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European Ford GT Owners Club

How to buy a Ford GT ? / Comment acheter une Ford GT ?

Saint Ho

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Invité §GT1716Ya

Ford GT in Tungsten for sale in Colchester, Essex, UK


A two UK owner 2006 Ford GT kept in immaculate condition. This car has been owned and enjoyed by just two owners since arrving in the UK in February 2008. Since then the car has been kept in excellent order with a full service history and full documentation. The car has never required any body repairs and benefits from a comprehensive history file documenting the cars time in the UK. The car is in our showroom at Colchester. Please contact David Jones on +44 (0)1206 562800 for further details.


Serviced less than six months ago with a valid MOT and tax.


Registration number R8 FGT is also available by negotiation.


Asking price £159,000


Front 1.jpg

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Nice start for your Business, Dave.


Already two Ford GT sold, and each, in a few days.

Are buyers queuing out the door of GT101 ?

In any case, he did not have time to think !



Beau démarrage pour votre Entreprise, Dave.

Déjà deux Ford GT vendues, et chacune en quelques jours.

Les acheteurs font-ils la queue devant la porte de GT101.

En tout cas, il n'ont pas le temps de la réflexion !

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( Traduction en Français à la suite )




The purpose of this communication is to provide dealers with new information on the Ford GT program and establish timing expectations for the ordering process.


Ford GT Program Update

Raj Nair, Ford’s Global Director of Product Development will be making the following announcement to a gathering of Ford GT owners on Thursday, August 27, 2015:

Ford will introduce a unique ordering process for the all-new Ford GT supercar, with the program commencing in early 2016.

Ford GTs will be assigned based on a customer application process, offering a personalized experience for every Ford GTbuyer.

Anyone can apply; priority will be given to loyal Ford customers including current Ford GT owners.

Applicants selected through the process will be assigned a car by Ford and complete their purchase through a Ford GT certified dealership of their choice.

Additional Information for Dealers

The Ford GT customer application process will begin in early 2016. Details on the application process will be provided closer to the application process start date.

Ford dealers will be able to opt-in and certify to sell the Ford GT. Details on the sales certification requirements will be communicated later this year.

A separate process will be established for Ford Dealership owners who wish to register and own a new Ford GT.

Limited production, high cost materials/parts and unique technologies will require unique factory-sponsored processes and resources to support customers and dealers. A separate service opt-in and certification process will be communicated in Q2/Q3 2016.

We recommend that dealers refrain from taking customer deposits.

As we continue to develop and refine the unique customer selection, allocation, and distribution processes for this extremely low-volume supercar, we will keep dealers fully informed.




Mode de commercialisation de la nouvelle Ford GT.


( Communication de Raj Nair, Directeur mondial du développement des produit de Ford, à l’occasion d’un rassemblement de propriétaires de Ford GT, le 27 Août, 2015 ).


Début 2016, Ford va introduire un processus de commande unique pour la toute nouvelle « super car » Ford GT.

Les Ford GT seront attribuée de façon personnalisées, à la suite d’un examen de la demande des candidats à l’achat.

Chacun pourra faire une demande, et la priorité sera donnée aux clients fidèles, y compris aux actuels propriétaires d’une Ford GT.

Les candidats sélectionnés à travers ce processus, pourront commander leur voiture chez le concessionnaire « certifié Ford GT » de leur choix.


Informations supplémentaires pour les concessionnaires


Le processus de demande d’achat d’une Ford GT commencera au début de 2016. Les détails seront fournis peu avant le lancement de l’opération.

Les détails sur la façon d’être « certifié Ford GT » seront communiqués plus tard, cette année.


Une production limitée, des matériaux chers, des pièces uniques et des technologies pointues, nécessiteront des qualification particulière pour les concessionnaires. Un processus de service opt-in et de certification séparée sera communiqué en Q2 / Q3 2016.


Nous recommandons aux concessionnaires de s’abstenir de demander acomptes à la clientèle.

Nous sommes en cours de développement et d’affinement du processus de sélection des acheteurs, de la répartition, et de la distribution de ce très faible volume de super car. Nous informerons pleinement les concessionnaires.

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The application process for the new Ford GT is just arrived on line :

(Le formulaire d’inscription vient tout juste d’être mis en ligne ) :


Good luck.

Bonne chance.

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Saint Ho, depuis quelques mois tu étais au pied de l'escalier, contemplant le sommet... :bounce:


Depuis hier tu as le pied sur la première marche... :hot:


Personne ici ne doute que dans quelques mois tu auras gravi entièrement l'escalier :sol:





(Sorry, this private joke can not be translated :ange: : have a look here )

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Merci Ched, pour le rappel de ce grand moment d'émotion que fut la longue attente de ma Cobra.

La concernant, les meilleurs instants de l'amour, furent effectivement l'attente, le désir et les caresses.

Je ne regrette aucune de ces heures d'intense émotion.

Par la suite, j'ai beaucoup moins apprécié la sauvagerie et la brutalité de la belle, dans les étreintes.


Voici un souvenir d'un des meilleurs moments, d'ailleurs vécu à ton initiative.





Tina sortant du Château de Dampierre- Allégée-.jpg

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These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) contain important information regarding the Ford GT Application Program (the “Program”) conducted by Ford Motor Company (“Ford”). Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. By submitting an application in the Program, you represent that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and that you will comply with all of the requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION.


Ford is conducting the Program in connection with the upcoming introduction of the 2017 and 2018 Ford GT supercars (each a “GT” and collectively, “GTs”). Ford intends to manufacture very limited quantities of the GT and to make available via the Program a minimum of one hundred and fifty (150) 2017 GTs and a minimum of one hundred and fifty (150) 2018 GTs. Because Ford anticipates that there will be more potential purchasers than there are available GTs, Ford intends through the Program to select individuals who will be invited to discuss a potential purchase of a GT on terms to be agreed to by the seller and the purchaser.


The purpose of the Program is to identify potential GT purchasers. The Program is not an offer by Ford or any dealer to sell a GT, and submission of an application is not an offer by the applicant to purchase a GT. Sales of the GT will be made by Ford dealers in the Participating Territories (as defined below) (except with respect to sales in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, as to which sales will be made by Ford or Ford affiliates). The Ford dealers that are involved in sales of the GT outside of the countries specified in the prior sentence are not employees, affiliates or subsidiaries of Ford. Applicants who will be invited to discuss with a Ford dealer a potential purchase of a GT (“Selected Applicants”) will be directed to Ford dealers. The purchase price and all other terms of sale will be determined by the seller in accordance with such terms and processes as the seller may establish. Each seller of a GT will have the right to condition the sale on the purchaser’s agreement to restrictions on resale or transfer of the GT or to a right of the seller to repurchase the GT within specified time periods, to the extent such restrictions or requirements are permitted under applicable law. Submitting an application does not guarantee that you will be selected as a Selected Applicant. Submitting an application is only an indication of your potential interest in purchasing a GT. If you are identified as a Selected Applicant, that selection will not obligate you to purchase a GT. If you are selected as a Selected Applicant, there is no guarantee that you will be offered an opportunity to purchase a GT, because the terms of any purchase are subject to mutual agreement by the pertinent seller and the prospective purchaser. GTs will be delivered only to locations in which sale and delivery of the GT is lawful. The Program is not a lottery, sweepstakes, contest, game, commercial competition, prize competition or promotion.


The “Participating Territories” are Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Macau, the Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.


The Program is open only to natural persons who (a) are able to take delivery of the car in a Participating Territory; (b) are of sufficient age to enter into a legal agreement for the purchase a GT; and © are of legal driving age in their jurisdiction of residence.


Ford will accept applications in the Program beginning on April 13, 2016 at approximately 4:01 AM GMT. The period through which Ford will accept applications (the "Application Period") will continue through approximately 3:59 AM GMT on May 12, 2016 for vehicles to be delivered in any Participating Territory other than China, Macau and Philippines and through approximately 3:59 AM GMT on May 24, 2016 for vehicles delivered in China, Macau and Philippines. Submission of an application will require the applicant to provide the applicant’s name, address, telephone number and email address and such other information as Ford may require in the application. Each applicant will also be required to answer one or more questions concerning the applicant and his or her relationship to Ford, if any, and other questions intended to provide Ford with information about the applicant and his or her interest in the GT and experiences as a car owner. To be considered, the application must be complete and all required information submitted by no later than the applicable end of the Application Period. Application times will be determined by Ford. Each applicant must answer all questions and provide all requested information truthfully, accurately and completely. All information provided in the application must be accurate and provided with the express authorization of the applicant in the event that the application is completed by a third-party on applicant’s behalf. Additionally, each applicant must also expressly acknowledge and agree to these Terms and Conditions, the Terms of Use and Ford’s Privacy Policies.


After the conclusion of the Application Period, the Selected Applicants will be determined by Ford (in its sole discretion), based on Ford’s evaluation of the information provided by the applicants through the Program and Ford’s determination of the applicants that are best suited to enjoy the GT, taking into account, among other things, each applicant’s interest in Ford cars and the GT and in collectible cars generally, each applicant’s relationship with Ford (if any) and each applicant’s involvement in the motorsports community (if any). Such review and determination will be made by a panel of Ford executives (and/or such other representatives and agents designated by Ford) in the United States and/or by executives of Ford’s affiliated companies (and/or such other representatives and agents designated by Ford) in other Participating Territories (as applicable). The selection of the Selected Applicants, and all other determinations in connection with the Program, will be made by Ford in its sole discretion based on both objective and subjective factors. The number of Selected Applicants will be determined by Ford in its sole discretion. Ford may allocate particular quantities of Selected Applicants to particular Participating Territories. With respect to any particular Participating Territory, there is no guarantee that any GTs, or any particular quantity of GTs, will be made available for purchase by residents of that Participating Territory. During the course of Ford’s evaluation, Ford reserves the right to contact and interview applicants, and/or request additional materials in support of an application. All decisions of Ford will be binding, and each applicant agrees to comply with all such decisions. Selected Applicants will not be determined in a random drawing or similar mechanism. All review and selection assessments and determinations will be strictly confidential, and Ford will not be obligated to disclose any information regarding the application and selection process for the Program, other than as otherwise set forth in these Terms and Conditions. In determining the Selected Applicants, Ford will not discriminate on any basis prohibited by applicable laws, which may include, age, race, ethnic origin, sex or gender, gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, citizenship, marital status, family status, civil status, birth, caste, wealth, religion, creed or beliefs, political beliefs, trade union convictions, language, current or future state of health, disability, physical or genetic characteristics, membership of the travelling community or social origin.


Ford expects that Selected Applicants will be notified of their selection, using the e-mail information provided by the Selected Applicants in their applications, on or around July 2016. Ford may also in its sole discretion identify and/or notify applicants who will be placed on a waitlist in case any Selected Applicants determine not to purchase a GT. Ford will send up to 5 e-mails over a 120 hour period following selection to contact the potential Selected Applicant. If the potential Selected Applicant does not respond to Ford’s e-mail during the 120 hour period in which he/she is contacted (no phone calls will be made, nor will messages will be left on answering machines or voicemail systems), the potential Selected Applicant will be excluded, at Ford’s discretion. If Ford is successful in contacting the potential Selected Applicant, he or she must (a) within 10 days of being contacted by Ford, provide Ford with all requested information in order for Ford to prove eligibility, and (b) within 10 days of receipt of such documents from Ford, complete, sign and deliver to Ford any legal documentation furnished by Ford for purposes of verifying Selected Applicant’s eligibility and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the conditions of participation in the Program, which may include, without limitation, an affidavit of eligibility and release of Released Parties (as defined below). Participation in this program constitutes your agreement to provide, sign and/or timely deliver all such information and documents (as applicable).


The application process will require each applicant to provide certain information and to answer certain questions. The application process also may permit (but will not require) applicants to submit or provide links to videos that demonstrate why the applicant would be a desirable GT owner, among other things. All information and material supplied or made available by any applicant in the Program (collectively, “Application Content”) must not contain any material that violates or infringes upon the rights of any third party, including without limitation any copyright, trademark or rights of privacy or publicity, or that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to any applicable law or regulation. By submitting any Application Content, the applicant represents and warrants that the Application Content does not contain any such material and irrevocably grants to Ford and its parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, and the successors, agents, licensees and assigns of each of the foregoing (collectively, the “Program Entities”) a non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, edit and otherwise use the Application Content (and/or any portion thereof), in perpetuity, throughout the world, in all media and formats whether now or later known or developed, in connection with the administration of the Program and for any other lawful purposes (including, without limitation, in connection with the advertising, marketing and promotion of the GT and/or other Ford products and services), without further notice or compensation, unless prohibited by law.


By submitting an application in the Program, you release and agree to hold each of the Program Entities, all other companies involved in the development or operation of the Program, and the directors, officers, employees, agents and assigns of all of the foregoing (collectively, the “Released Parties”), harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liability arising out of and/or related to your participation in the Program, the operation of the Program Website, and/or the promotion, offering or operation of the Program. You assume all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused, by participation in the Program. The Released Parties are not responsible for any typographical or other error in any communication relating to the Program or the administration of the Program.


Applicants will not be required to, but may in Ford’s discretion be requested to, participate in publicity or promotional activities. Applicants will not be obligated to consent to participation in, or to use of the applicant’s name or likeness in, any publicity or promotional activities.


By submitting an application in the Program, each applicant agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Program shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action (Note: Some jurisdictions do not allow restricting access to class actions. This provision will not apply to you if you live in such a jurisdiction.), (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, and where permitted by applicable laws, the lesser of such amount and $1.00, including costs associated with submitting an application in the Program, but in no event attorneys' fees and © under no circumstances will any applicant be permitted to obtain any award for, and applicant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses. Except to the extent that applicable law requires otherwise, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms and Conditions, or the rights and obligations of the applicants and Ford in connection with the Program, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan in the United States of America without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. If a court determines that any term or condition in these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, then such term or condition will be eliminated and the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force and effect and shall be interpreted so as to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the eliminated term or condition to the extent possible. Any legal proceedings arising out of the Program or relating to these Terms and Conditions shall be instituted only in the courts located in Wayne County, Michigan, waiving any right to trial by jury. Each applicant consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts with respect to any legal proceedings or disputes of whatever nature arising under or relating to these rules or the Program and waives any objection that any such court is an improper or inconvenient forum. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any Program information provided elsewhere, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail. In some countries you might have legal rights that may not be waived or derogated by contract. Nothing in this terms and conditions limits legal rights that may not be waived or derogated by contract.


By submitting any information, you agree to be bound by the website Privacy Policy displayed on the Ford GT application website footer, and the Privacy Policy governing the GT Application, which is also available on the Ford GT application website (including any licenses, permissions or grants or rights contained therein) (together, the “Privacy Policies”).


Each applicant who purchasers a GT must comply with all applicable export and re-export control agreements, laws, and regulations, including the Export Administration Regulations maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce, trade and economic sanctions maintained by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. Each applicant agrees that the applicant shall not ­ directly or indirectly ­ sell, export, re-export, transfer, divert, or otherwise dispose of any GT to any destination, entity, or person prohibited by the laws or regulations of the United States, without obtaining prior authorization from Ford and the competent government authorities as required by those laws and regulations. Currently, prohibited destinations include Iran, Syria, Sudan, North Korea, Cuba, and Crimea. Each applicant shall indemnify Ford, to the fullest extent permitted by law from and against any fines or penalties that may arise as a result of the applicant breach of this provision. This export control clause shall survive termination or cancellation of these Terms and Conditions.


Ford reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions or to modify, suspend or terminate the Program at any time in its sole discretion. Ford reserves the right to adjust any of the dates and/or times stated in these Terms and Conditions to the extent Ford deems such adjustment necessary as a result of any technical or other problem or because of any other circumstance that, in the opinion of Ford, affects the proper administration of the Program, or for any other reason, in Ford’s discretion and without prior notice. The Released Parties are not responsible for late or incomplete applications, incorrect or inaccurate capture of, damage to, or loss of applications or Application Content, or any other human, mechanical or technical errors of any kind relating to the submission, collection, storage or processing of applications or the administration of the Program. Ford reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify or prohibit from participating in the Program any individual who, in Ford’s discretion, Ford determines or believes (a) has tampered with the application process, or has undermined the proper operation of the Program by engaging in hacking, deception or other unfair practices, (b) has engaged in conduct that annoys, abuses, threatens or harasses any other applicant or any representative of Ford or © has attempted or intends to attempt any of the foregoing. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN APPLICANT TO DELIBERATELY UNDERMINE THE PROPER OPERATION OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, FORD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Ford reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend the Program should a technical problem, applicant fraud or misconduct, or other cause beyond the control of Ford corrupt the administration, integrity, security or proper operation of the Program or if for any other reason Ford is not able to conduct the Program as planned (including without limitation in the event the operation of the Program is interfered with by any fire, flood, epidemic, earthquake, explosion, labor dispute or strike, act of God or of public enemy, communications failure, riot or civil disturbance, war (declared or undeclared), terrorist threat or activity or any law, order or regulation or court order). Any rights obtained by an applicant in connection with the Program are not transferrable. By participating in the Program, applicants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


The Program is conducted by Ford Motor Company, World Headquarters, One American Road, Dearborn, MI 48126. If you have any questions or complaints regarding these Terms and Conditions and/or the Program, please contact us at . Ford will respond within 14 days of receipt of your question or complaint.

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Recall :

  • The new Ford GT is scheduled to be built in 1 000 cars, spread over 4 years.
  • Ford decided to select among the candidates for purchase, according to only its own criteria, the 1 000 being the best able to enhance the image of the Company and the car.



After only one week of collection of applications for purchase, Ford has received 7000 formal requests !!!


Places will be very expensive.




Rappel :

  • La nouvelle Ford GT est prévue pour être construite en 1000 exemplaires étalés sur 4 an.
  • Ford a décidé de sélectionner parmi les candidats à l’achat, ceux qui selon ses seuls critères, seraient les plus aptes à valoriser l’image de la marque et de la voiture.



A l’issue de la première semaines de recueil des candidatures à l’achat, Ford a déjà reçu 7 000 demandes formelles !!!


Les places seront très chères.

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The application process for the purchase of one of the first 500 new Ford GT is closed.

L'opération de candidature à l'achat d'une des 500 premières nouvelles Ford GT est close.

DEARBORN, Mich., May 13, 2016 –

After more than 10,800 people showed interest online in buying a new Ford GT, Ford received 6,506 fully completed applications from people around the world in the one-month window to apply to purchase the new EcoBoost-powered, carbon-fiber supercar during its first application window.

The number of applicants spiked in the last six days during which 32 percent of the total fully completed applications were completed before the window closed.

“We’re excited by the amount of enthusiasm fans are showing for the new Ford GT,” says Dave Pericak, director, Global Ford Performance. “This initial application window is just one of many ways fans and potential owners will have to connect with our all-new supercar even before it hits the streets.”

Ford is now reviewing applications from those 6,506 potential supercar buyers and will start notifying potential owners in the next 90 days.

Hundreds of registrants submitted videos with their applications during the month-long application window, hoping to bolster their chances of purchasing one of the first 500 new Ford GTs.

Creative applicants featured children, lighting effects, racing footage, revving engines, garage tours and life stories to show why they should own the all-new Ford GT.

The all-new production supercar is expected to start arriving in customers’ garages by the end of 2016.

While the initial application window is closed, Ford GT fans can continue building and sharing virtual models, building on the more than 481,000 enthusiasts in the U.S. who have visited the site since its launch April 13.

Almost 200,000 fans in the U.S. already have visited the website’s virtual configurator, which lets anyone build the Ford GT of their dreams and provides links to share images of their virtual build via social media. The configurator’s default exterior color of Frozen White continues to be the favorite, followed by Liquid Blue.


DEARBORN, Michigan, le 13 mai, 2016 -.

Après que plus de 10 800 personnes aient manifesté par Internet, leur souhait d'acheter une nouvelle Ford GT, Ford a finalement enregistré 6 506 demandes dûment remplies par des gens du monde entier pendant le mois où cette possibilité était offerte. C’était la première opération de recueil de candidatures à l’achat de la Super-Car en fibre de carbone équipée du moteur EcoBoost à compresseur.

Au cours des six derniers jours de l’opération, ce nombre a augmenté de 32 pour cent du total des demandes dûment remplies. (Note du traducteur : Ceci provient de la possibilité laissée aux candidats de modifier ou d’enrichir leur argumentaire jusqu’au dernier instant).

« Nous sommes enthousiasmés par la passion dont les fans de la nouvelle Ford GT font preuve », dit Dave Pericak, directeur, Global Ford Performance. « Cette fenêtre de consultation initiale est juste une des nombreuses façons, pour les fans et les propriétaires potentiels d’entrer en contact avec notre toute nouvelle Super-Car avant même qu'elle n’apparaisse dans les rues."

Ford est en train d'examiner les demandes de ces 6 506 acheteurs potentiels de la Super-Car et elle informera les propriétaires potentiels dans les 90 prochains jours.

Des centaines de personnes ont incorporé des vidéos à leur manifestation de candidature, dans l'espoir d’augmenter leur chance d'acheter une des 500 premières nouvelles Ford GT produites.

Les candidats ont été créatifs, mettant en scène leurs enfants, des effets d'éclairage, des séquences de course, des moteurs, des visites de garage et des histoires de vie pour justifier la raison pour laquelle ils devraient posséder la toute nouvelle Ford GT.

La toute nouvelle Super-Car devrait commencer à arriver dans les garages des clients d'ici la fin de l'année 2016.

Bien que la fenêtre de consultation initiale soit fermée, les fans Ford GT peuvent continuer à construire et partager des modèles virtuels, sur la base de plus de 481.000 amateurs dans les États-Unis qui ont visité le site depuis son lancement 13 Avril.

Près de 200.000 fans aux États-Unis ont déjà visité le configurateur virtuel du site, qui permet à quiconque de construire la Ford GT de ses rêves et fournit des liens pour partager des images de leur construction virtuelle via les médias sociaux. La couleur blanche pour l’extérieur est la préférée, suivie de Liquid Blue.

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Good morning.


The call for applications to buy one of the first 500 (on 1000 to produce) new Ford GT, gathered 13 times more requests than offers.

Ford has just announced to each candidate if he had been selected or not to make this purchase.


The European Club would like to know if you had attended the formal application, and if you have been selected.


Thank you in advance for your answer, or on that forum, or on


Best regards.



Director of the European Ford GT Owners Club.






L’appel à candidature pour acheter une des 500 premières (sur 1000 à produire) nouvelles Ford GT, avait enregistré 13 fois plus de demandes que d’offres.

Ford vient de faire savoir à chaque candidat, s’il avait été sélectionné ou non pour faire cet achat.


Le Club européen souhaiterait savoir si vous aviez participé à la demande officielle, et si vous avez été sélectionné.


Merci d’avance pour votre réponse, soit sur ce forum, soit à


Salutations distinguées.



Directeur du European Ford GT Owners Club.

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One of our German friends sold his Ford GT:

Color "Gulf", first hand, 16 000 km, perfect condition, registered in Germany.

Asking price € 370,000.


Un de nos amis allemand vend sa Ford GT :

Couleur « Gulf », première main, 16 000 km, parfait état, immatriculée en Allemagne.

Prix demandé 370 000 €.




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Traduction en Français à la suite.

Ford Performance to Extend Production of All-New Ford GT Supercar an Additional Two Years

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 19, 2016

Ford Performance will offer the all-new Ford GT for two additional production years, bringing the production commitment of the carbon fiber supercar to a total of four years

Potential customers who already applied to purchase Ford GT will only need to update their request when the next application window reopens in early 2018

Additional production supports Ford Performance decision to race Ford GT in both IMSA and World Endurance Championship (WEC) series for four years

“While we can’t build enough Ford GTs for everyone who has applied, we are going to produce additional vehicles in an effort to satisfy more of our most loyal Ford ambassadors,” says Dave Pericak, global director, Ford Performance. “We want to keep Ford GT exclusive, but at the same time we know how vital this customer is to our brand.”

Year three of production will support applicants who were placed on the wait list; previously deferred applicants and those who missed the initial application window will be served by production year four. The application process for fourth-year production will reopen in early 2018. Those who already applied to own the car will only need to update their request.

“Ford GT has racing in its blood,” says Raj Nair, Ford executive vice president, product development, and chief technical officer. “The road car and race car will live on, side-by-side, for the next four years – providing ample opportunity to test and prove innovative new technologies both on and off the track.”



Ford Performance annonce deux années de production supplémentaires de la nouvelle Ford GT.

PEBBLE BEACH, Californie, le 19 août, 2016

Ford Performance construira la toute nouvelle Ford GT pendant deux ans de plus, ce qui porte l'engagement de la production de sa Supercar en fibre de carbone à un total de quatre ans

Les clients potentiels qui ont déjà postulé à l’achat de la Ford GT auront seulement à mettre à jour leur demande, lors du prochain appel à candidature qui aura lieu au début de 2018

La production additionnelle découle de la décision de Ford, d’engager la Ford GT dans le Championnat IMSA et dans le Championnat du Monde d'Endurance (WEC) pendant quatre ans.

« Bien que nous ne puissions pas construire assez Ford GT pour satisfaire tous ceux qui souhaitent en acheter une, nous allons produire des véhicules supplémentaires, pour donner satisfaction plus de nos ambassadeurs les plus fidèles », déclare Dave Pericak, Directeur mondial, de Ford Performance.

« Nous voulons que la Ford GT reste exclusive, mais en même temps, nous savons à quel point nos clients sont importants pour le rayonnement de notre marque ».

La production de la troisième année est destinée aux candidats qui ont été inscrits sur la liste d’attente.

La production de la quatrième année destinée à des candidats non retenus lors de la première consultation, ou n’ayant pas participé à celle-ci.

Le processus de demande pour la production de quatrième année sera lancé au début de 2018. Ceux qui ont déjà participé à la première consultation, devront seulement mettre à jour leur demande.

« La Ford GT a la course dans le sang », dit Raj Nair ( Vice-président exécutif de Ford, Responsable du développement de produits, et Directeur technique). « La voiture de route et voiture de course qui vont vivre côte à côte les quatre prochaines années, vont permettre de tester et de valider amplement les technologies innovantes à la fois sur et hors de la piste ».

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Some reflections inspired by the price of the Ford GT 2005, at the auction of July 2 in Monaco :


1 / It is confirmed that for a car in perfect condition and having a exceptionally small mileage, the average price of the Market turns around

300 000 / 350 000 €.

2 / It is also confirmed that the arrival of the 2017 model does not affect the price of the previous model.

3 / Managing the Owners Club, I strongly regret such a high price. The consequence is that the 2005 Ford GT 2005 / 2006, is now to expensive for simple enthusiasts. At this price, it becomes accessible only to collectors / speculators. The last cars thus bought do not come out of their boxes and disappear from the gatherings. For the Club, it is a shame.




Quelques réflexions inspirées par le prix de la Ford GT 2005, aux enchères du 2 Juillet dernier à Monaco :

  • 1 / Il se confirme que pour une voiture en parfait état et ayant exceptionnellement peu roulé, le prix moyen du Marché tourne autour de 300 000 / 350 000 €.
  • 2 / Il se confirme également que l’apparition du modèle 2017 n’affecte ps le prix du modèle précédent.
  • 3 / En tant qu’Animateur du Club des Propriétaires, je regrette fortement que ce prix soit aussi élevé. La conséquence en est que la Ford GT 2005 / 2006 échappe désormais aux simples amateurs passionnés. A ce prix là, elle ne devient accessible qu’à des collectionneurs / spéculateurs. Le dernières voitures ainsi achetées ne sortent pas de leurs écrins et disparaissent des rassemblements. Dommage.


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FOR SALE 290 000 €.

Model 2005, belonging to a French member of the Club, located near Paris.

20 000 km.

Exhaust "Sport". Opening of doors in "elytra" (modification made in England).

Registered in England. (Cost of homologation / registration in France = Approximately € 10,000).


A VENDRE 290 000 €.

Modèle 2005, appartenant à un membre Français du Club, localisé près de Paris.

20 000 km.

Echappement « Sport ». Ouverture des portes en « élytres » (modification faite en Angleterre).

Immatriculée en Angleterre. ( Coût de l’homologation / immatriculation en France = Environ 10 000€).


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( Texte en français à la suite)





The latest "bid to buy a new Ford GT" operation has just been completed.

This time again, there will be many more disappointed than buyers selected by Ford.


The candidates filled out an abundant questionnaire and pleaded for their cause with text, photos, videos, etc ....

One of them even had a banner pulled by a plane, above the offices of Ford !!!



La toute dernière opération de « candidature à l’achat d’une nouvelle Ford GT », vient de s’achever.

Cette fois encore, il y aura beaucoup plus de déçus que d’acheteurs sélectionnés par Ford.

Les candidats ont rempli un abondant questionnaire et plaidé pour leur cause avec texte, photos, vidéos, etc….

L’un d’eux a même fait tirer une bannière par un avion, au dessus des bureaux de Ford !!!


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  • La première Ford GT Heritage Edition 2019, aux couleurs de GULF, s'est vendue 2,5 millions de dollars (2,5 millions frais compris).
  • -----------------------------------------

• The first 2019 Ford GT Heritage Edition with famed Gulf racing theme sold for $2.5 million ( 2,5 million fees included).


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(Texte en Français à la suite)





Almost a year after Ford sued Mecum Auctions for bidding and auctioning a Ford GT model that should not have been sold, both sides reached an agreement.

The case dates back to last May. Mecum Auctions then auctioned off a Ford GT owned by Mr John W. Miller, a model that had covered just ten miles, which was finally being sold to Mr Michael J. Flynn for an amount of $ 1,815,000.

The problem is that every buyer of a new Ford GT is required to keep his vehicle for at least two years. The presentation of this chassis at auction should never have taken place, and despite his efforts Ford has not managed to block the sale.

Since then, Ford and Mecum Auctions have tried to agree that such a situation will not happen again in the future, and the two parties have reached a simple agreement: Mecum Auctions will not propose more model Ford GT less of two years during his vacations, and no copy of the new Ford GT will be offered at auction without the agreement of the manufacturer to the blue oval.

Compensation resulting from the settlement of this dispute, paid by Mecum Auctions to Ford, will be donated to charities through the Ford Motor Company Fund.


(Texte en Français)

Quasiment un an après que Ford a entamé des poursuites contre Mecum Auctions pour avoir proposé et vendu aux enchères un modèle Ford GT qui n'aurait pas dû faire l'objet d'une telle vente, les deux parties sont parvenues à un accord.

L'affaire remonte au mois de mai dernier. Mecum Auctions avait alors proposé aux enchères lors de son rendez-vous d'Indianapolis, une Ford GT appartenant à Mr John W. Miller, un modèle ayant couvert à peine dix miles qui était finalement vendu à Mr Michael J. Flynn pour un montant de 1 815 000 $.

Le problème est que chaque acheteur d'une Ford GT neuve, est tenu de conserver son véhicule au minimum deux ans. La présentation de ce châssis aux enchères n'aurait donc jamais dû avoir lieu, et malgré ses efforts Ford n'est pas parvenu à bloquer la vente.

Depuis, Ford et Mecum Auctions ont donc tenté de se mettre d'accord pour que pareille situation ne se reproduise pas à l'avenir, et les deux parties sont parvenues à un accord simple : Mecum Auctions ne proposera plus de modèle Ford GT de moins de deux ans lors de ses vacations, et aucun exemplaire de la nouvelle Ford GT ne sera proposé aux enchères sans l'accord du constructeur à l'ovale bleu.

Les indemnités découlant du règlement de ce litige, versées par Mecum Auctions à Ford, seront quant à elles été données à des œuvres caritatives par l'intermédiaire de la Ford Motor Company Fund.

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(Texte en Français à la suite)

The latest European NFGT buyers, only designated end of 2019.


Ford has just sent this surprising letter to a European candidate for the purchase of one of the last Ford GT.


« Dear Mr. XXX


Following up on your recent bid to acquire a Ford GT, we are pleased to inform you that the European applicants selected for the 2021 and 2022 productions will be announced towards the end of this year.


We are currently working to bring new productions into line with the latest standards. As soon as this is done, we will be sure to keep you informed, before ordering and start production for deliveries from 2020 ».


Les derniers acheteurs de NFGT européens, seulement désignés fin 2019.

Ford vient d'envoyer cette surprenante lettre, à un candidat européen à l'achat d'une des dernières Ford GT.

« Cher Monsieur XXX

Pour faire suite à votre récente candidature à l’acquisition d’une Ford GT, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que les candidats européens retenus pour les productions de 2021 et 2022 seront annoncés vers la fin de cette année.

Nous travaillons actuellement à la mise en conformité des nouvelles productions avec les dernières normes en vigueur. Dès que cela sera fait, nous ne manquerons pas de vous tenir informé, avant de cadencer les commandes et démarrer la production en vue de livraisons à partir de 2020 ».

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European standards are continually tightening their requirements for pollution, noise, etc.

Already the Ford GT delivered in Europe from last August, were different from the first.

This surprising delay of decision worries the Europeans, making them think that perhaps Ford will not be able, or will not want to adapt the NFGT to the new requirements.


Les normes européennes durcissent sans cesse leurs exigences en matière de pollution, de bruit, etc.

Déjà les Ford GT livrées en Europe à partir d'août dernier, étaient différentes des premières.

Ce surprenant report de décision inquiète les Européens, en leur faisant penser que peut-être Ford, ne pourrait pas ou ne voudrait pas adapter la NFGT aux nouvelles exigences.

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Officiellement, les derniers acheteurs d’une Ford GT devront attendre 2022 pour recevoir leur voiture. Les livraisons des 1350 exemplaires se sera donc étalée sur 5 ans.

Il se dit qu’une grande partie des dernières voitures produites est destinée à l’Europe. Bonne nouvelle pour le vieux continent.


Officially, the last buyers of a Ford GT will have to wait 2022 to receive their car. Deliveries of 1350 cars will therefore be spread over 5 years.

It is said that a large part of the last produced cars is destined to Europe. Good news for the old continent.

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At auction : An « opportunity to order a Ford GT ».

Aux enchères : Un « droit de commander une Ford GT ».

With the active collaboration of the Ford family, a "Opportunity to Order a Ford GT" was put up for auction.

The buyer paid $ 560,000, which will be donated to a charity.

For this price, he now has the opportunity to order the Ford GT of his choice, and pay the entire bill !


Avec la collaboration active de la famille Ford, un « Droit à commander une Ford GT » a été mis au enchères.

L’acheteur a payé 560 000 $, qui seront versés à une oeuvre de charité.

Pour ce prix, il a désormais la possibilité de commander la Ford GT de son choix, et de payer intégralement la facture !

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Invité §sjd162oF

( Translation into French following)




The purpose of this communication is to provide dealers with new information on the Ford GT program and establish timing expectations for the ordering process.


Ford GT Program Update

Raj Nair, Ford's Global Director of Product Development will be making the following announcement to a gathering of Ford GT owners on Thursday, August 27, 2015: Ford will introduce a unique ordering process for the all-new Ford GT supercar, with the program commencing in early 2016. Ford GTs will be assigned based on a customer application process, offering a personalized experience for every Ford GTbuyer.



Anyone can apply; priority will be given to loyal Ford customers including current Ford GT owners.

Applicants selected through the process will be assigned a car by Ford and complete their purchase through a Ford GT certified dealership of their choice. Additional Information for Dealers The Ford GT customer application process will begin in early 2016. Details on the application process will be provided closer to the application process start date. Ford dealers will be able to opt-in and certify to sell the Ford GT. Details on the sales certification requirements will be communicated later this year. A separate process will be established for Ford Dealership owners mynordstrom help who wish to register and own a new Ford GT.

Limited production, high cost materials / parts and unique technologies will require unique factory-sponsored processes and resources to support customers and dealers. A separate service opt-in and certification process will be communicated in Q2 / Q3 2016. We recommend that dealers refrain from taking customer deposits. As we continue to develop and refine the unique customer selection, allocation, and distribution processes for this extremely low-volume supercar, we will keep dealers fully informed. ——————————————————————————————————————————- How to market the new Ford GT . (Communication from Raj Nair , Ford's Global Product Development Manager, at a gathering of Ford GT owners on August 27, 2015).
















In early 2016, Ford will introduce a unique ordering process for the all-new Ford GT “super car”.

Ford GTs will be allocated in a personalized manner, following an examination of the request of the candidates for purchase.

Anyone can make a request, and priority will be given to loyal customers, including current owners of a Ford GT.

Applicants selected through this process will be able to order their car from the “Ford GT certified” dealer of their choice.


Additional information for dealers


The Ford GT purchase order process will begin in early 2016. Details will be provided shortly before the launch of the deal.

Details on how to be “Ford GT certified” will be released later this year.


Limited production, expensive materials, unique pieces and advanced technologies will require special qualifications for dealers. An opt-in service and separate certification process will be communicated in Q2 / Q3 2016.


We recommend that dealers refrain from asking customer deposits.

We are currently developing and refining the process of selecting buyers, distributing and distributing this very small volume of super car. We will fully inform the dealers.


OK Then what!

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For sale is now probably the most exciting and exclusive Ford vehicle in Europe.


The special Victory livery was adopted from the 2016 Le Mans racing car.

In early 2017, only a handful of Ford GTs were produced in this most exclusive livery. Only one of them was delivered to Europe (Germany).


This Ford GT is almost unique and an exceptional collector's item.


More information here:

If you are seriously interested in buying, please contact me.

André Quakernack.



A vendre : Probablement la Ford GT la plus exclusive en Europe.


Cette configuration s’inspire de celle de la voiture victorieuse aux 24 heures du Mans 2016

Au début de 2017, seule une poignée de Ford GT a été produite dans cette livré exclusive. Un seul d'entre eux a été livré en Europe (Allemagne).

Cette Ford GT est presque unique et est un objet de collection exceptionnel.

Plus d'informations ici :





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Résultats : Une « héritage" (Gulf) ayant roulé 600 miles a fait 390 000 $ avant frais, une noire ayant roulé 300 miles a fait 305 000 $ avant frais, et une blanche ayant 2 miles a fait 340 000 $ avant frais. La NFGT de Cena (contrat avec Ford trahi), avec réserve à 1 million, n’a pas été vendue.


Looks like a 600 mile heritage hammered for 390K, a black no stripe with 300 miles went for 305K and a 2 mile white one sold for 340K. These do not include the buy fee. The Cena NFGT was a no sale at 1 million.


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Le métier de Ford, étant légitimement de faire de l’argent, on ne peut pas lui reprocher d’utiliser tous les moyens pour y parvenir, et pour rentabiliser son investissement.

Le premier « tour de passe-passe » a été le passage d’une limite de production originellement fixée à 500 voiture, puis presque triplée par la suite …. !

Les candidats acheteurs non sélectionnés au départ, s’en réjouissent évidemment, mais quelques uns d’entre eux, se plaignent malgré tout, d’une inflation galopante, et d’options dont le prix facturé est sans rapport avec le surcoût de production.

Quelques exemples relevés en Europe :

  • En 2018, le prix de la voiture de base, la moins chère, était 551 000 €. En 2020, la même voiture est facturée 605 000 €.
  • L’option des « deux bandes peintes », est facturée 10 000 €.
  • L’option « Studio Collection », qui se résume essentiellement à quelques graphismes peints, est facturée de 60 000 € à 85 000 €.
  • L’option « Heritage 2021 », est facturée 791 250 €., et le prix de la nouvelle option « Heritage 2022 », est attendu à un niveau encore supérieur.




Ford's job, being legitimately to make money, we cannot blame it for using all means to achieve it, and to make a return on its investment.

The first « sleight of hand » was the passage of a production limit originally set at 500 cars, then almost tripled thereafter…. !


Candidate buyers who were not initially selected are obviously happy, but a few of them still complain about rampant inflation, and options whose invoiced price is unrelated to the extra cost of production.


Some examples found in Europe :

  • In 2018, the price of the cheapest base car was € 551,000. In 2020, the same car is billed at € 605,000.
  • The "two painted stripes" option is billed at € 10,000.
  • The "Studio Collection" option, which essentially boils down to a few painted graphics, is priced from € 60,000 to € 85,000.
  • The "Heritage 2021" option is billed at € 791,250, and the price of the new "Heritage 2022" option is expected to be even higher.


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Le prix de la rareté est-il raisonnable ?


  • 45 000 $ pour le simple accès à la « Studio Collection ».
  • Plus 65 000 $ pour la double bande.
  • Plus 90 000 $ pour la bande supérieure pleine.
  • Plus 5 000 $ pour les rétroviseurs extérieurs dans la couleur des  bandes.


Is the price of scarcity reasonable?


  • $ 45,000 for simple access to the “Studio Collection”.
  • Plus $ 65,000 for dual band.
  • Plus $ 90,000 for the full top band.
  • Plus $ 5,000 for the exterior mirrors in the color of the stripes.






Modifié par Saint Ho
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Les Ford GT 2005 / 2006, de plus en plus chères, selon Hagerty.

The 2005 / 2006 Ford GTs, more expensive according to Hagerty.


Prix neuf: 150 000 $

Valeur Hagerty # 2: 337 000 $ à 395 000 $


La GT 2005 / 2006, a toujours séduit les collectionneurs, mais avec l'arrivée de la GT 2017 plus chère (la valeur moyenne n ° 2 est de 580 000 $ de plus que la 2005-2006), l'intérêt pour le modèle précédent a repris. En conséquence, la croissance des devis et les valeurs se sont accélérées. ( Hagerty Media ).


Les acheteurs n’ont pas laissé leurs Ford GT 2005 / 2006 au garage, ils les ont utilisées. Des groupes de propriétaires ont immédiatement émergé et créé des forums, des visites et des spectacles de bricolage. Les spécialistes ont constaté que le moteur était suffisamment robuste pour se boulonner sur des turbos ou des superchargeurs plus gros sans nécessiter de reconstruction, et ils ont fait la une des journaux avec des configurations de 1000 chevaux. Une communauté s'est formée autour de cette voiture de sport durable et utilisable. Plus récemment, le film Ford v Ferrari et la nouvelle GT 2017 ont ajouté plus de vent aux voiles de la voiture. Le prix d’un demi-million de dollars de la nouvelle GT et le fait qu’elle ne soit disponible qu’avec une transmission automatique à double embrayage et un V6 biturbo, et non un V8 à boîte manuelle, n’ont fait que relever les valeurs de l’ancienne GT.




Price when new: $150,000

Hagerty #2 value: $337,000–$395,000


The GT has always been collectible, but with the arrival of the more expensive 2017 GT (average #2 value is $580,000 more than the 2005–06), interest in the earlier model has picked up. Quote growth and values have accelerated as a result. ( Hagerty Media ).

However, buyers didn’t park their GTs—they used them. Owner groups immediately emerged and created DIY forums, tours, and shows. Tuners found that the engine was stout enough to bolt on turbos or larger superchargers without requiring a rebuild, and they drew headlines with 1000-hp setups. A community formed around this durable, usable sports car. More recently, the Ford v Ferrari movie and the new-for-2017 GT have added more wind to the car’s sails. The new GT’s half-million-dollar price and the fact that it’s only available with an automated dual-clutch transmission and twin-turbo V-6, not a V-8 with a manual, have only lifted the old GT’s values.



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