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Invité §ami463nV

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Invité §ami463nV

TF 1964 - Shelby Cobra - Gregory - Ireland - Shelby Am.





Monterey Motorsports Reunion 2012


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Invité §bep134Bm

Tempo fà ..... avevamo fatto i “postini”, tra Giampaolo Ceraolo e Francesco Panarotto, a proposito di alcune sue foto di Targa Florio del ’72 ……



…… ma una promessa è debito …. anche se a distanza di tempo …..



Oggi abbiamo continuato a fare i "postini" per conto di Francesco Panarotto, consegnando una copia del libro “A112 PICCOLA E VINCENTE” a Giampaolo Ceraolo.



E per non fermarci ai libri ....... chi lo dice che le DAREN in scala 1/1 ancora circolanti stanno soltanto in Inghilterra ? :sol::sol::sol:


"postini" così ..... ci piace :sol::sol::sol::sol:




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Invité §bes888PR

Targa Florio 1959



Giulio Cabianca




Giorgio Scarlatti









For 1959 then, Ferrari stayed with the Testa Rossa.



The old Scaglietti bodies were now replaced by largely similar all-enveloping styles by Fantuzzi, former body-builder for Maserati.


The now long obsolescent drum brakes were at last replaced by discs, and the old four-speed gearbox integral with the engine was superseded by a five-speed unit built as part of the final drive assembly.


Although the new braking system was to provide teething troubles, the Testa Rossas once again finished first and second at the Sebring 12 Hours Championship curtain-raiser.


Next on the list far 1959 was the Targa Florio, on May 24.


Here Ferrari was to enter four cars, three of them works Testa Rossas for Gendebien and Phil Hill,






for Jean Behra and Tony Brooks,






and a slightly hotter version far Gurney and Allison.






But the most interesting car in the Ferrari team was a semi-official works car for Scarlatti and Cabianca, added in answer to increasing public criticism that the foremost italian racing team was giving precious few racing opportunities to ltalian drivers.


This car was a hybrid called the Dino 196. it was intended as a more direct replacement for the old four-cylinder 2-litre Testa Rossa, as a fundamentally simple but fast and reliable competition sports car for sale to private owners.



testo inglese tratto da “Targa Florio - The Post-war years 1948-1973” - Brooklands Books



* * *






Anche in quella Targa 1959, quindi, il Team Ferrari visse i mesi delle trasformazioni, per le mitiche “Testa Rossa”, sottoposte agli aggiornamenti tecnici di uno sviluppo sempre più veloce (motori - freni - cambi).


E poi una verità in più a riguardo di quella Dino 196S n.142 affidata agli italiani (Scarlatti - Cabianca) ; una vettura, quindi, “ibrida”, ( una “semi-official works car“) pensata e realizzata come vettura semplice, veloce ma affidabile, orientata per la clientela dei “privati”.









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Invité §bes888PR




e tanto per non fare i "rifardi" ...... a proposito delle titolazioni : Ferrari SEFAC ....... Martini International Team ...... Team A.A.W. .........



e poi "dice" come mai non è molto semplice infrusarci con le EcoTargaFlorio .......

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Invité §bes888PR

I piccoli e semplici gesti dei GRANDI veri uomini







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Invité §ran085xF

Après sa victoire à la Targa Florio en 1924, la Mercedes défile dans les rues de Stuttgart sur une remorque tirée par des chevaux.



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Invité §bes888PR








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Invité §bes888PR





Targa Florio 1936 - manifestazione sottotono, quell'anno




Isola di Man - maggio 1936 - Il Principe Bira segue Cyril Paul (entrambi su ERA) nel Willaston Corner durante la Manx Car Race










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Invité §ami463nV

Because gasoline was often of poor quality, it ran on a mix called Elcosina, a blend of ether, gas and ethyl alcohol .....






Dal momento che, in quegli anni, la benzina era spesso di scarsa qualità, si correva con un un mix chiamato Elcosina, una miscela di alcool etere, gas ed etile …..












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Invité §bes888PR

1961 - PALERMO, SICILY, April 30th.






Stralcio tratto dal fantastico articolo “An Exciting Motor Race” (Motor Sport June 1961)



“ ……. THIS year the Automobile Club of Palermo took over the organisation of the Targa Florio, carrying on all the splendid traditions of this fantastic old race, and while the circuit and conditions and racing were of the usual wild and woolly nature, the paperwork organisation behind the event was greatly improved.


The Little Madonie circuit, of 72 kilometres length (approximately 44 miles), was as difficult as ever, although two corners had been by-passed and a small amount of resurfacing had been done, but relative to the whole circuit this was rather like adding or taking away one straw bale on the average Grand Prix circuit.


Also, some of the corners had been edged with steel crash barriers, so that instead of going straight aver the edge and down the mountainside, anyone out of control would now bounce back on to the road and go over the edge a bit further on, a mangled wreck before leaving the road.


These barriers may have been expected to deter drivers from overdoing things or going too fast, but in fact everyone seemed prepared to go faster than ever.






Il giornalista registra la “nuova” presenza, lungo il circuito, di guardrail in acciaio, per evitare rovinose uscite di strada …….. non mancando di commentare che tali nuove “barriere” avrebbero dovuto scoraggiare i piloti a strafare o andare troppo veloce, ma in realtà tutti i piloti sembravano pronti ad andare più velocemente che mai …. ; la foto è una testimonianza di quelle “strabilianti novità” …… di acciao, in Targa ……...



As with all big sports-car races there was a large entry of mixed cars, from factory Ferraris to 1.000-C.C. Abarth coupés, and the main feature of the race, for the outright win, lay between the Scuderia Ferrari team, the factory Porsche team and the latest

Maseratis being run by the Scuderia Serenissima with factory Maserati mechanics in support.


The Ferrari team comprised two of the latest Tipo 246 rear-engined sports cars, driven by Phil Hill/Gendebien






and von Trips/Ginther,






and a front-engined V12-cylinder car driven by Ricardo Rodriguez/Mairesse.






The rear-engined cars were all-independently sprung based on the new F.I Grand Prix car, using 2.4-litre V6 Dino engines.


The fully enveloping bodies on these cars are very wide behind the cockpit, as well as being the height of the regulation windscreen for the full width, so that the curving tail presents a very large surface area, finishing abruptly in a cut-back end.






I volumi delle carrozzerie delle Ferrari in campo, dietro l’abitacolo, vengono definiti completamente avvolgenti e molto ampi ……



During testing at Monza it was found that this large unbroken area was acting as an aerofoil at maximum speed and generating “lift” so that the rear wheels were almost being raised off the ground.


To counteract this phenomenon a ”spoiler” was fitted across the extreme rear of the tail, about five inches in height.


With this high tail and the large regulation screen, even tall drivers such as von Trips looked lost in the cockpit, and all the drivers had to drive looking through the Perspex screen.



E quindi ……. durante il test a Monza si constatò che quella vasta area di carrozzeria posteriore agiva negativamente come un profilo alare alla massima velocità, generando una penalizzante depressione tale da far sollevare le ruote posteriori da terra.




I “salti” di quelle Ferrari a Cerda …..



Per contrastare questo fenomeno venne così montato un grosso "spoiler" sulla coda, alto circa cinque centimetri.






Con quella coda alta e con il parabrezza di grandi dimensioni ( da regolamento ) , anche guidatori di alta statura, come Von Trips, guardavano la strada attraverso lo schermo in perspex.




( Nurburgring 1961 ) - Non a caso ……. specchietto retrovisore unico …… alto ….. e ….. centrale …


The 12-cylinder car, of 3-litres capacity, had the engine mounted at the front like last year's sports cars, but had a similar body style to the rear-engined cars, and all three had the 1961 Ferrari “twin-nostril” radiator cowling styling.


The car driven by von Trips and Ginther was the one used at Sebring,




Sebring 1961



while the Hill/Gendebien car was a brand new one, so new that the conical baffle in the fuel tank filler had been forgotten and on the first try-out the car kept spinning on its own fuel as it slopped out from the side-mounted tanks on to the ground in front pf the rear wheels.



…… curiosità : la Ferrari di Hill / Gendebien era, quindi, una vettura nuova, così nuova che il deflettore conico nel bocchettone di rifornimento del carburante era stato dimenticato, così da causare problemi di fuoriuscita di benzina al primo pit stop ……



Deflettore conico del bocchettone di rifornimento ? Qui, “forse”, se ne vedono due, in Targa 1962 :





Ferrari Dino 246SP - Mairesse - R.Rodriguez - Gendebien




As far as the racing cars were concerned Ferrari was making a determined effort to win, but the team seemed to have forgotten the drivers for there were no cars available for open-road practice and they had to do all their laps of the circuit in Fiat 600 hire-cars …... “



E quindi possiamo verificare che i (numerosi) piloti della Squadra Ferrari, causa il limitato numero di vettura da gara disponibili, girarono in prove libere anche con ordinarie Fiat 600, prese a noleggio.



Ma di che stiamo parlando ? Di Targa Florio VERA. :sol:










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Invité §sho727jx
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