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(VW POLO 6r) ICE ICE POLO (ROBolop Design)

Invité §rob674AK

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Invité §bob630DS


You understand my paint ?

This is better i think.

It's my idea.


sorry, but your idea isn't the best. bah.gif.3bdc33f58642fdf4893d5b0682cf339e.gif


If you exit where you show, the result is the same but you are using more cable bah.gif.3bdc33f58642fdf4893d5b0682cf339e.gif


so so siffle.gif.2068906ff778360c681d5ee32cc6ef32.gif


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Invité §bis741vc

sorry, but your idea isn't the best. bah.gif.d2441503f69de3e19b467ed0c532f024.gif


If you exit where you show, the result is the same but you are using more cable bah.gif.d2441503f69de3e19b467ed0c532f024.gif


so so siffle.gif.54ba83e6362d9347e00d46b883c56b65.gif



More câble, 30 cm (chépascombiendefeet) per pregnant automobilix.gif.c5e95e582afcb357de42043d10ddc079.gif

It will be more discret and we shall win in weight. bah.gif.d2441503f69de3e19b467ed0c532f024.gif



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Invité §rob674AK


You understand my paint ?

This is better i think.

It's my idea.





I don’t think that your idea is that good IMO.




A couple of questions on the things you drew here…





The cable that I used is 5mm thick. On the drawing you made I can see that the cable does a little turn on the bottom of the connection, how are you planning to do that with such a thick cable?



I also see you drew a corner in the cable, how do you do that?



How are you going to lay the cable so nicely around the woofer. Is it the intention to glue it on , or how is it going to stay there?



Once the cable is glued on, and you’re planning on moving the set into another car, how will you get the glue off on there?





I’d like to see your answers on questions above.






If I’d had to do what you are saying, I’ll take an easier solution and turn the box around so the connections are on the top, NOT !

And if we are having a discussion on the logo that is upside down, I’ll make a new little carbon plate with the focal logo on.

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Invité §bis741vc


I don’t think that your idea is that good IMO.




A couple of questions on the things you drew here…





The cable that I used is 5mm thick. On the drawing you made I can see that the cable does a little turn on the bottom of the connection, how are you planning to do that with such a thick cable?



I also see you drew a corner in the cable, how do you do that?



How are you going to lay the cable so nicely around the woofer. Is it the intention to glue it on , or how is it going to stay there?



Once the cable is glued on, and you’re planning on moving the set into another car, how will you get the glue off on there?





I’d like to see your answers on questions above.






If I’d had to do what you are saying, I’ll take an easier solution and turn the box around so the connections are on the top, NOT !

And if we are having a discussion on the logo that is upside down, I’ll make a new little carbon plate with the focal logo on.



5 mm ok it is to important for ma proposition, You cannot round off the cable as you wish it.

Yes you can make a new little carbon plate with the logo on, that could hide cables.

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Exiting day today.


I mounted the box into the trunk. I used every inch possible in there, but I had a good feeling when I let the thing go up and down.


I had to do a minor adjustment with the hammer. The box didn’t go (only for a couple of mm) by the eyes on the back of the trunk


STOP- Hammertime! lol


You can see how close it all is.


I also changed something on the hinge and now I need to finish it off.


When the trunk is up to gain access to the spare wheel, I need to flatten out the back seat



I think the spare wheel is easy accessible, no?





Awesome, nice idea to go to the spare wheel, will you finish the bottom of the hammer that we can see when it s up ? is it heavy ?

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Invité §rob674AK

I managed to lift the box in the trunk, without using much force.

It lifts easy with only using a couple of fingers.


You can see how easy I managed to solve this.


I welded 2 springs together. I had to do this cause 1 long one, wasn't strong enough.


I also used a steel cable of 3mm.

To tighten these, I used some ordinary luster-clamps.


You can also see I mounted the springs on top of each other, otherwise there was no room.


You can see on the length of the cable, I can still add more tension on it.

That I will do once it's all mounted, then I can do the fine tuning of it.


Here you can see how tight it all is next to the box, and what I mean with putting the springs on each other.


The springs and the hinge, there's also some fine-tuning necessary. I have to sanded down, and spray it.

Around the springs I'm going to pull a tyre of a kidsbicycle, so that it can't vibrate.


The box is placed on 4 rubbers, also for the vibration. But I also had to make something to tighten the box on once it's closed.

I had to do this in a simple way, so that my wife didn't need to go throught a procedure of 10 things before getting to the spare wheel.


I've managed to solve this with only 1 inbus-screw


The shackle I made, is screwed in the trunk. You can also see a rubber cap on it.

Underneath I tapped some screwthread.



Then I made a little aluminium plate, and screwed it to the box.


So when the box is closed, the plate comes directly on the shackle.


I tuned this with another inbus-screw (M10).


And so you can screw it loose or tight with only 1 screw.


Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm doing with the bimmer.

When I was working on this thing, I ask myself why I'm not doing things more simple. No head-aches, and in a much faster pace.

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Invité §rob674AK


Awesome, nice idea to go to the spare wheel, will you finish the bottom of the hammer that we can see when it s up ? is it heavy ?

I'm going to finish off the bottom of the box, but in a simple way.

Once everything is mounted in the car, it'll certainly will weigh something yeah, that's a fact.



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Invité §rob674AK


5 mm ok it is to important for ma proposition, You cannot round off the cable as you wish it.

Yes you can make a new little carbon plate with the logo on, that could hide cables.


That's too bad dude, I couldn't learn from you.

I expected some more feedback on my questions, but nobody's perfect, me neither.

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Invité §bis741vc

I thought that with the protection in stainless steel of the cable of the high speaker, that would like alone.

The fact that the cable is 5 millimeters wide, that answers directly all the questions that you put me.

This operation is impossible with such a width.

It's a pity that would have been able to be nice as solution.

I do not like your solution of the cabling of your high speakers, but if you cannot make otherwise then leash like that.

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Invité §rob674AK

I started making the panels for the sides. A work that shouldn’t be underestimated.


When I used to go and check out the cars in competitions, this was the first thing I looked at.

And yes, I checked out MANY installs, and I’ve seen many, many side panels that don’t fit at all.

There are many people that put so much effort in creating a nice box for the woofers, the placing of their amplifiers, … But when it comes to the side panels…they forget.

On the other hand, in some cars it’s just not that easy to make side panels for, and the Polo was one of them in my opinion


After thinking for a while, I knew what I wanted, and then I made this.


First I cut out a model out of cardboard and tape, and made this mold out of wood (6mm).

Because I didn’t want to have a fat big side to look on, I added aluminium of 2mm thick?

Glued it on with Tec7 and put on some screws on the back


So this will be the side panels I’ll put into the trunk. And because I wanted them to be as thin as possible, so I made it with wood of 6mm thick.

The sides are made of 2mm aluminium.


I first cut out a mold in cardboard, and sew it out.



Once you have one, turn it around, and you’ve got number 2.


Because I want to make use for every inch in the trunk, I made holes L and R, so you can put something in there.

By doing this, I also break a rather rag surface that doesn’t look good.

The model of the holes won’t be equal L and R, that’s because I can’t go bigger on the right, cause the supply of the gas-tank is there.


I also made a thickening of 1cm around the hole, as you can see clearly on this piece.


What you have to look out for is when you work with wood and aluminium, is that your filler you use is appropriate for these 2 materials.



Because I also wanted a nice rounding at the bottom, I screwed and aluminium L on there, and finished it off.

Creating a rounding is pretty simple.

Here I used a spraycan of deodorant, where I put my sanding paper on. But there are several things you can use as sanding blocks.


Then I taped the sides of the plastic where the come against.

Then I put some filled on the back of the panels , and mounted them.



Once it’s dry, you can take it out carefully, and it looks like this.



After some sanding work, it looks like this


It looks quite simple, but it isn’t. I’ve made this a couple of times now, but in the beginning it didn’t go that well.

I wasted a lot on these things to make them look good.


Because the glass plate (EQ) must go open smoothly, I screwed another alu plate on there. So I don’t have to walk around with a sucker.



Here a picture with the sides in it.


What I personally love is that the separation between the sub-box and the amplifier is made out of glass. It gives the impression it’s one piece, but it has 2 compartiments.


OOOOooo yeah, the PPI Deq 230 EQ just got a bit smaller.

Cause I haven’t got that much space, I put the disc in that thing.


Robolop Design hé, lol

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Invité §rob674AK

I let someone make me a set of alu little busses, to go in between the amp and the EQ.



I'm planning of polishing these, so they shine like a mirror. Like that I'll get a nice contrast with the matt alu plate on the bottom.


The 4 who are a bit longer, holds everything that's on the amplifier, in place.


This will be the coverplate which will rest on the glass.

I made this one in 8mm thick MDF wood.

Off-course I made the 2 holes as big as possible, so you can see as much as possible of the install.


Because the middle of the coverplate is quite wide, I was afraid that I'd loose the effect to see from the front, to the back. But it's really ok, it's still looks fine.


Off-course I'm going to add some lighting in there too.

Here are a couple of things I picked up from the motorhos in Essen (DE)...

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Invité §rob674AK

Everything I made for in the back of this Polo thus far, is removed from the trunk now. So I can give the trunk a good clean now.


The meaning now is to rebuild everything the install, outside of the trunk. But there’s a lot of work to be done first.

Some of the iron, aluminium I used, will be sanded off, and sprayed black.

The wooden box, which holds all of the components, will be glued together. The aluminium on the bottom will be glued tight with TEC7.

I was planning on making a carbon plate for it, but where I’m working now, it’s too moist, and I’m afraid it won’t be perfect…So I’ll have to come up with something else.

I also need to mill some other sloths in the bottom of the box, where the cables are.

These sloths go towards the sides, but if I look at it now, I just haven’t got space to place my cables there. Pretty stupid of me, I should have known.




Everything is ready to be covered in skai-leather, but I just can’t. Because it’s a daily car, we’ll have to use the trunk to place all our purchases in.

This means, when I buy some wood (or whatever), I have to put it there. It’s not possible to always put a blanket in there, being scared of scratchin’ it a little.

The best thing I can do is to cover it in to find the same piece of cloth the trunk is made of, and cover it in that.

Offcourse, that will look like SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT, but then again, maybe I should have left it like it was.






Sometimes women are right…SOMETIMES I said




I’ll sleep another night on it, before I open a bottle of glue.

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Invité §Het341NP

Hi dude,


Wish you all the best for this clean project, however with comfortable committed means

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Invité §rob674AK

Hi dude,


Wish you all the best for this clean project, however with comfortable committed means

THX Dude


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Invité §rob674AK

In despite of the cold weather, I went and buy some things I needed to finish the trunk of the Polo.

I also found almost the same fabric as the original one from VW (90% the same).

This was (at least for me) the best I could find. I know that it would have been much prettier when I would have covered it in leather, or alcantara, but I just couldn’t. This is a daily car, and the trunk has to be used.


I also bought some RCA cables from Dietz


Fuse-holder for in the front.


This self-adhesive (hard) mousse I’ll tape on the aluminium that comes on top of the install.


The aim is to have a good closure of the subbox.

On the cover of the amp, I’ll also stick this, so it can’t vibrate.


This self-adhesive 2mm rubber will get in between the rings of the speakers, and the aluminium.

Also to prevent vibration.



I also got the O-ring for the finishing touch.


As for the material, I’ve got everything to finish the trunk.

The biggest problem now it the cold weather. I went over there to take some pictures, and check a few things, but after a few mintues, I was almost completely frozen.

So I’ll have to wait for better temperatures to continue this project

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Invité §rob674AK

I’m back in business! The goal now is to complete the entire sub-box.

First off all, I sanded the aluminum parts, in which the cables run through, firmly, because I was going to polish them.

I did the solid bar first, because I would take longer than the rest.

First I sanded it with the machine, this with a 240.

After that, with a wet 600, then 800 – 1200, and I stopped with a 2000. When I completed all of these steps, it was 2 hours later.

To do this in a safe way, I screwed the ruler on a piece of wood. By doing this you exclude the possibility to burn your hands when holding the wood, and it’s almost impossible that your piece hits the brush.

You can also see that I taped the plank with tape. I do this always so my brush isn’t full with wood splinters, and so you can’t make any scratches.

As for the little parts, I needed to come up with something.

And I found a simple way to fix this.

The piece on the right needed polishing, and on the left you can see how I screwed it.

Off course I also needed to go through all the sanding steps, but this went pretty easy.

I placed this in my drill machine, and let it spin.

So I just had to place the sanding paper against it, and keep it wet.

On the right you can see the sanded piece.

Then this had to get polished too, so I clammed a pliers on it.

So you can hold the little piece against the brush in a safe way.

On the left the result

This was everything that needed to get polished for the subbox.

For those who want to polish something, be carefull with this! And don’t use a big brush.

If you have a descent motor (about 4hp), with a big brush, you have a fat chance that the piece will bite the brush pretty hard, and you’ll feel a big slap in your arms

I also added some LED lights in the box.

I also mounted the self-adhesive mousse, so the box will be tightly closed.

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Invité §rob674AK

The first piece of the polo-ice, is ready, the sub box. yihaa


About the connections, I’m very pleased I’ve done it like this...


I thought everything will go much smoother by making this so, but you can forget it.

I had a huge amount of work trying to mount it all nicely, and getting it all aligned.


The O-rings are the finishing touch in my opinion.


The cables were the things I had the most amount of work on. These need to be placed in the same line, and then again, have the same curve. To do this I made a couple of cardboard molds and checked for over 500 times if everything was correct.

This was something people would have a comment on like “cool, but the cables are not all the same, and offcourse, I want to prevent that to happen in any way


I spread the 4 connections over 3 days. I mean, when you checked something about 300, you make yourself crazy, and you don't see little errors anymore.

The day after, you immediately see something appear, and the day after that you can make it for 100% perfect.

You can judge yourself, but the picture doesn't give a perfect image, cause it wasn't possible with my camera to put they all in one row.


When you look at the connection in the front, it seems like this is morde round than the other one, but that's not true.

I'm pleased how it looks now, but I've put a lot of work in this little box.

I added some lights too, and it sure looks nice (if I may say so myself), but I'm going to wait some more before posting this



The subs are hooked on, and the next thing I'm going to do is to mount the box in the polo.

The amplifier is going to be hooked on when it's mounted in the car. It will be much easier to work on.


Up to the next..

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Invité §rob674AK

I’ve taken some pictures of the subbox with the lights on. This wasn’t that simple. Once it’s all finished, I’ll ask a friend of mine, who has some professional material, to do a shoot for me.

He took shots from the interior-lighting from the bimmer last year, and that was BAM!


As you can see I chose red. The interior lighting is also red and white, but white sounded a bit “boring” for me.




The only thing I can’t stand, is the reflection of the LED’s in the polished bar.



I had this in the bimmer too, that’s why I’m going to experiment with this problem…


If I can trust the weather-man here in Belgium, it’s going to get pretty cold again…so the thing is that I’ll have the put the works on pause again

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Invité §rob674AK

I was sick for a couple of weeks, but now I’m cured, and ready for take-off!

At least, I thought I was…till I saw there was a crack in the glass.



After some swearing I screwed it loose.

I thought “let’s cut it loose from the aluminium, but damn, was that disappointing”



The easiest thing to do was to crush it all with a hammer, and then cut the Tec7 through with a nice.

A really sh*tty job



Of course I had to find the cause of this problem, and I found it immediately. The alu framework, where the glass rests upon, isn’t 100% equal, so it’s normal that it broke.

Now, I rather have this going bad now, then when it’s all finished.


The glass is ordered, and tomorrow I’m going to do it all over again.




sh*t happens

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Invité §rob674AK

I’ve started covering the parts for in the trunk.

The alu part you see in the hole, is the plate I made so the little door will not be able to shift backwards.


Here the little door when it was freshly sawn, just need to cover it. The plate harnesses itself in the hole, and I’ll tell you how to take it out, once it’s covered in clothing.


This is the left side


I covered this last night, and where I’m working now, I haven’t got so much ligt. So when I looked at my work outside today, I… @$esd)!

Here you can see why.



The colour of the lower part is a bit more dark , and I didn’t see that. I bought 2 rolls of fabric, and apparently it wasn’t the same color.

So I’ll have to start again.





Every disadvantage has an advantage … Now I’m going to know how strong the glue is I’ve used



F-ckin’ hell!

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Invité §rob674AK

Because we bought some winter-tires a couple of months ago, I also needed a set of alu rims to get some summer-tires on.

Original there’s a 15 inch on there, and off course I wanted to go 17 or 18inch… But as I said before, this car is for daily use, and my wife would have chopped my head off if I went bigger in size.



So I let here make a decision, and personally, I think she’s done a good job.

These are ordered, so I’m waiting delivery in a couple of days.



The ICE-project is on hold for the moment, it’s just too damn cold in my garage.

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Invité §roa603Gq

Cool as f**k, everything just rules in this project. Keep on that way, it's just brilliant!

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