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<BMW E46 ci > ROBolop Design

Invité §rob674AK

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Invité §rob674AK
Invité §rob674AK

After looking for quite a wile, I managed to find some handles that fit my cupboards.

I had to do some millingwork to mount them in a descent way.




I turned off the all of the frontpanels.


I milled away the thickness of the aluminium, of the handles


So it'll rest nicely equal on the top, and on the inside of the drawer


The front

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Invité §rob674AK
Invité §rob674AK

About's still going pretty slow. I ordered some stuff, and I have to wait on it for a while.

In the meanwhile the cupboards and drawers are filled with my materials. I also spended a lot of time chosing the best place for each material.

I switched positions many times, but now, I'm starting to know where everything is.

Also, I bought new toy!


The Makita mlt100


I snapped a picture how that thing came out of the box.


After looking and measuring, I turned this off.


Like I said, this is a quite a toy. When you wand to saw something 100% perfect, you don't need to do it with a table-saw of 475€, unless a mm doesn't matter.

The intention is that the saws 100% where I wanted it saw.

If it'll work, I don't know. It's also the first time I do this, but I'm looking forward to it.



Now that I have this table-saw, I can also think more how I'm planning to make my worktable, and how big it should be.

Everything needs to be compact, and be at the exact right spot in my garage.

I'm going to blend the sa wand mill into my working table, and when I need them, I just have to remove a rubber math to use it.

In other words, I'm going to make a multifunctional table, which I've put a lot of thinking work in...

To have better view on what I'm making, I mounted some pieces of wood to see if the dimensions are correct.




At the bottom of the picture you can see the mill, a bit high the saw.


You can see that the new glider of INCAR which IS properly adjusted


This is only the beginning of the table. I'm going to think good now, before I'm ordering the rest of the wood and steel.

In the end, it's the last working table I'll ever make, so it has to be on point!

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Invité §rob674AK

About the working table, every day is a day full of progress in terms of the drafting of the mill and saw. Every day I'm working on that for a couple of hours. Once I've changed something, I call it a day, and work on it the next.

In the time in between, I'm trying to make some other things.

Here I made some iron little shackles which fit in the aluminium U.



Some pieces of iron, sawed at length.


After that I disced it at the right size, and abraded it nicely straight on the sanding belt till it all fitted nicely in the little sloth.


Drilled the holes, and turned in the new M5 thread, and gave it a little paintjob.





This was the result after 6 hours. These things just eat time!


The meaning of these bars, is that you can clamp something with it.


Here an example.

I still need to buy or make the clamps...


In the meantime , this aluminium plate has been delivered .... This will be placed on my pillar drill. I had planned to make this myself with my uppermill, but for the price I bought it, I couldn't make it myself.

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Invité §rob674AK
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Invité §rob674AK

The "longslider" is ready.

Here some pictures of the big picture.


Final picture of the T-square. It looks heavy, but it's not so bad.

I didn't want to make it too light as well, it needed to be accurate and strong.


The black hinge is to tighten it.




How it's adjusted now, it should be exactly 90 degrees. I measured this with a big aluminium snag.

I a store nearby, they have special equipment, and soon, I'll go there to let it measured with a digital meter.





I can also do minor corrections.

On the bottom left you can see one inbus-screw, with 4 little holes around it.

With this screw I can do minor corrections. Once it's all 100% in every angle, I drill the holes a bit bigger and put 4 screw in it.



I also drilled 2 holes where I can insert a inbus-key.

By turning there, I can determine i fit all shifts nicely like I want it.

Do I tighten it more, I'll have more friction of the Teflon on the aluminium slot.


Here it's all mounted on the table.






Of course, I have to see now if I can get this thing 100% tuned. But I already know it's going to be 10 times better than the trash which was originally delivered.




What the table itself is concerned, I'm going to makes these out of aluminium as well.

I'm measuring everything accurately to set an order.

I'm going to make the frame with the profile.


This profile is available in many sizes and is very strong.

I let everything being cut to get it as precise as possible. Cost factor is going up, but as I said earlier, it's the last time I make something like this.

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Invité §rob674AK

When I bought a new stereo for my workshop, I immediately knew the boxes that cames wit hit, would be dead in an instant.

But I had a nice set of Yamaha's laying around here. But the brown cabinaets didn't fit in the interior well.

So I got the speakers out, measured them, and made new housings fort hem.

I made these of 25ùù thick mdf, and covered it with a thin layer (1mm) of formica.

After that I made a grill, and covered it again with black speaker fabric.

These were the speakers that originally came with the hifi.


Voila...finished. I just need a big plug to hang these on the wall.

They are really heavy!


So the speakers were finished, and then there came an exciting moment for me.

How hard could I play music around here, without disturbing anyone?

In my previous garage it frequently happened, the old lady from nextdoor started complaining.


After the first listening-test, I had a big smile on my face.

I could play it so hard I could, without anyone hearing anything.

I took this in condideration when we ordered the windows. When you take 2 different thicknesses in terms of glass, it gives a better stop to sounds.


Here are a few photos of a strange thing I made;

I've been able to convince some friends that I'm making a jukebox next...and they believe it, haha


Once it's finished, you'll see what I made it for...

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Invité §rob674AK

The biggest part of the aluminium profiles needed for my tables has been delivered.

I think to finish my first table at the end of this week. It's quite a puzzle to put everything together, and to make no mistakes.


I'm planning 8 sockets fort his table.

And I've already modified them


Soon the first table will be ready, and I'll need a forklift to set it straight.

Although it's made of aluminium, it'll still be heavy

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Invité §rob674AK

About a month ago, I told you guys I was going to make my last table. Because not all parts had been delivered yet, I made a smaller one first.

The penultimate table ***61514; This one is 200x64cm, and completely made out of aluminium.

What I'm going to use this for, I will tell you later. There's still too much in my head of things that aren't on point yet.




In the background you can also see that I divided the garage in 2 by descending the roller curtain.

We've managed to blend this in in a very nice way, and I'm very happy with the result.




About the aluminium part, I immediately thought that I could screw this into each other quickly...forget it.

The first problem was that I could not mount the supplied wheel directly under the legs (8x8cm). So I makde 4 plates out of 12mm thick, and screwed these underneath.


I had to laugh at the wheels that they had supplied me. They Looked very shoddy, but once everything was finished, they turned out perfectly.



I provided the table with 2 boxes of 4 sockets.

Then I put the uppermill in it, to make some room for the cables.


Because I'm right handed, I've also put the outlets on the right side




The advantage of this profile is that you can plug-in threaded screws (m4-5-6-8) everywhere you want, and move them anywhere you want.


On this side I added some more of those things.

On the other side I would like to mount a folding machine (pleating machine).

How I'm going to do this, and make this, I haven't even thought about.

I also do not know the ins and outs of how to make a folding machine, but maybe my friend Goole will know...Or maybe there are people here who can give me some tips and tricks?


You can also see that I've tapped screwthread into the holes on the top plate. (m8)


On the top, I can tighten whatever I want, where ever I want.


So far the table.



What's going on behind the curtain at the workshop, is not quite finished.

Not that much to do anymore, but when you want perfection, it just demands you put a lot of time in it.

The YAMAHA speakers also heve been suspended from the ceiling.


Onto a certain height, I placed some Volkern (trespa- plates of 6mm thick.

I certainly wanted this material. It's superstrong, and you can wash this quite easily.




Once I had the plates, I thought "I'm going to stick against the wall with tec 7 in a couple of minutes"

Forget it.

You should not glue this material directly against the wall.

If you do this right may warp over time.

Now, if you know what it costs, you should not take the risk.

So I first glued some 2cm strips against the wall.

Then I sprayed a loooooooooooot of cans Tec7 on the wall, mounted the Trespa, and then clamped it tight.

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Invité §rob674AK
Invité §moz215Qp

je sais pas mais c est tres impressionnant le boulot qu il fait

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Invité §xou600tw

Few months I don't check your topic and things never changes :D


You're definitively the best Homemade Man I know !!!


Fantastic job man !

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