comes to motorsports such as racing against F1 drivers, driven at Spa and the Nurburgring several times on good and bad days ( heavy rain ) and also met creators which have written history among them Mr Pagani and Christian von Koenigsegg, both at their factory and under lunch, why am I telling you all this? Well its because as you may understand all that is really an big experience for a passionate petrol head like me but BUT LeMans Classic 2014 was all that and x100000 better!!!

The smell, the insane sounds, the atmosphere, the people, the time travel, the vibrations, the GT40´s , 917s, 935s and the P312 during the night races almost made me cry.

IT WAS THE BEST I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED IN MY LIFE. I lost 3,5kgs during that weekend because I forgot to eat. Even on the dinner I almost did not eat because I was so excited. Be telling you guys this, YOU NEED TO SHOW up at the 2016 event. It was absolutely astonishing and like our french brothers says Fantastique!

Francis made us all feel extremely welcome and helped us with anything we needed to know. I am thankful that he and David made this.


I would be more then happy to meet you guys in 2016.


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  • Bonsoir Francis. Très belle organisation, je devine une montagne de travail derrière ce qui parait avoir été facile...


Très beau reportage. On y devine l'ambiance qui a régné tout au long du week-end au sein du club European Ford GT.


Mais surtout, quel plateau. Voir toutes ces Ford GT réunies dans un même endroit et le même jour, c'est impressionnant et sûrement un record pas encore égalé à ce jour.


Un seul mot : BRAVO !



  • Je suis en plein accord avec JMC et me joins très volontiers à lui pour t'adresser toutes mes félicitations pour l'exceptionnelle prestation fournie par ce club que tu présides avec autant d'efficacité, de sympathie et de modestie.



  • Bonjour Francis. Ce petit message pour vous féliciter de l'organisation de la rencontre Ford GT au Mans. Un bel exploit de réunir autant de ces autos si rares.


Je suis passé à plusieurs reprises sans vous voir, dommage ; il est vrai qu'étant donné l'ampleur de l'évènement, il était difficile de voir tout le monde.

Et merci de relater cet évènement sur votre forum avec toutes ces belles photos.

Longue vie à l'EFGTOC et encore bravo.


  • Bonsoir St Ho. Tout juste rentré du Mans avec les cobras du Team Cassoulet, je tenais spécialement à vous féliciter pour la qualité de votre espace. Nous y sommes passés sans vous y rencontrer samedi, mais étant donné le nombre de voitures mobilisées pour cet événement, je ne doute pas de votre satisfaction.

Bien cordialement.

(Hello Ho St. Just returned from Le Mans with the Cobras of the Team "Cassoulet", I especially wanted to congratulate you on the quality of your space. We went there without seeing you there on Saturday, but considering the number of cars mobilized for this event, I do not doubt with your satisfaction.




  • Bonsoir Saint Ho. Ce fut un grand plaisir que d'aller contempler cette vingtaine de GT alignées comme à la parade, et de se faire accueillir comme un prince sous la tente.


Bravo pour ton organisation, parfaite comme à ton habitude. J'espère que les membres de ton club auront su apprécier un tel souci du détail !

(It was a great pleasure to come and see all these GT together and have a drink with you.


Perfect organization, it seems... I hope every member of your club has appreciate !)


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(From Germany)

Thanks for your detailed report. Looks like you guys manage to organize a very great event. Seems like everyone enjoyed it by just judging the photos.

Unfortunately this year it was not possible for me to attend, but I promise to put it on top of the event list for 2016.

  • We're hoping to join you for a repeat in 2016!



(From USA )

  • Fantastic!! Thank you Saint Ho for organizing and Mal for sharing the pix, especially in a Heritage (I'm biased on this color, of course...). How many FGT were in attendance ?



  • Hopefully, we'll get 30 more from the U.S. for 2016.



  • 22, that is quite impressive!! Great showing guys!



  • WOW, it really looks gorgeous !



  • Thanks for sharing those fantastic pictures. What a great turnout.


The Ford GT sculpture is beautiful.


  • Beautiful. Thank you, Francis.



  • Thanks for sharing! Great event.



  • Thank you for sharing. Looks like an awesome event! Great pictures.



  • Francis, Your passion for the FGTs comes through vividly. Looked like you put together a glorious celebration, and at all places, the Le Mans Classic! A huge congrats!!! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful photographic story!


I'm very tempted to take the trip in 2016. In fact, I was just talking with my wife a few weeks ago that a day we should ship our GT over to France to drive some of the great roads. For example, a couple of years ago, we (I) drove a little 1.4 litre Peugoet from Paris to Provence to Monaco...., I enjoyed the roads greatly, and it was in a tiny rental car.... I'll need to start looking into logistic of shipping a car over there.

Again, congrats on the event!


  • What a fantastic event !! I commend you on your efforts !! Thanks for write up and photos. The GT model is super cool !! Keep us posted



  • FANTASTIQUE!!! Sure hope to make it in two years.



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